
Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Deadly Device Walkthrough

Niko’s Office
Enter Niko’s office. Look around. Turn right and check the intricately decorated candy machine. It is missing the opening mechanism. Turn around and check the nice but locked bookcase. Go to the left side of the desk and see a contraption at the corner. Go to the right side of the desk and check a stand with a pigeon and 12 round slots. Press the metal button right of the bird and see the pigeon spread his wings. Go behind the desk. Check the Krolmeister media player. Nancy says to fix it. There's an empty slot on top. Look close at the left drawer. Enter the code given by Victor: 171943. Press the check button. Take and read Victor's note on the cover of the case file. Read the case file to learn details about the other employees. Read about the missing keycard and the entry before Niko’s murder. The video LBTY510258 at that time showed no one entering the lab. Exit the office.

Go forward. Do not enter the lounge on the right yet. Go forward. Go around to the left side of the balcony past the elevator. Study the posts on the bulletin board on the wall past the elevator on the right. Note that there is a periodic table of the elements here. Check the main lab on the left. It is locked. Check the keycard box on the right edge of the door. Nancy notes that a keycard is needed. Climb the short steps and check the gray metal door and see that it’s closed. Go back to the elevator and enter. Press the up button to go to the next floor. Note the cabinet on the right wall. After going up, exit the elevator by clicking on the grill elevator door. Go left and enter the orange doors.

Enter the office on the right and talk to Mason, the day shift research assistant. Discuss everything and learn that he is not lacking in ego. Check the whiteboard on the left wall. Turn around and see Ellie York’s office. Try to go in and Mason stops you. Go forward to the lounge past the offices. Study the electronics book on the table. Learn about the Tesla coil and its parts. Learn from the notation that Ryan replaced a part in the bottom spark gap and it won't run without the new part in place. The multi-miniature capacitor (MMC) matrix will charge only when there is no other of a similar color rating in the same row or column. Learn about the Faraday cage and lightning rods. On the next page, take note of the schematic components, their icons, picture, and usage. Exit the office. Go around to the other side of the balcony. Check the sign board on the wall. Take note of the binaries correlation to numbers on the poster (15 Things You Never Knew About Electricity). Enter the blue double doors on the left.

Go forward towards Ryan. A part flies and nearly hits Nancy. Talk to Ryan completely. Check the workbench on the left and see a remote control from the security office (the sticker says do not remove). It has a gear sticker. Look close at the gray cabinet on the right. Open the top left cabinet. Take the white blank card from the cabinet door. Nancy says something about the blank card will help getting into the lab. Take colored paper from the bottom shelf of the cabinet. Check the blue tool cabinet at the corner. Look close at the motorcycle to the right of Ryan and learn that she isn’t done with it yet. Exit the workshop and go down to the lower level via the elevator. Call Victor and report. Go to and enter the double doors to the left of Niko's office an be in the lounge.

The lights flicker and go off. Get a call from Victor about the power outages. Go forward four times in the dark until you see the alarm clock on the table on the left. Set the alarm to night. Nancy is woken by the alarm blaring. The lights are on. Exit the lounge and meet Gray, who will take you to the lab. Gray tells you to follow him and to power off the grid. See the power switches. See that the bottom right switch is tied together. Click on that switch and get evidence – a band that held the switch. The band is placed in the evidence bag. The aim of the puzzle is to get all lights to be off. Once completed, Gray is thankful but tells Nancy to get out of the lab. Go right from the main lab and enter the gray door.

Security Office
Look around first. Check the whiteboard with Schrodinger's cat. Note the 5x6 green dots. There is a note that states “in 5 charges”. At the bottom right, it states to unlock all binaries. There are two gear icons at bottom left. Turn right and talk to Gray completely. He is not a helpful person. Exit the office. Go to the top level using the elevator. Enter the research assistant offices behind the orange door.

Try to enter Mason’s office and Ellie stops you. Turn around and talk to Ellie about everything. She shows a demo of the Tesla coil while Nancy is inside the Faraday cage. Back at the office, continue to talk to Ellie. Try to enter Mason's office again and Ellie makes a deal with Nancy. If Nancy beats Mason's high score in the Aggregation arcade game, she’ll let Nancy poke around. Exit the offices and go down the elevator. Enter the lounge left of Niko’s office.

Look around. Turn left and check Tesla's portrait, the bookcase, and the desk. Turn around and check the kitchenette. See that the stove is missing the power knob. Go left towards the bedroom. Check the bathroom. Enter the bedroom on the left. Check the alarm clock and then open the closet. Take and read about The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla. He was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan in Croatia from Serbian parents. Learn about the way Edison treated Tesla. Learn about Westinghouse, Marconi, and Mark Twain. Exit the bedroom. Turn around and go to the Aggregation machine to the left of the door. Mason’s high score is 22500 in Amateur mode while 31575 in Master mode. That is the score to beat. Play the game. Click on the question mark at the bottom right to learn the rules of the game. The aim of the puzzle is to remove everything from the grid by having three or more similar icons adjacent to or touching one another. The icons on the edges out of the playing squares at center can be moved up-down or left-right. The icon on the left is the next icon to be placed in the edge when the previous icon is used. There are special icons that appear to help with the game. After winning the Aggregation arcade game, go back upstairs to Ellie.

Tell Ellie that you beat Mason’s high score in the game. She looks away from your snooping. Enter Mason’s work room. Look at Mason’s desk and see what Ellie meant. You can mess with the sticky notes, pencils, paper clips, and markers if you want. Read the numbers on the sticky note: 153472125. Read the biometrics book on top of the computer tower under the desk. Learn how biometrics work and how to make a fake finger. Check the computer and see that it needs a password. Check the whiteboard on the left wall. Some of the letters are in orange colors: E E O M A N W T O L S S T H. See two sets of lines on the bottom left. There is an apostrophe on the first set. If the first set is TESLA’S, the remaining set of letters can be arranged as HOMETOWN. Based on the book at the lounge bedroom closet – Tesla came from Smiljan in Croatia. Type in Smiljan on the computer. Press the Enter key. Open the Component Designer 5.5. It’s a neat program that can make a 3D design made of blocks. Open the Record Repository and see a lot of work created by Mason. Open the trash bin and see Mason’s note about Ryan (203587112) and the video hllw510257. You can play the Component Craze arcade game if you want. It is a timed match game. Go down to the first level. Check the alarm box on the wall by Niko's office and right of the lounge. Press the button and the alarm blares. Hear running footsteps.  Go around to the other side and enter the security booth on top of the steps.

Security Office
You have ample time to check out and do some puzzles in the room but in case you feel that it’s close to the time Gray will come back, go back to the alarm on the wall. Wait until the light blinks off and then press the red button again. You can also save anytime and check things. Then load from a saved game and then go through the motions after you learned what to do. Look around the security booth. Be sure to study the whiteboard on the wall. Open the drawer of Gray's desk. Look at the tablet and see a 5x6 grid. This is similar to the 5x6 grid on the white board that has all green circles. Remember the note that mentions five charges below the drawing. The aim of the puzzle is to click on five points that will light up the board green. Remember there are only five chances to do so. There is a reset button below the charges panel on the left. The points can be clicked on in any order. Once all the lights are turned green and the computer is on, look close at the monitor on the top. After the computer is powered up, it shows a circle with the binary code-panel at right side. The aim of the puzzle is to unlock all of the 16 binaries. The description of the puzzle is on the whiteboard. Press red buttons in the circle and see which binaries are affected on the right. The buttons can be clicked in any order. Once unlocked, click on the Logins icon on the top left. See a list of the keycard access numbers of the past days. Use the arrow at the top and access 10-25, the day of murder, and see that at 12:04 a.m. keycard 185116518 accessed the lab and the followed by the system override. This is when Niko was killed. Click on the security icon at the top left. Enter the video card number found in the case file: LBTY510258. Press enter. Press the run arrow at the top right. See Niko enter the lab, and a few seconds later see lights burst inside the lab. Now check the video mentioned in Mason's note taken from his computer’s trash bin: HLLW510257. Press enter. Press the run arrow at the top right. See Ryan bypassing the lock on the door to the lab (1034 11:34 p.m.). Exit the security room and hear a loud humming close to the lab. Nancy says to tell Ellie. Go upstairs to Ellie.

Ellie’s Work Space
Tell Ellie about the humming by the lab and she rushes out the room. Look around. Check the book at the left side of her desk. Open the “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court” book and turn the page. See a set of numbers (maybe her keycard number) and at the bottom it says “each set = 15” (amateur) or “each set = 21” (master). Open the drawer under the book and take a memory card (Journal - Late Fall), key, and reminder for passcode for the control booth. Go to the right side of the desk and take the box of capacitors (multi-colored things that look like film rolls). Read the letter tacked on the board from Rachel. It mentions that she and Ellie talk in code and insinuates that Ellie is not happy here. Go back downstairs and press the alarm to get Gray out of the security booth.

Security Office
Enter the security booth after hearing the running footsteps. Look at the top monitor again. Click on the keycard icon at the top left. It asks for a password. Take a look at the card keyer (keycard box on the right side of the desk). See that it has a letter inside a gear. The gear has an arrow. Insert the blank keycard in the card keyer box. Look for more of those letters inside gears around the room. There are 11 in this room and one is on the remote seen earlier on the workshop table. After noting down the letters in the gears, arrange them in clockwise order based on the position of the arrow on the gear. Open the keycard icon on the computer again. Enter the password obtained from the gears and press Enter. See the colored paper taken from the workshop at the top right. There are colored squares at the bottom of that paper. The object of the puzzle is to arrange the colored squares similar to the ones in the colored paper clue. One of the colored squares needs to be turned. Right click to turn the square. When all are arranged, click on Send to code the blank card in the card keyer. Take the coded card. Exit the security booth and go to the lab door. Use the coded card on the box. If the coding is done correctly, the light will turn green and the doors will be permanently unlocked. If not, you need to redo the colored squares puzzle.

Enter the lab and look around. Go forward to the work bench. Take the beaker and the solutions notebook. It has the formula for etching solutions. Check the oscillator to the right of the work bench. Turn around and pan right from the stairs. Check the mixing station and locked cabinet beside it. The chemical cabinet has a colored keypad lock. Examine the small Tesla coil to the left of the Photolithography lab (on a workstation, click the big black TV-like box). Nancy notes that something must be broken. Enter the yellow door and look around. There's a locked cabinet of photolithography supplies on the wall above the microscope. There is a robotic cat leg to the left of the microscope. Turn left and see a fume hood and an air vent on the ceiling. Turn around and check the photolithographic etcher. Read the manufacturing design book on top of the monitor to the right of the microscope. Learn how to create your own design using the circuit designer. The design is printed and the printed sheet is used to transfer the design to a blank wafer laid on an etcher. Check the intercom to the right of the door. Exit the room. Check the 3D printer to the left of the stairs. Read the blue book (Battle of the Currents) on the table beside the machine. Check the high voltage machines at the corner and wall. There is a cat body to the left of the high voltage wall. Enter the door left of the high voltage machines. Check the Faraday cage. Look close at the Tesla coil base. See where the switch goes. Pull out the drawer. Nancy says something is missing. Turn left and look close on the floor left of the Tesla coil. There's a hexagon on the floor. Exit the room. Go back to the lounge at the lower level. Go to the bedroom and set the alarm for daylight. The alarm wakes Nancy up. The cell phone rings. It is Deidre Shannon from River Heights (introduced in Alibi in Ashes). You can use the bathroom if you want. Go to the lounge and see a cat leg on the table. Exit the lounge and go to the technical workshop at the top level.

Enter the blue double doors and hear Ryan scream. Talk to Ryan and learn that Mason has left parts of the robotic cat everywhere and Ryan is trying to put it together. Nancy says she will help collect the parts. Talk to Ryan about the time of the murder. Talk to Ryan again and ask about the media card. She will fix Niko’s media player if Nancy gets her a Koko Mallos from the candy machine. She gives the plate for the machine. Continue to talk to Ryan completely. Ask about the missing part of the large Tesla coil and Ryan gives the plan for the missing part. Ask about fixing the small Tesla coil. Ryan says the circuit board is shot and to make a new one. Talk to Ryan again and discuss everything. Go down to Niko’s office.

Niko’s Office
Go to the candy machine. Place the plate from Ryan on the candy machine. This is a memory puzzle that works very much like the game Simon. Press the yellow button at the center to start the puzzle. See colored buttons of the machine light up. Press the colored buttons in the same order as seen when the buttons light up. Once the machine opens, take the Koko Mallos candy at the center. Go back to Ryan and talk to her in order to give her the candy. Ryan leaves to fix the media player. Take the cat head from the table. Go down to the lab. You can get in automatically now that you’ve made your own key card.

Enter the photolithography lab. Take the cat leg to the left of the microscope under the cabinet. Turn right and read the book on top of the monitor again. The items needed are: Etching solution, image, and blank wafers. Exit the photolithography lab. Turn right from the stairs and look at the mixing booth and see that there is no hydrofluoric acid on the shelf. Pan right to the supply cabinet. Examine the red and blue keypad. The aim of the puzzle is to make all buttons blue. Once open, take the HF (clear bottle with blue cap) from the shelf. Go back to the mixing booth left of the supply cabinet. The HF automatically goes on the shelf. The solutions book says what to use to make the appropriate formula. If an error is made, pour it in the hazardous waste disposal on the right. Go back inside the photolithography lab. Use the bin key taken from Ellie'’s desk drawer on the locked cabinet above the small microscope. Take a silicon wafer from the cabinet. Look close at the monitor on the right under the cabinet of the silicon wafers. The aim of the puzzle is to connect all the circuits. Click a circuit to turn it. Nancy will tell you when it’s all done. Take the circuit design from the printer. Turn right and look close at the photolithography etching machine. Pour the formula in brown bottle on the tank on the left. Place the printed circuit design on the image tray that pops out below the monitor. Place the silicon wafer on the tray for blank wafers. Press the red start button. This process takes 12 hours, so you’ll have to return later. Go to Niko’s office.

Niko’s Office
Go behind the desk. Check the media player and see that it is fixed. Use the audio card called Niko's Diary on the top left of the media player. Press the play arrow button. Listen to all three entries. Go to the lounge to the right of Niko's office. Take the cat leg from the table. Go to the bedroom. Take the cat’s tail beside the lamp on the table with the alarm. Go back to the lounge and then turn around and face towards the entry to the bedroom. Look close at the brown chair left of the entryway. Take and read the threatening notes on gummy bear stationary. The notes go in the evidence bag. Go to the tech workshop at the top level and talk to Ryan. She will eventually get upset and ask you to leave. Go to Mason in his office across the balcony. Talk to him completely. Learn about Gray, Ellie, and Ryan. See a pink cat leg on top of the file cabinet under Mason’s desk. Call Victor on the cell phone. Talk about everything. Go to talk to Ryan and see that she isn’t there. Check her work bench and get a call from Deirdre. She will help Nancy with her investigation. Discuss everything with her. Go back to the bedroom past the lounge and set the alarm for nighttime. When Nancy wakes up, footsteps and banging are heard and then her door is unlocked. Go upstairs to the offices.

Go to Mason’s desk and take the cat leg from on top of his computer tower. Talk to Ellie completely. Head back downstairs and get a call from Deidre. She updates you on the case. Nancy gets Deidre to check other things. Call Victor and report in. Return to the bedroom and set the alarm to daytime. Take the elevator upstairs and get a text message from Ryan, apologizing. She wants to talk to Nancy. Get a text message from Deidre saying that Ellie waited 30 minutes before calling 911. Go to the tech workshop. Ryan says that she will help Nancy in her investigation. Exit the workshop and someone hits Nancy on the head. Nancy wakes up in the photo lab. There is a bar at the top right of the screen that shows the air content of the room. Use the intercom to the right of the door. Press the talk button and hear Ellie. She says she’s also locked in. She’s in the control booth. Ellie says to use the air duct. Turn right and see a ribbon hanging from the air vent in the ceiling. Click on the air vent to climb up to the air duct. It's hot in here, so you must move quickly to get out safely. The bar at the top right shows the temperature gauge. Once you’re safely at the vent, hear Gray and Mason having an argument. Mason runs away. Ellie is still trapped in the booth. Go to the Tesla coil lab.

Climb the stairs to the control booth. Look close at the lock. Remember the clues from Ellie’s notes about the passcode for the control booth. Using those clues, enter the passcode to unlock the door. Change the colors of the shapes first by using the arrows. Then press the correctly colored shapes in order. Enter the control booth. Ellie is not here. Check the desk. Read Ellie's notes on Tesla Coil Safety. Follow Ellie's instructions: Choose level – move the lever on the right to either high or low; Power on – l ft switch; Charge power – middle switch; Engage system – right switch. It doesn’t work. Gray screams at Nancy. Leave the security booth after being warned. Get a call from an irate Victor and be told to not go back to the lab. Enter the main lab. Turn right and go forward to the high voltage wall. Pick up the cat’s body tucked to the left of the metal door. Go to the photo lab and take the circuit from the wafer tray. Go upstairs to the offices.

Check Ellie’s desk again. Read the note on the right side of the desk and the letter from her cousin on the tack board. The paper has titles or names. Go left from her office to be at the lounge. Pick up the unknown card from under the couch. Pick up the cell phone on the table. The aim of the puzzle is to get the numbers to add up correctly. Place the numbers in the circles so that each three numbers on a line add up to 15 for Amateur. The numbers must add up to 21 on the sides as well as the center lines for Master. This clue is written on the paper in Ellie’s desk. See text messages between Ellie and Mason. Go to Mason’s office. Look close at Mason’s monitor. Open Component Design 5.5. See the four layers of squares on the left and Ryan’s design on the right. Ryan’s design shows the four sides. The puzzle on the left is by layers from top to bottom. Start on the bottom layer and copy the arrangement of the cubes. Take note that this is a 4x3 grid. This gives a clue on which side to place the cubes on. Click on a square on the left to place a cube. To erase, click on the bright green cube again. When done, click on Print Design. Nancy will say she thinks it’s right if done correctly. Go down to the lab. Go to the 3D printer left of the stairs. Look at the monitor on the left and see your creation done on Mason's computer. Click the Print button. This will take a long time to process. Exit the lab and climb to the security office on the right.

Security Office
Hear Gray shredding something inside the office. Enter and talk to Gray completely. Learn about the video and Niko. Pull the fire alarm by Niko’s office. Hear Gray's running footsteps. Go to and enter security. Place the unknown card on the card keyer on the right side of the desk. Pick up the knob left of the key card reader. Open the keycard icon on the monitor. It is the same card number that opened the lab before the murder: 185116518. Pull back and look at the shredder in the left corner. Pick up the cat's leg from the back of the trash. Take the kill switch for the Tesla coil beside the cat’s leg. It is placed in the evidence bag. Click on the shredder and get shreds. Exit the security booth. Go around to the lounge.

Go to the table on the left. Place the shreds on the desk beside the tape. Arrange the shreds to form the document. Right click to turn and left click to pick up and drop the piece of paper. Use the tape to keep the pieces together. Take the shredded page. Look close at the bookcase on the left. Identify the books based on the clues on Ellie’s list. Topsy the performer is the condemned elephant's name. Ohm's Law is V=IR (from Mason's White Board). Mark Twain is Tesla's good friend from the book of his life. The Tungsten Divide - Element #74 is W (Tungsten) seen at the periodic table on the board at the lower level. Marconi TransAtlantic Quest was mentioned in the book in the bedroom closet; Marconi is the incorrect radio patent holder. Chicago is the 1893 Columbian Expo Site mentioned in the book by the 3D printer. Guinevere and Lancelot – Sagramor's fellow knight is Sir Launcelot from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Based on these clues, click the books in the right order. Tesla's portrait swings open and a secret compartment is seen. Take the media card labeled Journal – Mid-Fall and notebook. Read the notebook. Open the next page and see letters in a graph. There are four 4x4 letters below. On the left are numbers. Using the binary code clue, click to darken some squares below forming the binary code of those numbers on the left. Nancy reads the code. Based on that, click on every appropriate letter to circle it. Go to the lab.

Look close at the small Tesla coil left of the photo lab. Insert the circuit made earlier on the base of the red tower. See a “Touch to Start” button. Push it and see piano keys. Play Niko's song based on the binary code discovered in his journal (the circled letters). Click on “play’ at the top right. The machine will replay the notes. If done correctly, a secret compartment opens on the left. Take the note that Niko wrote. Go to Niko's office and play the Niko Diary 2 disk on the media player. Listen to Niko's thoughts of 10-16. Study the shredded paper and see that there is a drawing in red on the left side under the words “safe keeping”. Get Gray to leave the security booth by setting the alarm again. Enter the security booth when he's gone.

Security Office
Face the coat rack on the left wall. Look close and see three coat hooks similar to the red drawing. Using the clue below the coat rack drawing, turn the hooks appropriately.  Hear a click. Click on the wood panel above the hooks. A secret compartment is opened. See a note with letters and numbers: LBTY6510259. See an e-mail transcript between Niko and Gray. The paper goes into the evidence bag. Check the diploma and learn that Gray has a doctorate in Theoretical Physics. The text referenced in Gray’s lock box looks like video labels. Click on the monitor and then the security icon. Enter the text: LBTY6510259. See a video of Niko entering the Tesla coil lab and then Gray exiting. After that the blast inside the lab occurred. A binary code appeared on the right: 11101001. Go back to the bedroom and set the alarm for daytime. Go upstairs to Ryan in the workshop. Talk to Ryan about being locked up and the card from the research assistants’ office. Look at the blue tool chest on the left. See an opened drawer with a black light-lamp. Take the black light. Go to the workbench on the left. Place the parts of the cat on the table. Place the body, legs, head, and then tail. Pet the cat and hear it make different sounds. Go to the main lab.

Turn right and go to the 3D printer left of the stairs. Open the lid on the right and take out the part made from the pattern given by Ryan. Enter the Tesla coil lab. Pull open the bottom part. Insert the made part on the square hole. Close the drawer. Pull back and then click on the brown panel above the parts drawer. Review the Tesla Coils: User Guide book in inventory. The notation in the book states “MMC will charge only when there is no other cap of a similar color rating in the same row or column”. Arrange the capacitors taken from Ellie’s office so that there are no similar colors in the row or column for amateur. Master must not have similar colors on the same row, column, or diagonal. Before you place the capacitors on the frame, right click to turn them so that the labels are all at the same place (top or bottom). Start with the longer bundles to eliminate them right away. Nancy will say when it’s done correctly. Go up to the control booth. Remember Ellie’s note seen the notebook of the table – level, power, charge, and engage. The level should be on low. Flip the switch of power, charge, and engage. The top part of the coil glows. Exit the booth. Hear a crackling sound. Go to the center of the room. Use the black light on the hexagon on the floor. It glows and says to enter the hex. The hatch is opened. Go down and see a tunnel. There is an ornate door at the end with a biometric fingerprint lock-scanner. Go back out and out of the lab. Go to Ryan at the workshop and talk to her completely. Get a gummy bear from Ryan (remember Mason’s biometric book). Nancy asks about the video. The two watch the footage with the binary code. Ryan points out that this video is edited. She then realizes that this part of the video was flagged and that now the person that did this knows they are watching the video. Ryan runs away and tells Nancy to do the same. Exit the security room. At the balcony, hear an alarm about a security breach at the Tesla coil room. Go to the Tesla coil lab. Enter and see Mason fiddling with the Tesla coil. Another alarm goes off. Someone powered the Tesla coil and Mason is caught. See a close-up of the power switches. The aim is to turn off all the switches. Flip the switches until all lights are turned off. Victor shows up and fires Nancy. She gives back her card. They are waiting for her ride to the airport. Go talk to Ryan upstairs at the workshop. Learn that a big snow storm is coming. Ask Ryan about getting back to the lab. Ryan gives you her keycard. She wants some of Victor’s candy in exchange for gummy bears. (Don't ask to distract Victor yet). Go down to Niko’s office and ask Victor for candies. Take the candies from the bowl. See a key beside the bowl. Go back to Ryan and exchange the candies with the gummy bears. Ask Ryan to distract Victor. She is very happy to do so. Go back down but the elevator breaks down. Open the cabinet on the right wall by the elevator buttons. Arrange the gears that have fallen off before the elevator crashes. When done correctly, the elevator safely goes down. Enter the lounge. Get a piece of tape from the desk on the left. Go to Niko’s office.

Niko’s Office
See that Victor is gone. Take the key from the desk. Use the key on the cabinet. Look at the power coil on the right and see a fingerprint on the glass. Use the tape on the fingerprint. Pull back and see a piece of paper fall on the floor. Read the paper (Rumney letter). It’s placed in the evidence bag. Immediately leave the room. Using the technique mentioned in Mason’s Biometric book, prepare a fake fingerprint. Go to the lab and use Ryan’s card to enter. As previously done, make an etching solution at the mixing station right of the stairs (the same solution as made before). Place the mixture in the brown bottle to get the formula. Go to the photo lab. Take a silicon wafer from the cabinet. Go to the photolithography etching machine. Pour the formula in the brown bottle on the tank on the left. Place the fingerprint on the image tray that opens below the monitor. Place the silicon wafer on the tray for blank wafers. Press the red start button. This process takes 12 hours. Exit the lab. If you haven’t yet, go talk to Mason completely. Go to the bedroom and set the alarm to nighttime. Talk to Ellie completely if you haven’t yet. Go to the photo lab. Take the etched board with the fingerprint from the tray of the machine. Go back to the lounge. Go to the stove. Place the knob taken from the security booth computer desk on the stove. Place the beaker taken from the lab on the stove. Place the gummy bears in the beaker. Turn the knob on. See melted bears. Click the melted bears in the flask and the gel is automatically poured on the etched board left of the stove. Pick up the fingerprint. Turn off the stove. Go to the Tesla coil lab. Open the hexagonal hatch on the floor. Go down and forward to the door. Use the finger on the biometric fingerprint scanner. Enter and be in Niko’s study.

Niko’s Study
Turn right and check the round table with a robot and a miniature Wardenclyffe Tower. Pick up the two red magnets. Turn left to the bookshelves and pick up one red magnet. Read Tesla’s diary. Go forward to the desk. Pick up two red magnets. Pick up the paper with an oscillator taps drawing. It has six taps (L-R): 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 4. Turn around and look close at the table on the right. Pick up two red magnets and another one of Niko’s journal disks. Seven magnets should have been collected. Go back up and out of the lab. Go to the lounge and set the alarm for daylight since Victor is still in Niko’s office. Check Niko’s office and see Victor is still there. Go to Ryan upstairs at the workshop. Talk to Ryan to distract Victor again. Go back down to Niko’s office.

Niko’s Office
Use the media player on the desk and listen to the Niko Diary 3 disk. Niko mentions about pigeons 13, 6, and 5. He also mentions frequency 37 that might have caused the destruction of Wardenclyffe Tower. Look at the pigeon in the corner. Place the seven magnets on the circle below the pigeon. Place the magnets in binary form of 13, 6, and 5. Press the button beside the pigeon. See the pigeon’s eyes project “1902 Patent” on the wall. Go to the bedroom and take the book about Tesla’s life in the closet. Check Tesla’s patents in the back of the book. The 1902 patent is for Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy; Patent #1,119,732. Wardenclyffe Tower is Tesla’s doomed wireless energy transmitter. Tesla used it to test earthquakes. Go back down to Niko’s secret hideaway/study via the hexagonal hatch in the Tesla coil lab. Take the miniature Wardenclyffe Tower building from the table on the right. Go back up to the main lab.

Look close at the oscillator right of the main workbench. The taps look like the ones in the drawing in Niko’s study. The taps (L-R) are labeled: 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 4. The magic number is what Niko mentioned: Frequency 37. Place the building (Wardenclyffe Tower) inside the oscillator and close the box. Turn the taps to get to frequency 37. The miniature building breaks. Take the control key. Go back down the hatch and enter Niko’s study. Go to the desk. Use the control key on the tablet below the monitor. This is similar to the security video monitor lock. The aim of the puzzle is to click on five points to light up the board green. Remember there are only five chances to do so. There is a reset button below the charges panel at left. The points can be clicked on in any order. The monitor asks for a password. Remember the clue heard in Niko’s diary and shown by the pigeon. Enter the number of the 1902 patent: 1119732. Press the Enter key. Press the play arrow. Watch the unedited video and see Niko’s killer. Take the USB flash drive out from the bottom of the monitor. A sound is heard. Turn around and see that the door has a glow. Exit and Nancy says that it is Niko’s security. All the electronics got fried and the flash drive has been erased. Go to the workshop and talk to Ryan. She advises you to make a Faraday cage. She gives components in a cardboard box. Take the items. Go to the workbench where the robotic cat is. Take a rocket USB drive from the container on the top shelf. Review the Electronics (Tesla coils) book in inventory. The book has an article about making a Faraday cage. It says that one can make a cage from a cardboard box wrapped in aluminum foil with a ground from a paper clip and a binder clip. Read also about strike rings and lightning rods. Go to the photo lab. Open the supplies cabinet above the microscope. Take an empty silicon wafer wrapper made of aluminum (left side). Go to the lounge.

Go to the desk beside the bookcase in the lounge. Place the empty cardboard box on the table. Use the aluminum wrapper on the cardboard box. The box is now aluminum wrapped. Take a paper clip from the tray. The straightened paper clip is inserted on the box. Take a binder clip and attach it to the paper clip. Pick up the Faraday cage. Set the alarm to nighttime. Go upstairs and talk to Ellie. She will get help and advises you to talk to Gray. Talk to Ellie about everything else. Go down to security and talk to Gray. He will take care of Victor while Nancy gets the evidence. Learn about his relationship with Niko and what happened to him. Go back to Niko’s study. Look close at the monitor. Insert the rocket flash drive on the USB port. Press the down arrow beside the drive to download the video. Pull out the rocket drive. Nancy automatically places the drive in the Faraday box. Exit the study. Exit to the main lab. See Gray knocked out on the floor. Exit through the double doors and meet the killer.

Nancy is knocked out and wakes up inside the Faraday cage. While the killer explains why Nancy was chosen, Nancy looks around for a way out. When an active cursor is obtained, look close at the lightning rod lift box on the wall of the cage. Open the box and see that it is an empty circuit board. Place the components from Ryan on the board. The components are on the left side. The Tesla coil user guide and the schematic are on the right side. Review the book to learn about the components and their icons in a schematic. Study the schematic to find out where to place which components. Follow the line of the components and compare that to the empty circuit board. Place the components on the empty circuit board based on the schematics. Right click to turn the components. Watch what happens to the killer. Another case solved by Nancy Drew!

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