
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Warnings at Waverly Academy Walkthrough

Nancy and Corine’s Room
Talk completely with your roommate, Corine. She recommends reading the Waverly Student Guide online with emphasis on the demerit information. The girls on this floor are all valedictorian candidates. Turn around and check Nancy's handbag on the desk at the right. Take out the picture of Bess and George from the bag and it is placed on the desk. Read the note from Rachel asking for help with a project. Exit the room, turn right, and meet Izzy, the student body president. She programs Nancy's cell phone to receive text messages. Go forward down the hall. Go around the lounge area and then go left to the hallway before the stairs. See Izzy and Leela's room on the left, Paige's room at the end of the hall, and Rachel's room at the right. Check Izzy and Leela's room and see that it is locked. Knock on Rachel's door. Enter and talk completely with Rachel. She needs help on a web design project. Rachel wants you to take pictures of the valedictorian candidates and upload them at the Meet the Candidates link at the Academic page of the Waverly website. Take the list of the candidates. Be sure to read the list in inventory. Leave the room, go forward, and turn right around the lounge area. Go forward and knock on the first door on the left. Enter and talk completely with the school's Goth girl, Mel, playing the cello. She will give you Megan's phone number. It is automatically entered in Nancy's cell phone. Ask to take Mel’s picture. Use the cell phone, select Menu, and then camera. Zoom in until Mel is seen torso high. Use the pan buttons to center her based on the green frame. When ready, press the Take Picture button at the bottom right. If it looks right, save by clicking on Save at the left side of the frame. Delete if the picture is not centered or zoomed correctly and ask the students to take another one. Exit the camera when done. Look at the sampler on the wall above the bed. Nancy comments on the spelling of Moore. Exit the room. Once in the hallway, your cell phone will make a noise. This means you have received a text message. Click your phone to read it. This can happen at various times during game play, so whenever you hear the sound, check your cell phone. After you check the message, use the cell phone and scroll to Megan's phone number given by Mel. Press the Call button. Talk completely with Megan. Enter your room at the left before the stairs and talk to Corine. Ask to take her picture. Exit the room and turn left to go down the stairs. Enter the first door at right and be at the library.

Turn right and forward to Izzy. Talk to her completely and take her picture. Turn around from Izzy and go to the reception desk. See the name plate states that Corine is the library assistant. Pan right and go to the computer. Look close at the computer. Click on Waverly icon. It asks for a password.  Click on Forgot Password. It says to see student body president for assistance. Talk to Izzy at other side of the room about the password. She blatantly drops a hint she needs help with a DNA model. Take the DNA model. Open the DNA model in inventory. Yellow adenine should be joined with black thymine. Red cytosine should be paired with blue guanine. The ends should be connected to white sugar which in turns is attached to a brown phosphate. There are several variations on this puzzle but only one is accepted by the game. There are 2 black guanine attached to a white sugar structures that need to be positioned at the right placed. Double check that all sugar-phosphates are connected. Right click to rotate the chemicals. When done, talk to Izzy completely. She gives you the password. It is written in your journal under Observations. Go to the computer. Click on the USB box in front of the monitor. The camera is attached automatically. Click on monitor and Waverly icon. Using your own keyboard, enter the password given by Izzy. It is found in the journal's observation: WAC35NE136. Click OK. See that Becca (Nancy’s assumed identity) is in charge of the snack shop. This duty has to be done at least once a day. Failure will result in 3 demerits. The Black Cat and Other Poe Stories by Edgar Allan Poe is missing. Read about Waverly Academy. Click on the Academics section at the top, then the Valedictorian Race frame at right. Now that the camera is attached on the USB port, click on a download button. Click download at the right to download pictures. Scroll through your pictures and download Izzy, Mel, and Corine's pictures. Click Student Life and read about Casper the squirrel and the security blotter. See a Double Take frame at the top right. It is a memory test and getting the top will result in credits. Click Student Handbook and read the rules of the school. Note that Lights Out is 11 PM for seniors. Click on the Next arrow at the top right to scroll to other pages. Pay attention to violations that are listed in the demerit system. Demerit Standing will list any demerits you have obtained. Exit the library.

Recreation and Snack Room
Turn right, go forward past the piano at the foyer, and enter through the archway. Note the locked classroom through the double doors ahead. Turn right at the hallway and forward to the snack shop and Rec room. Turn right and read the Orientation guide. Click on the snack shop to open it for service. Orders are written at the top right. Fill each sandwich order exactly as written (put the ingredients in the exact order). If a toasted bagel or bread is asked, place the bread or bagel in the toaster at the right and pull down the lever. When cookies are ordered, take the cookie dough from the fridge (top right, next to the milk). Click the dough on the cookie oven at the bottom left, close the door, and take the baked cookie out when the light turns green and you hear a ding. If you make a mistake, discard the item at the trash at the bottom right. When an order is filled, click on the Pick Up button below the filled order tray. Be sure to do this once a day or else you get 3 demerits. Doing this 5 times a day earns 2 credits. When you’re finished, pick up the key that fell from above. Check the TV on the wall, press the small button at the bottom right, and see that this is pre-exam break time. Turn around and see Leela playing with a soccer ball. Talk to her completely and take her picture. She will give you Megan’s picture if you beat her at Air Hockey. The object of the game is to get the puck in the opposite goal 7 times before she does. Move your mallet to block the puck from entering the goal on your side. Hit the puck hard to get it past her blocking mallet. You can only use your mallet on your side of the table. If you fail too many times, Nancy will ask Leela to give the game to her. Talk to her completely again. Turn around from Leela. Pan right and see a door at the corner. Open the door. Turn on the light using the switch at the right of the doorway. Take the key at the right of the top shelf. Return to the library and open the new pictures. Go back to Rachel’s room and discuss everything, and take her picture. Exit and turn left to go down the back stairs to the Rec room. Talk to Leela about everything. Ask about Megan's picture. She will give you Megan's picture if you win at Scram. Scram is a dart game. The object of the game is to get a higher score than opponent. The 2 players can either be the blocker or the scorer. The stopper throws 3 darts first. The hit numbers are stopped or blocked and will not result in a score by the scorer. During the scorer's turn, 3 darts are thrown to hit high number areas that are not blocked. The center of bull's-eye is 50 points and the next circle is 25 points. The outer numbers are for that wedge. The closer the hit to the bulls-eye that number can be doubled or tripled. Once a number has been stopped, it does not result in a score. The list is seen at top right frame. A good way to win this game as the scorer is to always aim for the highest available number first each time (throw the three darts at the same high number each time). As the stopper, throw the darts to block the highest numbers you can. If you fail too many times, Nancy will ask Leela to give the game to her. Look close at Megan's picture on the table behind Leela. Take a picture of Megan's picture. Go to the library.

Go to the computer. Click on the USB port box in front of the monitor. The cell phone will automatically be attached. Click on Waverly icon and then Academics. Click on the Valedictorian Race frame at the right. See the downloaded pictures and empty download buttons. Click on a download button. See the pictures in the camera. Scroll to select the pictures you want downloaded. Click download at right to download pictures. You should have all 6 pictures now. If you downloaded some pictures before, there might already be a comment posted by Rachel. You might need to retake some pictures. If there are no comments, the pictures are fine. If this is the case for all 6 pictures, go to Rachel's room and talk to her. If the pictures are all correct, she'll ask that you enter them in the webpage. Get a credit point for helping Rachel on the pictures. Remember to listen for text messages. You might get one regarding Mel. Go back down to the library and the computer. Click on the Waverly icon and then Academics. Click on Valedictorian Race frame at right. See information and the pictures of the Valedictorian candidates. The aim is to place the pictures and information in appropriate columns. The clues are stated above the frames. You’ll get a credit point for helping Rachel on the webpage. Once you’re finished, exit the library, go to Rachel's room, and talk to her. If the webpage is correct, she'll ask that you take pictures of Waverly icons. Take the list of the icons. Go forward and turn right around the lounge area. Go forward and knock on the first door on the left. Talk to Mel about the plagiarized paper. Learn about Paper Trail. Mel noted that none of the digits of the IP of the paper she supposedly stole from are repeated. Take the plagiarized paper. It is dated 11/17.  She asks that Nancy work out the IP of the person who posted the paper she supposedly stole from. Talk to Mel completely. Go to computer and enter the Waverly site, Academics, Resources, and Paper Trail. Open the plagiarized paper in inventory. Type in on the blank space any database source code-number from the plagiarized paper (on the left). Click Search and then View. See a list of numbers that might be part of the IP number. Based on Mel's observation that the IP does not have any repeating number, select-click the number from the column to enter it at the bottom. Then click Submit IP and discover who the poster is. Go to Mel's room and talk to her about everything. She gives you an old newspaper clipping about the Odyssey Championship trophy. Read it in inventory. Go back to Nancy and Corine's room. Talk to Corine completely. Use the cell phone's clock. Enter 6 AM and then click the Set Alarm button. Any time earlier will make noise and a demerit can be issued by Paige. A scream is heard during the night and Paige issues a warning. When you wake up, go to the Rec room and the snack shop and serve the other students. If a teacher comes in, a timed preparation puzzle occurs (this is random – complete the order as fast as you can to get credits; too slow and you’ll get a demerit). Now it’s time to take pictures of Waverly’s icons. Exit the snack shop, go forward, and turn right to the display case on the wall. See the trophies that are displayed. Open the glass door. Take the Odyssey Championship trophy at the center. Take a picture of the Odyssey Championship trophy. Go to the main door of Ramsey Hall. With your back near the main, door look down at the wood inlaid school emblem. Zoom in and pan to get a close up of the crest-emblem. Take a picture. Exit through the door and then turn around. Take a picture of the arched entryway. While still facing the entryway, turn left and walk the path to the enclosed oak tree (left at the split path). See the albino squirrel, Casper, up the oak tree. Take a picture of the twisty trunk of the oak tree. Turn around from the tree. Go left to the path left of the building. Look close at the cornerstone's plaque. It has the names of the 4 founders of Waverly. Turn the corner and forward to the cellar door. Use the key that dropped down on the snack bar. Open the cellar door and go down. Turn on the lights using the light switch on the left. Look around. Go forward to back wall and check the box of books. Look at all the books (all in one box), especially the America, Land of Adventure book. There's an old furnace with levers on the right. Turn around. Look close at wall left of the stairs and see slats of wood with starburst indentations. Exit the cellar. Go back inside the building. Go to the Rec room and talk to Leela about everything. Go to the library.

Talk to Izzy completely. Go to the computer. Check all the pages available in the Waverly website. Use the Library Catalog. Click on the Search Catalog at the bottom left. Type in Moore. See a book: The Story of Four at the Special Collections shelf. Pull back and turn right. See a glass book cabinet. Look close and see the Story of Four by Madeline Moore book inside. The cabinet is locked. Go to Corine's room and ask her, as library assistant, about the key to the cabinet. She'll give the key if Nancy finishs the orthographic views assignment for her. Take the drafting folder. Open the orthographic folder in inventory. Read the example on how to do the assignment. Click on the central example picture to open the assignment. Select the top, front, and side views of a particular structure. Place them in the appropriate frames. When you’re done, talk to Corine. Take the cabinet key. Go back to the library and the Special Collections case. Use the key given by Corine to unlock the cabinet. Read The Story of Four book by Madeline Moore. Learn about Rita Hallowell, one of 4 founders of the Waverly Academy, and her relationship with Edgar Allan Poe. Take a closer look at the picture at the last page. Rita Hallowell is the one at far right and touching the cornerstone. Go outside to the cornerstone at side of the building. Look close at the square at the center. This one has an empty space at center while the picture has none. There are 4 tiles. Each tile can be turned by right clicked-hold and drag left or right. The aim is to arrange the 4 tiles so that there is no empty space. The slab opens and shows a starburst token on top of an old book. Casper, the albino squirrel, comes and takes the starburst token. Take the journal of Rita Hallowell. Read the journal completely. Pull back and get a call from Ned. Talk to him about everything. Read the second page of the journal about Usher the cat’s lamps and the piano rendition of their musical narration. There's a notation on the page. Go back inside and check the 2 lamps on the tables at left of the entrance (they look like piano keys). Turn the piano keys designed lampshades and see musical notes. Write them down to remember. Return to the library. Click the Library Catalog icon and then the search button. Type in piano. The Musical Notation: Piano book by Virtuosi was checked out by Mel Corbalis. Go to Mel's room. Talk to her about the music theory book. She wants milk and cookies before she’ll give you the book. Open the snack shop and do the preparations. Remember, if there is a teacher order, do the preparation as fast as you can. When you’re finished with the snacks, go back to Mel and give her the sack with the snack. Take the Musical Notation book. Read the book. Remember that Rita Hallowell's notes in the journal mentions 1st low bass, then coloratura. The book states that Coloratura Soprano's range is from C4 to F6 and Low Bass's range is from C2 to F4. Check the piano keys in the book and note where the Coloratura and low bass keys are located. Go back to the main hall and look close at the piano keys. Based on the book and the notations on the lamp shades, play the piano. Press the keys noted on the right lampshade for the low bass and the keys noted on the left lampshade for the coloratura keys. A secret compartment opens. Take the cat sunburst token. Review the second to the last page of Hallowell's journal about the celebration dinner. You will get a text message here showing a picture of Izzy and Corine. Go to the display case across the door of the library. See that the menu card of an 1871 Celebratory Dinner was checked out by Leela Yadav. Go to the Rec room and talk to Leela. She will you give the 1871 dinner menu if you beat her in a game. Choose the game you want to play and beat Leela. Pick up the menu. You should get a denial text from Izzy now. Talk to Izzy in the library. Go to the computer. Do a search using Menu as the search word. See that Formal Victorian Dining: The Right Fork for the Menu by Demetria Espinoza was checked out by Rachel Hubbard. Go to Rachel's bedroom and talk to her about the book. She is using the book right now, but she’ll work on it if you get her math notebook from Mel for her. Go to Mel's bedroom and ask about the math notebook. Mel left it in the library. Go to the library and look at the Lost and Found drawer left of the reception counter. There is numeric lock and MMDCXLI is etched on the wood. Look close at the lock. Enter the translated MMDCXLI = 2641. Take the calculus notebook. Go to Rachel and give her the calculus notebook. Take the Formal Victorian Dining: The Right Fork for the Menu book. Read the book and learn the different fork, spoon, and knife used in a Victorian Menu. Take a student ID card at page 41 of the book. Using the Formal Victorian Dining book, find out the flatware used in the 1871 Celebratory Menu. Open the Celebratory Dinner display cabinet using the key taken from the snack shop storage closet. Pull down-click the flatware as shown on the chart in the order used during the 1871 Celebratory Menu. Take the gorilla sunburst token. Go to Nancy and Corine's bedroom. Talk to Corine. Set the clock in the cell phone to alarm at 6AM.

Nancy and Corine’s Room
In the middle of the night, Nancy is awakened by a tapping noise. See Casper with the sunburst token in his mouth. Open the window and climb out to follow Casper. Climb the same tree branches used by Casper to avoid falling. There are 3 tree climbing puzzles to get to Casper's hole (the bottom part, middle part, and top part of the tree). Click on the branches in the same order that Casper used. When you get to Casper’s hole, click on the hole and take the bug sunburst token. Hear chanting. Nancy looks down and sees 6 black gowned chanters and one blue gowned chanter. Climb down and go back to the room. Exit the bedroom; go down the stairs and outside. Go to the base of the oak tree. Pick up a ribbon barrette from the ground. Go back to the bedroom and set the alarm again to 6M. The alarm goes off and the cell phone falls on the floor. Look under the desk beside Nancy's bed. Take the cell phone, the second Black Cat note sent to Danielle, and a tile. Pick up the Black Cat note for Nancy slipped under the door. Talk to Corine about the barrette and everything else. Go to Mel's bedroom and ask her about the barrette. Discuss everything. Go to the locked door across from Rachel's bedroom (Izzy and Leela’s room). Knock on the door. No one is inside. Use the student ID card on the lock of the door. Enter and look around.

Izzy and Leela’s Room
See the athletic equipments by the bed at left. Move the dumbbells and take the missing book by Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat. Open the book. See a list of stories written by Poe with dates after the titles and 4 sunbursts on top of the list. Go to the desk and check out Izzy's picture. Turn it over by clicking on it again. Take the key behind the picture. Check out Jacob's picture. Go to the foot of Izzy's bed (the purple one) and look close at the trunk. Use the key just taken on the trunk. Examine the contents and see the blue gown of the leader of the chanters. Go down to the library. Talk to Izzy about the chant. She will repeat it once. Go to the snack shop and open it up. Review the raven page of Hallowell's journal. Go back to your room and set the alarm to 11 PM. When you wake up, exit the room and go down the stairs. Go forward to the locked double door at the hallway before the Rec room (the locked classroom). Use the student ID card on the lock of the door. Enter the classroom.

Turn right and see the raven on the post by the door. Based on Hallowell's journal; press the tail, bill, breast, and primary feathers. The map tiles drop off. Take the tile found under your desk out of your inventory and click it on the map; this is the Oklahoma piece. Reconstruct the map. A good way to do this is to place the coast states first and then work inland. If done correctly, the raven turns and a secret compartment is seen. Be sure to take a picture of the finished map with your camera. Go to the raven’s secret compartment and take the raven sunburst token. Turn to leave and see Rachel with a snack tray. Nancy follows Rachel to her bedroom. Use the student ID card to open the locked door. Enter the room and see a secret door close. Go to the left wall by the window. See lines with starts at each junction. The object of the puzzle is to light up the stars without crossing over an existing line. The reset button is at the bottom left. Click on a star at the right or left of the button at the center. Enter the secret passage to the attic. Meet Rachel and Kim. After the conversation ends, it will be the next day. Open the snack shop. Then go to the library computer. Read the homepage and see a blizzard warning. Go outside to the cellar door. Enter the cellar and turn on the lights.

Look close at the slats with starburst indents. The 4 starburst tokens are automatically in 4 of the indents. The object of the puzzle is to place the tokens at the correct indents. Remember that there is a drawing of Black Cat and words - Other Poe Stories at the last page of Rita Hallowell's journal. It must be another clue. Review the list of Poe Stories written on the Black Cat and other Poe Stories book page. There are 17 starburst indents on the wall. There are 17 Poe stories written on the book. There are dates beside the stories. Using your own game notes, arrange the stories in chronological order. Then note the chronological number of: The Black Cat, The Murders in the Rue Morgue (that has a notation 'The ape did it' in the book), The Raven, and The Gold Bug. Based on this information, place the respective tokens in those indents. A compartment is seen when the slats fall off. Open the box. Take the cellar plan and the portrait of Rita Hallowell and Usher the cat. Take a picture of Rita Hallowell and Usher. That is the last of the Waverly icon pictures. Study the cellar plan and see that there is a room behind the old furnace. It’s time upload the pictures to be checked. Go to the library computer. Click the USB box to attach the camera. Click on the Waverly icon and then About Us. Select Why Waverly? at the left bar. Download the pictures of Hollowell and Usher, the US map, the oak tree, the arch of the Ramsey Hall door, the wood inlayed emblem, and the trophy. Go to Rachel's room and talk to her. Now she wants the paper written by Corine uploaded on the Pen to Paper on the website. Exit the room. Talk to Corine about the paper. She wants a snack first. On the way out of the room, see the second Black Cat note slipped under the door. Open the snack shop. Go back and give the snack sack to Corine. Take the flash drive with the essay from the desk. Go to the library computer.

Use the flash drive on the USB box. Click on the Waverly icon and then Academics. Click on the top right frame about winner of the Pen to Paper award. Click on download. On the main page, open the preview folder of the essay. Read Corine's paper. So the last works of Poe disappeared. Talk to Rachel in her room. Go back to the bedroom. Corine is not here. Check her desk. Check the paper under the drafting papers and triangular ruler. See Izzy's password and steps to reformatting. Check under the papers with the straight ruler. See a note about the cellar. Go outside and enter the cellar door.

Turn on the lights. Go to the old furnace at the corner. Hear a noise. Pick up the missing modern plan right of the furnace door. Automatically, Nancy compares that plan with the plan taken from the box with Hallowell's picture. A room is behind the furnace. The modern plan has the label Dupin and the levers of the furnace are numbered. Read the last page of Hallowell’s journal again, and interpret that with the chant recited by Izzy. Study the Dupin numbered levers in the modern plan. Turn the levers based on the Blackwood chant. A reset button is on the wall at right. When done correctly, the grate opens. See the Black Cat with the treasure Rita Hallowell hid. The Black Cat takes the book and leaves Nancy locked in the cellar. The furnace door is closed. Click on the stepping block and you’ll trigger a pendulum. Look at the mechanism on top of the stone pedestal. There are 4 outside plates with varying shaped holes. The center plate is filled with colored stones of varying shapes. The aim of the puzzle is to drop all the colored stones from the central plate. Each outside plate with holes when placed under the central colored stones plate and the handle pulled triggers the removal of the stones of similar shape. Click an outside plate so that it goes under the central plate. Pull the gold handle at bottom of the central plate to release the stones. Do this until all stones are dropped out of the central plate. When all the stones are gone, exit the cellar. Watch what happens with the Black Cat and the valedictorian candidates. Nancy Drew closes another case!

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