
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Danger on Deception Island cheats

Sink Pipes Puzzle


Book Puzzle

Holt’s Quiz
1. west
2. $138.43
3. port
4. east
5. vote4holt
6. Ursa Minor or little dipper
7. masts
8. Fisherman
9. Bend

Male crab

Wood Puzzle
Many holes
Same size
Pretty sizeable
Horizontal lines

Flag Puzzle

R      O      S     E     B      U     D

Chess Puzzle
Junior Detective: Move R to H5; move R to H7.

Senior Detective: Move Q to D6; move Q to D8.

Caddy Model Puzzle


Whale Calls Game
Killer whale - weeeiiiweeeiii

Minke's whale - khrdooh-khrdooh

Gray Whale - ohhhhhh... errrrrrr... urp...

Humpback whales - aoaooo-uuuu-woaooh

Dall porpoise - prrrrrrrr... prrrrrrr...

Swim Freedom Game
An example of a baleen whale is: All of the above

Individual orcas are often identified by the markings on their: Dorsal fins

A baleen whale consumes food by: Straining great mouthfuls of water and fish

Orcas travel in: Pods

The process of “seeing objects” by aiming sound waves at them and analyzing the return sound waves is called: Echolocation

The whale that lacks a dorsal fin is the: Gray whale

The whale best known for its beautiful songs is: Humpback

Megaptera novaeangelia is the scientific name for the: Humpback whale

The cetacean that can swim the fastest is: Dallis porpoise

Whales can hold their breath for: Minutes at a time

The diet of baleen whales consists mostly of: Small fish and plankton

How many blowholes do baleen whales have?: Two

The diet of toothed whales consists mostly of: Fish and other sea mammals

The throats of the baleen whales commonly seen around Deception Island are always: Grooved

Orcas are called “killer whales” because: They kill and eat other whales

Minke whales have dorsal fins shaped like a: Sickle

Sea mammals, including dolphins and killer whales, have been trained by the military because they are: Extremely intelligent

Toothed whales do not possess:

The orca whale is:

Whales can dive a depth of:

Poker Puzzle
Right of door

Left of long window area

Right of window by booth

Private room booth

Morse Code
….. is 5
..--- is 2
…-- is 3
….. is 5
….. is 5
….. is 5
….- is 4
…-- is 3
---- is 9
---- is 9

Sea Serpent Puzzle

Kayak Directions

Secret Beach from Cave
Forward twice, turn right
Forward twice, turn right
Forward 4 times to rock, turn left
Forward 2 times to rock, turn left
Forward 2 times to buoy #6, turn right
Forward to beach

Katie’s Boat from Secret Beach
Forward twice, turn right
See buoy #8, turn left
Forward to danger sign, turn left
Forward twice to rocks, turn right
Forward to boat

Secret Beach from Katie’s Boat
Forward 3 times to rock, turn left
Forward 2 times to buoy #6, turn right
Forward to beach

Hilda’s Coordinates from Katie’s Boat
Forward 3 times to rocks, turn left
Forward once, turn left
Forward once

Katie’s Boat from Hilda’s Coordinates
Back up, turn around
Forward to rocks, turn right
Forward to boat

Tunnel Rock Coordinates from Katie’s Boat
Forward to rock, turn left
Forward to buoy #6, turn left
Forward once, turn right to face buoy #8

Katie’s Boat from Tunnel Rock Coordinates
Turn around
Forward twice to rock, turn right
Forward to boat

Cave from Katie’s Boat
Forward once, turn left
Forward to buoy #12, turn left
Forward 2 times to danger marker, turn left
Forward to cave

Katie’s Boat from Cave
Forward to buoy #15, turn right
Forward to danger marker, turn right
Forward to rocks, turn right
Forward to dock

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