
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Danger on Deception Island walkthrough

Katie’s Boat
In the lower bunk, turn around and open the suitcase. See a Beech Hill leaflet. Look at the ice chest behind the white door on the right. Go to the computer table. Notice the paper on the wall above the table saying that there was a town meeting about an orca on Thursday the 16th, 7:30pm at the Swenson Hall. Check Katie’s business card with phone #360-555-2774. Look close at the computer and check the journal, mail, and DI Portal. Read the news on the DI Portal about the burglaries, the orca at the harbor, and the election. Check the calendar. You arrived the day after the orca town meeting. Go to the galley (kitchen). Notice the fridge and items for fixing a sandwich. There’s also a sample jar that shouldn’t be there. Go to the sink and notice that the sink is also damaged. The pipes are under the sink. Put the pipes back in place. After you finish that, look at the business card of Andy Jason of Whale World. Look at the large map on the table and see that the orca is located between Deception and Scraeb Islands. Climb the stairs and find the microscope. There are slide samples in the book on the right for comparison of flea, onion skin, hair, meat, feathers, and butterfly wing in a folder. Look at each of them. See that the books have been removed from the drawer. Open the bottom cabinet and place the books in the drawer. Go to the upper deck and talk to Katie about everything. Turn right after the conversation ends and climb the ladder. Find a “Stop meddling or else” note and notice that the GPS is broken. Press the red button of the wheel and hear a response from another boat. Go back down the ladder and tell Katie the GPS is broken. She advises you to bike to Hot Kettle Café and see if Holt Scotto will lend you a GPS. Get off the boat, turn right, and go up the ramp. Take the helmet and it will go in your inventory. Use the helmet on the bike. You’ll need to do this every time you ride the bike. Bike to the Hot Kettle Café.

Hot Kettle Café
Check the posters outside and then enter the café. Talk to Jenna behind the counter. Talk to Holt who’s sitting at the counter. Holt will give you a quiz before he lends you his GPS. A basket and the quiz are now in your inventory. Talk to Jenna again. Eat some clam chowder. Check the menu board. Look around and see a post card located to the left of the private area about Dungeness crabs. Check the flag chart. Check all the ornate dark panels around the room and see that there’s a puzzle behind three of them relating to deck cards. Look at the book case and check out the Sea Monster book and learn more about Caddy. Go outside and bike to Whale World.

Whale World
Talk to Andy. Note the poster behind him that says there’s a $138.43 penalty for clamming without a permit. Check the museum to your right. Learn about whales. All the games need a key card to play. Go to the gift area by the main entrance door. Look around the gift area, especially the boat in the bottle by the exit door. Ask Andy for the pass for all the games at the museum. Ask him about the boat in the bottle as well. Go back to Katie’s boat.

Katie’s Boat
Go below deck and use the computer. Check the journal for updates. Call Bess and George on your cell phone. Use the directory to call. Read your mail. Now it’s time to work on Holt’s quiz. Use the DI Portal to check the answers to the quiz. Use the scroll bar on the side to see the selections. For the last question, you’ll have to go to the lighthouse beach. Bike to the lighthouse.

Go down to the beach and notice the two dead fish washed ashore. Turn right and get three rocks. Turn left to a big rock and see a Dungeness crab. Pick it up and put it in your bucket. Go to the left side of the rocky area towards the lighthouse and see more stones, crabs, and holes in the sand. Look in a tidal pool and take the wood with S.S. on it. Look to the rocks on the water and see a bottle between two rocks. To get the bottle, use one of your three rocks you just got and skip it across the water to get the bottle. Select a rock, the angle to throw it, and the strength of the throw. After you get the bottle, check it and see a note. It says Rosebud 42.517. Try to go into the lighthouse and Holt kicks you out. Bike back to the Hot Kettle Café. Talk to Holt and give him the quiz and the crab. If you got a female crab instead of a male crab, you’ll have to try again. If you got all the answers right, he’ll give you a GPS. Study it in your inventory. Talk to Jenna about the bottle. Learn about Hilda Swenson. Go back to Katie’s boat.

Katie’s Boat
Talk to Katie about everything. When you ask her about the wood, she recommends contacting Casey Porterfield at the Maritime Library. Use the phone while on the dock and call Casey using your cell phone directory. He’ll want to know what kind of wood it is. You don’t know, so you’ll have to call him back after you find out. Go back to the book drawer you arranged earlier and look up Arboreal Morphology. Call Dr. Predoviciu, whose number is at the back of the book. Talk to her and she needs to have a description of the wood under the microscope. After the conversation, click on the blade by the microscope to get a slice of wood on the table. Click on the glass slide to place the wood on the slide. Click on the wood on the glass side and then look at the wood under the microscope. Call Dr. Predoviciu back. She’ll ask you some questions. When you answer them right, she’ll tell you the wood is Luan. Call Casey back and tell him the wood is Luan. He says to call him in an hour. Go to the end of the dock by the kayak. Take the second bottle floating by the kayak and read the message inside: 08.615. Take the life jacket and helmet. They will appear in your inventory. Click them on the kayak to wear them. You’ll need to do this every time you go kayaking. Look at your GPS and note two existing waypoints-the dock and the lighthouse. Paddle forward three times and take the third floating bottle. Read the note; it says W123. Turn around, go forward one time, turn right, and go forward four times to buoy #12. Turn left, go forward two times to the danger marker, turn left, and go forward to a cave on the cliff side. Enter the cave, take the left fork, and look at the fourth floating bottle at the back of the cave. Read the note; it says N48. Go out of the cave. Look close at your GPS in your inventory. Click on Make New. From the bottle notes data, type in the Latitude section N48 42.517. Type in the Longitude section W123 08.615. Click Create Waypoint. A new waypoint is seen on the GPS. Navigate to the new waypoint by going forward twice, turning right, go forward two more times, turn right, go forward to the rocks, turn left, go forward to the other rocks, turn left, go forward to buoy #6, turn right, and go forward to the secret beach. While on the beach, go forward and build a sandcastle if you want. Go to the end of the beach and look close at the clump of seaweeds. Find a shell box with a maritime flag lock. Solve the flag puzzle by spelling out Rosebud. Click the code on the box to open it. The shell box opens and you’ll see letters inside. One of them shows Port and Starboard directions. Another one is a story that makes no sense. At the bottom of the letter, type in ASK HS AJ JD FOR HILDAS GIFT. Another letter is a letter from Hilda Swenson, the former mayor. She wants you to send something in morse code at the top of the lighthouse. Pull back and have fun at the tidal pool to the right of the seaweed filled with starfish, anemones, and a fish. Go back to the kayak and paddle back to Katie’s boat. Do this by going forward twice, turning right to see buoy #6 (could sometimes be #8), turning left, going forward twice, turning right, and going forward to the boat. Then, go to the Hot Kettle Café.

Hot Kettle Café
Talk to Holt about Hilda’s gift. Before he’ll let you see it, he wants you to solve a chess problem for him. Look in his duffel bag for the chess book and study the different moves of the chess pieces. Notice the 3-4-7-5 bookmark. Find the two moves that can checkmate the king. After you solve the chess puzzle, talk to Holt and he’ll show you the scrimshaw with oneBum etched on it. Talk to Jenna about Hilda’s gift. She needs clams before she’ll show you her gift. She wants 15 clams and gives you a bucket. You’ll need a clamming permit, so go talk to Andy Jason at Whale World. Before he’ll give you the clamming permit, he asks you to put the Caddy model back together at the gift area. He also won’t let you see his gift unless you take a whale watching tour. After you put the Caddy model back together, talk to Andy and he will give you a clam tube and the permit. Go into the museum and play all the games. When you finish them all, spin the Whale of Fortune game and win the whale watching tour. Tell Andy you won it and he’ll take you on the whale watching tour. When done ask him for the key chain. Look close at the key chain in your inventory and see the letters Tren. Go to the lighthouse beach and look for clams. To catch a clam, look for air holes in the sand. Click the clam tube over the hole. Click on the sand from the tube to see what is taken and for it to be placed in the bucket if they are clams. When you can’t find any more clams on the lighthouse beach, go to the secret beach. Get clams on that beach area, too. You’ll also need to jump rocks off to the side to get to another part of the beach. To jump the rocks safely, click on the joining of the middle and right rock. Then navigate carefully to the other part of the beach. Get some more clams. When you get 15 clams (you’ll have to go back and forth between the beaches), take them back to the Hot Kettle Café. Talk to Jenna. She will take the clams and bucket. She’ll also tell you that the café was broken into. Ask her about Hilda’s gift and she’ll say that her niece locked it in a toy box. Look at the first booth and zoom in on the blue toy box. This is a memory puzzle using three screens. Match two pictures that look alike on all three screens to open the toy box. Notice that the necklace has the letters ELeph. Go back to Katie’s boat and go to the computer. Use the Anagram Buster. Nancy will type in all the letters. Move the letters around to form Telephone Number. That’s what you’ll need to send in morse code. Call Casey about the wood and learn that it came from the S.S. Whitechapel Dawn. Use the computer to read the e-mail Casey sent you. He wants you to check out www.bombeck.lab/examples/royal.htm. Check the site using the search function of the DI Portal. Find out that the Hot Kettle Café was formerly the Royal Flush Saloon. Go to the Hot Kettle Café.

Hot Kettle Café
Go to the private lounge behind the swinging doors. Look in the closet and see two boxes of boat parts. Read the framed newspaper on the wall to the left of the swinging door. Look in Holt’s bag to read up on Poker hands. Look at all the small sliding brown panels and make a Royal Flush in each of them. When the last panel is done, you’ll hear a grating sound. Go to the adjacent booth in the private room of where the puzzle was and click on the table. The table slides away and a trap door opens. It’s too dark to go down and Nancy will say she needs a flashlight. Go back to Katie’s boat. Talk to Katie about a flashlight. Katie is hungry, so go down to the galley and make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If you use anything in the fridge, you’ll give Katie food poisoning. Give the sandwich to Katie and she’ll give you a headlamp. Go back to the Hot Kettle Café and go down the secret tunnel under the table using the headlamp. Go down the ladder and note a lever on the right side of the trap door that opens the trap door below. Go forward into the tunnel and see a cairn. Turn left and go forward into the other room and up the wood ladder. See the clothing store that was robbed. Turn around, go forward to the cairn you saw earlier, and go through the long tunnel. Take a left at the next cairn. Go forward and up the crates. Open the trap door to the hardware store that was also robbed. Go back to the cairn and take a left. Go forward and right to the next cairn. Take the right fork-long trek-to a metal door. Take the oil can from the box (looks like a spray can). Go forward and see a door with a lever. Pull the lever. Go forward to an etched door. Click on the panel and see four parts of a sea serpent. It is missing four parts of his body. Move the two middle pieces up and leave the other pieces down. Go back through the tunnel and back up to the café. Pull the lever to open the trap door. Talk to Jenna about the tunnel. Bike to the lighthouse.

Go toward the lighthouse and see some pebbles fall from above. Look up and escape being hit by a large chunk of brick. Go to the left side of the lighthouse and see the source of the dinging sound. The door is locked. Go back to the main door. Look close at the number look on the door. Enter the number seen book marked in Holt’s chess book (3-4-7-5). Enter the lighthouse. Climb to the top of the lighthouse and see a calendar with today’s date circled. Look at the lamp and see that the bulb is missing. The front lid of the lamp is rusted shut. The lamp is attached to a Coast Guard Signal Box. Go down the ladder and look close at the stove’s pipe. Pull the lever. Go outside and around to the back. Click on the door that was locked earlier. Go down the ladder. See a trap door on the floor. Check the table and see a box of Lightmeister light bulbs. Take the second from the right. Go to the brown door with an inscription. Look close at the metal panel and see parts of a sea serpent similar to the one you saw in the tunnel. This set of pictures has different missing and present body parts. Flip the two middle panels and leave the two outside parts down. The trap door opens when the sea serpent puzzles are correctly done. Go down and find yourself in a sea cave. On the wall is a depiction of a sea serpent. Go back to the top of the lighthouse and place the light bulb on the back lid of the lamp. Use the oil can on the rusted front lid. Press the button on the base of the lamp. Look close at the code sender and type in Nancy’s cell phone number (523-555-4399) by Morse code. Press Send. See a light beyond respond to your code. Move back and the phone rings. Talk to Hilda Swenson and learn that she sent you an e-mail. Go back to Katie’s boat. Go below deck and see that the ice in the ice chest melted, water is on the floor, and there are fish in the chest. Check your e-mail and see new coordinates. Use the computer and check under DI Portal. Search for Nautical Definitions and nuns. Do the same for isophase. Take the kayak out and find that there are four nuns-buoy #s 6, 8, 10, and 12. Buoy #8 has graffiti on it. The isophase buoy is #12. Use your GPS and make a new waypoint by entering in the Latitude section N48 42.485 and in the Longitude section W123 08.735. Paddle to the new waypoint and look at the floating sealed container. Take the zap waterproof transmitter. The phone rings and Nancy talks with Hilda. Go to the Hot Kettle Café and go down into the tunnel and take the long tunnel to the crossroad. Turn right and take the automatic long trek. Go left by the cairn to an alcove. Look close at the anvil stone. Click the up arrow and see an opening on top of the wall. Enter and see another tunnel. Look at the letters you found in the shell box at the secret beach with all the P’s and S’s. P=Port and S=Starboard; P=left and S=right. Go left, right, right, left, left, right, right, right, left, left, right, left, left. Follow the directions and end up at a dead end. Look close at the boulder and see new coordinates. Go back to the kayak and create a new waypoint on the GPS by entering in the Latitude section N48 42.522 and in the Longitude section W123 08.799. Navigate the kayak to face buoy #8. Take the transmitter from your inventory and click it on either side of the kayak. A sunken buoy floats up. Open the box attached to the buoy and take the binoculars. Pull back and get a call from Hilda. Go to Whale World and look close at the boat in the bottle with the binoculars. You’ll see symbols on the sail. Go back to the lighthouse and use the code 3-4-7-5 on the lock of the door. Enter, pull the lever behind the stove pipe, go around to the other door, enter, and go down to the sea cave under the trap door. Look close at the sea serpent depiction and see the symbols seen in the sails of the boat in the bottle. To solve the puzzle, click on the star button. See two circles that can be rotated by clicking on the center green button. Rotate the right circle to have the cross symbol in the mouth of the serpent. Rotate the left circle to have the W symbol in the mouth of the serpent. When the puzzle is solved, see a lever gear machinery. Click on the silver lever on the right and a secret cove is exposed. Go back to Katie’s boat and take the kayak back to the cave under the lighthouse cliff. Take the left fork and see a new opening on the wall. Paddle in and see where Benjamin Hawkins used to hide out. Paddle to the end and see crates, balls, and frozen fish. Go forward, hit the yellow container, and an orca will come up out of the water. Play with her with the beach ball. Take a look at the paper on top of the harness box to see a marine animal harness chart for a juvenile orca. See a pair of gloves on top of the frozen fish boxes with Firestone written on them. Say good-bye to the orca and kayak out of the cave. As soon as you’re out of the cave, the phone rings. Talk to Bess and discuss everything. After the conversation ends, kayak back to the dock and find out that Katie’s gone. Go to the café and talk to Holt and then Jenna. Neither of them will help. Go to Andy at Whale World and he will bring you close to the smuggler’s ship.

Smuggler’s Ship
Climb up the ship and hear the smugglers. Turn left, go forward, hear footsteps, turn left and hide, then go right and see animal furs, go forward, hear voices, turn right to hide behind drums, go forward, go right to the boxes, turn around, go forward, hear footsteps, turn right, and go forward to the steps going down. Go down the stairs and open the wheel door. Enter and see the orca. Go around to the other side and enter the other hold door. See the back of Katie sitting on a chair. Take the gag off her mouth and talk to her. Hear someone come. Go left to hide in the stacked crates. The culprit will enter and start looking for Nancy. While the culprit’s doing this, go forward to the hold door across the room. Go forward as far as the other door where you saw the orca the first time. Click on the door and it is slammed shut on you. Face the smirky culprit. As soon as you regain control of your movements, turn left and pick up and throw the yellow canister to the orca or on the water. Enjoy the ending. Nancy solves another mystery!

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