
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Trail of the Twister Walkthrough

Approach the farmhouse. Remove the debris in front of the front door. Examine and open the metal box at the bottom of the pile. See a roll of money and a note. Enter the house and read the note on the stair post. Debbie's note states some chores are needed to be done. The team is out storm chasing. Check the living room at right. Turn on the TV and see fuzzy reception. Look close at the coffee table. Take a Pa's penny beside the Frankenstein book. The coin is now counted at top left of the screen. Watch out for stray pennies in different locations. Go to the dining room and look around. Go to the filing cabinet at right corner of dining room. Read Debbie's note about her filing system and sort the files. Continue to file the folders that are on top of the filing cabinet in the hanging folders by clicking the folders on the tabs. Use the symbols as guides. Place the chocolate wrapper in the trash right of the filing cabinet. Check the trash. See a receipt for corn bags from Ma 'n Pa's Store. See a pile of corn right of trash. Pull back and see a mouse. Go to the door underneath the stairwell. Go down to the cellar and look around. Look close at the laptop on top of the dryer. Check the gallery and see magnificent weather phenomena. The pictures are labeled with letters and numbers. Click on the Twister Trivia icon and start the quiz. Your score doesn't matter here. The team comes back. Debbie calls down and says that Scott wants to meet you. Talk to Scott completely. Look close at the box at left. Read the newspaper clipping on top of an open book. Read about the demise of Betsy Ochs, the Ma of Ma 'n Pa's Store. Learn more about Scott Varnell. Look close at the map on the wall. Check the tornados sighted in the counties in 2009. Learn also the mph wind associated with each EF rating. Turn around. Look close at the left side of door and see a radio on the table. Under the table is another pile of corn. Try to leave the room and Scott chats about Debbie and the students. Look close at the box under the window. Talk to Debbie at the dining room. Debbie adds another chore to the list of to-dos: fix the sprinkler system left by the agricultural team. now it's time to do some chores. Go down to the cellar. From the quiz, learn what should go in a disaster kit. Go to the back of the room. Check the Emergency Disaster Kit at the bottom shelf of left shelving. See a mouse again. There's not much in the kit. It needs:  water, sugar, salt, granola bars, batteries, flashlight, can opener, toothpaste, duct tape and bleach. Check the Surface chart folder at the right shelving. Talk to the media guy at right, Frosty. Go upstairs and look close at the board on the wall across from the cellar door. See the County Siren Chart. The object of the puzzle is to completely cover the board with overlapping circles. Pick up the circles at the right and click it on a pin. Nancy will tell you when it's done right. Exit the house. Turn right and forward to the corn field. Look close at the pad on the ground. Remove the cover of the pad. Take some Pa's pennies from the sprinkler control. The object of the puzzle is to open 6 blue valves in places that do not cross horizontally, diagonally and vertically. If done correctly, the pump turns on automatically. A reset switch is right of the online light. Go left and see a bunch of happy prairie dogs. Pick up Pa's pennies on the right side. Turn around and go to the barn. A voice asks for help in fixing the LED display on the car. Enter the car and see the LED display. Arrange the numbered button so that no 2 consecutive numbers are adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. When done correctly, it will say it's initializing. Talk to Chase, the fixer of the team. Check the tool cabinet and read the newspaper clipping about the Howard J. Bison, the mascot of Canute College. Turn around and check the hose on the wood shelf. Look close and see that there is a sharp V cut on the hose. Look close at the work table and see another mouse. At the right side of the table, see some boxes of candies and a jar of tokens. Talk to Chase. Learn that the tokens from Ma 'n Pa's Store are pennies. You can change them for candies at the store. To earn tokens from Chase, fix the weather balloon circuit boards and he will give you pennies. Go to the work table and read the paper. This is a random puzzle. Each fan has a specific number of wires that are needed to be attached to it. No wires should overlap. Check the overload meter. If it reaches red, the board is too damaged. Check the fans by pressing the power on button. If all the fans spin, then the wiring was done correctly. If done correctly, you get paid full price. If a mistake is done, Chase takes back a quarter. Click on a side or corner and wires will be placed. Double check that the diagonals are placed correctly. Double click a wire to turn it. The clear button resets the puzzle.  One strategy is to work on the corners or edges first. Work the highest number at the center next. Go outside and choose one of the cars to drive.  Start the car. Click on the purple GPS icon at the bottom of the screen. Click on Farmhouse at the right for your location, and click Ma 'n Pa's at the right for your destination. Press Enter. Remember or note down the route. Exit the map and follow the route. You are the blinking arrow going out of the circle. The destination is the arrow going in the circle. To drive, point and click the mouse. Drive up, right at next intersection. Go up at next 2 intersections and then left to an open area. See a bar at top. If you have a lot of accidents, the game over might happen when the bar reaches the red zone.

Ma 'n Pa's
Talk to Pa about the theatre and tornados. He gives you a welcome Pa penny. Look around at the store. Read the far left magazine left of Pa's counter. It is an article about Scott Varnell and Debbie. Read about the competition on the newspaper at right. The opposing team is lead by Brooke Tavanah of Kingston University in New York. See a mystery box on the counter above the newspapers. Note all the sale tags (green, yellow, and blue). You need to buy  water, sugar, salt, granola bars, batteries, flashlight, can opener, toothpaste, duct tape, and bleach. Keep a watchful eye on the budget at the top left of the screen. You can check your basket in inventory and see what you bought. Pa pennies can only be used to buy candies. Check the cold drinks cooler. Take a green tagged water bottle with blue cap. Turn around from the coolers. Look right and buy the green tagged blue bleach bottles. Turn left at end of the aisle. Buy a blue tagged can opener. Buy a blue tagged duct tape left of the can openers. Look right from the milk cooler. Buy the blue tagged green flashlight (red carton). To the right, buy the green batteries to match the green flashlight just bought. Turn left at the corner and see green boxed toothpaste that is not on sale left of the candy display. Buy the toothpaste. Look at the shelves in front of Pa. Buy the green tagged brown salt and green tagged sugar. Down the aisle from the salt, buy the blue tagged Flavor Mountain granola bars. After all the items are bought, the budget amount is zero. Pay for the items bought. Pick up the grocery bag. Enter the museum right of the cooler and left of the newspaper rack. Look right at the Homesteader display and note that the divining rod is missing. Pick up a Pa penny. Read about the Boomers and the Sooners as well as the Cherokee Nation's Trail of Tears. Play the Land Rush game by inserting 5 Pa coins on the slot. Claim any color lot along the border. To expand, select an adjoining color that adjoins your claimed lot. This is an alternative way to gain Pa pennies. Examine the Fact or Fiction display about tornados. Check the Dust Bowl display. Press the blower at left. See a trap right of the screen. The Jackalope fight does not accept Pa pennies. Exit the museum and talk to Pa about the missing divining rod. Drive back to the farmhouse.

Go down to the cellar. Hear Debbie say something about turning in or calling it a day. Place the grocery bag in the disaster kit on the bottom shelf at back of the room. Frosty mentions something about talking to Debbie. Talk to Debbie about the dried corn. Climb the stairs and call it a day. The next day, Debbie mentions that the sensors in the cornfield need aligning. Frosty wants to show Nancy basic storm photography. Exit the house. Go right and enter the cornfield by the sign and the posts. The aim of the puzzle is to connect the red beam to the other red post at top right and connect the blue beam to the blue sensor at right. Click the mirrors to adjust the direction of the beam. Nancy will tell you when it looks right. Overhear Debbie and Frosty talking. Krolmeister calls and asks about updates. Go to the parking lot and click on the blue car. Frosty joins Nancy. Click on the GPS icon at bottom and select new route at top left. Click on destination frame to erase it. Select windmill at right. It will be the new destination. Click enter. See the route in the map. Also see clouds. Frosty gives a drawing of clouds. Use the drawing to identify the clouds he wants pictures of. Open the cell phone. Click Menu and select Camera. In camera mode, see the number of photos that are available at the left frame. You can check the photos taken by clicking on View Photos below the number of shots left. To select the shots, use the zoom first and then you can pan. Center the scene to be taken using the pan. Click on Take Photo at the bottom right. To edit or delete pictures, select  View Photo and see the pictures taken. Click on Delete Photo to remove the pictures that are not good. There's a - and + at bottom center to scroll through the pictures taken. Click on Return to Camera Mode to continue taking pictures. You don't have to get a picture of every single cloud in Frosty's drawing, just enough to download to the laptop. When you're finished, go back to the farmhouse. Go down to the cellar. Look close at the laptop. Click on the USB cable at right. Automatically, the cell phone is attached. Select Gallery. Then click on the Camera button at the right. Select the picture you want downloaded and then click on Download at right. If you want to remove a photo, click on Delete Photo at left. Scroll through the pictures using the + and - at bottom. You can download 10 pictures only, so delete any duplicates. Select Menu and exit out of the camera.  View what you downloaded in the gallery. Take the cell phone from the cable. Talk to Frosty at left. He wants you to return the mp3 player to Chase. Take the mp3 player. Exit the house. You might hear Debbie tell you to quit for the day. Go to the barn and overhear Chase. Peek through the barn door and see him clean his best boot. Enter and talk to Chase to return the mp3 player. Discuss everything. Go back to the house and go upstairs. A tornado warning is issued. Turn right as soon as the cursor is active. See a man bent on the coffee table. Turn left and then forward to the cellar. The next day, talk to Debbie. Debbie says to move the prairie dogs but first talk to Scott and then Chase. Check the coffee table where that man was during the power failure. See a position as Assistant Professor at Gorge University offered to Debbie. Go to Scott's office and talk to him. A mouse jumps on his desk. Scott orders you to get rid the mice humanely. Go to the barn and talk to Chase. He wants you to get a bigger tube for the prairie dog vacuum. Take the small tube. Drive to Ma 'n Pa's.

Ma 'n Pa's  
Talk to Pa about everything. For the vacuum tube, he wants you to update the display of the snacks. Ask about the mouse trap in the museum. There's a cage hanging on the wall right of the Dust Bowl display. He can lend it to you if you update the tornado display in the museum. Go right from the counter and look close at the snack display. Click on the Wickford Product Display sign. See a box at the left and the candies at right. The aim of the puzzle is to fit all the candies at right inside the box at left. No overlapping. Right click the candy to turn it. Nancy will tell you when it's done right. Talk to Pa. Get the large white tube. Go back to the farmhouse.

Go to the barn and talk to Chase. Take the vacuum. Go to the prairie dog holes at the cornfield left of the scarecrow. Look close at the burrows. Use the vacuum on the burrow and the screen changes. Use the vacuum on a hole. Wait for a prairie dog to pop up. Click to suck up several prairie dogs. See them on the panel at left. It is best to collect multiple prairie dogs than a single one. The attempt on single ones tends to let the caught ones escape. Once they're all caught, go to the right side of the barn. See an enclosure protecting the holes on the ground. Click the vacuum on the ground and watch the prairie dogs enter their new home. Back up and see a flash from the flower box on the left. Go to investigate and pick up the metal box. Open the box and read the new message. Return the vacuum to Chase and get some Pa pennies. The Moon Chunk Cheese snack at Ma 'n Pa's cost 95 cents apiece. You'll need at least 3 of these.  If you don't have enough money, do more weather balloon boards now. Go back inside the house. Go down to the cellar and look up the tornado measure in Twister Trivia. Then click on F-scale and read up about how tornadoes are measured. Go to Scott's office and look close at the map. Read the map with the EFO data during the 2009 season. Drive back to Ma 'n Pa's.

Ma 'n Pa's
Go to the museum and look close at the Fact or Fiction display. Open the Fujita book. See graphs to compare the Fujita Scale to the revised EF scale. Enter the EF scale values taken from the map in Scott's office. The damage indicator can also be deduced from the description of the lowest to highest F value taken from the computer. Pick up a wind speed tag or a damage picture and place it on the correct spot. Hear Pa talk to Brooke. Talk to Pa. Go back to the museum and take the trap to the right of the Dust Bowl display. Buy 3 or more Moon Chunk cheese snacks as bait. Talk to Pa again about Brooke, the leader of another chaser team. Drive back to the farmhouse.

Go to Scott's office and talk to him about everything. He wants you to catch the mice now. Go close to Scott's desk. Turn around and face the door. Look close at the table on the left with the radio on top. See a pile of corn under the table. Place the mousetrap on the floor. See the Moon Chunk Cheese candy at the top left of the screen. Click a cheese candy on the mousetrap opening. Do not open the inventory grocery bag and click on the candy or Nancy will eat it. Watch as the mouse come into the trap. A different screen is seen. Mice come in the trap one at a time.  Click on the turn circle to allow the passage of the mouse to the left.  Then turn the circle to allow the mouse to enter one of the side areas. Once that side area is filled, raise the barrier by clicking on the edge of the circle. This closes that area. Fill the next area. When all areas are filled with mice (including the turning circles), the trapping is complete. Nancy will close the cage when they're all caught. Scott says to release the mice in at the springhouse at Old Orchard Road. Go outside and enter one of the cars. Enter the car. Check the GPS, enter new route, and change the destination to Springhouse. Press Enter. Drive to Old Orchard Road. At the springhouse, release the mice on the ground. Go back to the farmhouse and go inside. Talk to Debbie and she said that a twister is sighted. You will ride with Frosty. Enter the car and go north. Frosty will tell you if you're going the wrong way. Go west or left until the road turns to north and then west. Go north at the first intersection. Go left and close by the intersection is a layby at the north side of the road. Enter the layby and see the twister. Frosty says that his video is not working and that you should repair it. To reconfigure, place black numbers from the bottom of the screen on to blank areas above. The black numbers should be placed so that the numbers are sequential and are connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Care should be done to leave space for future number placements. Think ahead not to block a path. Look ahead to see where the next several numbers are to be situated and count how many numbers need be placed yet to reach that number. The reset button is at top right of the screen. The sequentially placed numbers are highlighted to show if there is a break. Take a black number from the bottom, click it in place. Automatically, the number on the cursor changes. Click on the next blank space you want to place the next number and so on. You can save during the puzzle solving, and there is no time limit despite there being a twister on the ground. When you're finished, Frosty said that it didn't record and that it wasn't fixed. Back at the house, talk to Scott. Go to the cellar and Debbie says to go to bed. Look around Frosty's desk. See a clipping of a Peregrine car on the shelving beside the chair. Go up the stairs and go to bed. The next day, Debbie says that there's a communication problem. Chase programmed the GPS to show the way to the antenna. She wants you to find out what's wrong. Enter the car and change the destination to antenna. Check the map and find out the route to the antenna. Drive the car to the antenna area. See pieces of the antennae strewn about. Place the pieces back together on the 2 antennae. There are 2 pieces out of the whole pile for the left antenna. Right click to turn the pieces. You can see a shadow of the shape on the antenna. Use the shadows as guides. Do the weird and large shapes first. If they are placed correctly, they cannot be removed anymore. Once done, pick up the key with a Superior Lock and pink key label from the ground under the right antenna. A storm is brewing and somebody programmed the GPS wrong. Drive east away from the storm. Then go north and east again where it is clear; go north past the windmill; east and then north past the cows; west for a bit without encountering the storm, and then south to the farm. Talk to Debbie. She wants you to take care of the mice by the file cabinet. Set the trap again to the right of the file cabinet and trash. Use the Moon Chunk Cheese candy as bait. Fill up each passage as well as all the turn circles just like before. Raise the gates to block the mice in their places. When all are collected release them at springhouse again. Return to the farmhouse and talk to Chase at the barn. He wants help fixing the transmission. The gears are to be placed on the notches of the rods. The gears should not overlap but should touch. Select a gear and then click on the notch you want to place it on.  Work on the inner notches first going to the notch at the open end. You can only slide a gear in-out if there is no gear (above or below or in front) blocking it. Press the small switch at left to see if the gears work. Nancy will tell you if it's done right. The other chore is to give Scott the estimate for Pete's car's body work. Take the envelope. Talk to Chase about the GPS. Go to Scott, talk to him, and give him the estimate. Hear a scream. It's Frosty. Talk to Frosty. He is freaked out by mice. He wants you to trap the mice downstairs. Place the trap on the floor right of the dryer. Use Moon Chunk Cheese candy as bait. Be sure to fill the trap. All passages and turn areas should have mice. When you're finished, talk to Frosty about the video camera. Go upstairs and look at the video camera on the coffee table.  Press the Play button and Nancy will say she fixed it. Press it again and hear Frosty's voice recorded okay. Go to the springhouse and release the mice. Return to the farmhouse, climb the stairs, and go to bed. The next day, Debbie says that a supercell might appear and they will check it out. Lightning strikes and fries Scott's phone. Debbie wants you to fix the phone. Go to Scott's office and see a burning outlet near the base of the wall beside the desk. Hear Scott and Debbie leave the house. Look close at the burned outlet. This is a random puzzle. Move the red wheel to pass through all the metal disk without passing through any wires again (you can pass through the metal connectors).  Move the red wheel by clicking on the next metal disk you want the red wheel to move on to. There is a reset button. Nancy will tell you when it's finished. Pull back and hear a muffled conversation. Go around the desk and pick up the yellow headset. Overhear Scott and Brooke talking. Try to open the top left drawer of Scott's desk. The lock has pink rim. Use the key picked up at the antenna area. The drawer opens. Read the letter from the Dean of Dept. of Meteorology of Canute College. Check the table left of the door. Check the radio. Move the spool of wires and pick up a box cutter. The box cutter has orange residue on it and Nancy will say that it smells like coolant. Go to the barn. Look at the hose of Pete's car that is on the shelf left of the work table. Chase is not in the barn. Go behind the car area. Go left and see Chase's boots that he fussed about earlier. They're coated with oil.  Open the door at the right and pick up Pa pennies. Exit the barn and get a call from Pa. Answer the cell phone. He wants Nancy's help at the store. Drive to the store.

Ma 'n Pa's
Talk to Pa. He wants Nancy to catch the mice by the Homesteader display in the museum. He gives you a Moon Chunk candy as bait. Go to the museum and the Homesteader display. While facing the homesteader display (close up), move the cursor to bottom right of the screen. Click on the active spot. See a pile of corn on the floor. Set up the trap on the floor. Bait the trap with the candy from top left of the screen. Be sure to fill the trap. All passages and turn area should have mice. Take the filled mouse trap. Go to the springhouse to release them. See the divining rod missing from the museum. Take the divining rod. There's also oil on the ground. Release the mice at the springhouse. Return to the store. Talk to Pa about the team and the divining rod. Place the divining rod back on the Homesteader display in the museum. Talk to Pa again and get Pa pennies. Go back to the farmhouse.

Talk to Chase about searching for oil and the divining rod. Learn about the lightning rod on the antenna. Go inside and talk to Scott completely. Talk to Debbie. Go turn the TV on a few times and see that it's still broken. Go talk to Debbie and she asks that you fix the TV. Look close at the TV. Open the panel at right and turn the TV on. See the color test pattern. The aim of the puzzle is to arrange the colors at the center to match the color patterns shown at the 3 corners: red, green, and blue. Turn the knobs under the yellow switch at right to rotate the rings of the big circle. Do the all the rings for red first. When correctly done, the red pattern at top left is grayed out. Do the green next and then the blue. The corner circles will be grayed out when done correctly. When finished, you'll see the footage shot by Frosty. Go down to the cellar. Ask Frosty about the video camera. He will eventually ask about the cloud pictures. Nancy will say what cloud picture(s) she is missing. If you missed one or 2 of the cloud pictures, go back to the windmill and complete the cloud picture taking. When you're finished, go to the cellar and download the picture(s). You can only download 10 pictures, so delete any duplicates. It is not necessary to get all the cloud pictures to finish the game. But if you do, you might get a medal. Go to bed. The next day, there are more storms. Nancy will drive. Go outside and select and enter the Doppler truck. Go to the nearest cloud formation in the GPS or to the windmill. The truck needs to be activated. Open the side panel on the truck. You need to flip 3 switches at a time until all the lights blue. When it's done correctly, you'll briefly see a scan before the machine breaks. Now you have to arrange the wires. Open the box on the truck bed under the dish. See disarranged colored wires, numbered socket the wires are to be plugged on and the colored wire plugs on the right. The first wire goes on top and the last wire goes at the bottom. Insert a colored plug on the numbered sockets based on the outermost wire on the left. To verify the color, lay the plug over the wire to see if they match. When done, press the lightning button at the bottom. Debbie says that they need to go back to base and wait there. Enter Scott's office. He is not here. Look at his desk. See a note sticking out of the locked drawer. Use the key to open the drawer and read the note from Brooke. Scott left a clue to the meeting location. Go down to the cellar. Look under the laundry tub between the washer and dryer. Note the storm weather symbols. Open the Surface Charts white folder at the bottom shelf behind Frosty. Look for the 3 storm weather symbols and note their dates. Go back up to Scott's office and check the calendar right of his chair. Start with March. Use your computer and type in the letters-numbers on the dates taken from the surface chart. WM9A, GV2C, SH4A. Take the paper. Go down to the cellar. Check the gallery and look at each picture. Check the pictures labeled WM9A, GV2C, SH4A. All 3 pictures show a windmill.  Talk to Debbie. She is looking for Scott. She and the others are going to the theatre soon. Someone has to watch the front that's coming in. Go outside and see there's only one vehicle left. Take the car and drive to the windmill.  After talking to Scott, Nancy will be knocked down. Nancy is awakened by Debbie's voice through the radio. Go to the car. Debbie needs help at the theatre and the keys are with Nancy. Enter a new route from the windmill to Grange on the GPS. Drive to Grange. Go to the storm shelter at left side of the building. Use the keys from your inventory on the padlock. Go down and see another locked door. Open the cabinet on the right. Use the 4th key from the left at the top row on the keyhole. After Nancy says the worst of the storm has passed, exit the shelter. After Debbie's explanation and advice, follow the truck. The truck has a tracking device. In the car, go the direction of the arrow seen at bottom right. Follow the truck until it reaches the springhouse. Avoid the cloudy roads. Drive around them. At the springhouse, corner the truck and it will crash. The weather is really getting nasty. You need to get into a shelter. Pick up the crowbar lying on the ground in front of the springhouse. Use crowbar on the boards on the door and then go inside the springhouse. Watch what happens. Another case closed by Nancy Drew!

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