
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shadow at the Water's Edge Walkthrough

Ryokan Lobby
A portrait falls to the floor when Nancy approaches the reception desk. Take the room 24 key. Talk to Miwak about everything. Note that the reception desk is open 7 am to 1 am. Check the board and see that there are 5 guests in the ryokan. Turn to the right and look at the broken picture. Turn right again and check the table. Read the article about Rock Garden in the book. Learn about the different stones and their descriptions. At the opposite corner, check the fire pit used for the tea ceremony. See a fire burning in the pit. Turn left and read the Ghost Stories of Japan book at the corner to the right of the door. Go through the door to the left of the fire pit. The phone rings. Talk to Bess and George.  Go upstairs and use the room key on the third door at the right - #24. Check the green box on the floor at the left. Read the leaflet about the TE - Teacher Exchange program that Nancy is on. Read the student bios and grade the assignment on the back folder. Use the stamps on the left to mark the answers (check or X) and then add a mark beside the name of the student (face or star). Check the cards with Japanese script in the box. Open the red/brown folder at the right. Read the information paper. Check the envelopes on the left side. You will need it later. Turn left and open the closet ahead. Open the suitcase and take the FASCA train pass and the English-Japanese phrasebook (dictionary). Exit the room and go down to the first floor. Turn to the hallway at the left. See a blue curtain at the right at end of the hallway and across from room 7. Try to go through the blue curtain and meet Rentaro. Learn that red curtain means the bath is open for women only while blue banner means it is men only. Turn right and go forward to hallway. Go left to the main lobby. Enter through the door left of the front desk and be at the garden.

Ryokan Garden
Go forward to the large stone lantern that is in the water. Go right to the blooming cherry tree. Use the stone path in front of the cherry tree or the wooden bridge to cut across to the other side. Beside the maple tree close to the wooden bridge is a bamboo - water structure that makes a knocking sound. Go the back wall and around to the other side. The left way goes to the bath hallway. Go right and enter the shed. Talk to Rentaro completely. He gives a puzzle book that you can play. Open the puzzle book in the inventory. Read how to play nonogram. Turn the right page to get to the puzzle and complete it. Click on a square to darken it. The Clear button at the right restarts the puzzle. Nancy will say when it's done right. Talk to Rentaro to return the book. He will give it back and then you can read and play sudoku. There should be 1-9 horizontally, vertically and in a box. No repeated numbers. Click on a number to select it and then click on a square to enter that number. When a mistake is done, click on erase and then the number that you want removed. Pushing Clear at the right restarts the puzzle. A number is grayed out when that number is completed in the puzzle. Do the square or the row or the column that has the least blank areas first. Nancy will say when it's done. Talk to Rentaro to return the book. He will give it back and then you can read and play renogram. At the start, click on a number and enter it in a selected blank square connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to a previous number. From then on the number is attached to the cursor. Pushing Clear at right restarts the puzzle. Nancy will say when it's done right. After finishing the renogram, talk to Rentaro. Go to the lobby and hear a client complaining at the front desk. Check the board and see that there are only 2 guests left. Talk to Miwako. Go to your room and click on the cell phone at the bottom left. Select Menu, and then Clock. Change the time to 7 pm, then click on Set Alarm. After waking up, go downstairs. Use the hallway right of the front desk and go forward and left to the hallway. Enter room 18, the first door on the left. See the sign - Cultural Room. The hours are 7 to 10:30. Talk to Takae, the grandmother. She teaches how to write Nancy's name in Japanese. Click to take the brush at the top right. Click-hold the brush inside the line and do the script in one stroke only. Stay within the lines and fill the inside area. If a mistake is done, take a new paper from the top of the screen. Talk to Takae completely when finished. Open the top drawer of the chest on the left desk. Read about writing Japanese calligraphy. Go to the other wing of the first floor. See that the bath room curtain is red. Enter and go forward. Look at the mirror and see the ghost. The glass breaks. Check the baskets at the right of the room. Take the Pachinko card from the upright basket at the bottom shelf. Read the Haunted Tours paper found in the upright basket at the left end of the middle shelf. Enter through the glass doors to the left of the sink. Look close at the colored tiles on the shower wall. Something is missing. Jump in the hot springs and have a nice soak. Go back to the front desk and tell Miwako about the mirror. Go to the shed in the garden. Talk to Rentaro about Takae and the mirror. Ask him about the portrait from the lobby. He'll ask for help fixing it. Click-hold-drop a black dot to a new position. Make sure that no wires overlap another. When finished, click on the torn part of the backing and see a Certificate of Spirit Removal given to the Ryokan Hiei by Savannah Woodham, Paranormal Expert. See and take a newspaper article written in Japanese. This needs to be translated. Talk to Rentaro completely. Ask Rentaro to translate the article. He gets mad. Go to your room and set the alarm for 1 am. Go down to the front desk.

Ryokan Lobby
See that Miwako is gone. Go behind the front desk and check Suki, the robocat. Talk to Suki. Use tje "Suki, tate" dialogue. Check the brown-black box under the counter. Suki is in guard mode. Don't try again or the game ends. Check the computer and realize that a password is needed. Note the keyboard keys are in Japanese. Pull back and check the shelf on the left wall. See 4 colored cards. One card is missing. Read the Krolmeister Card 3000 on the clipboard.  Go back to your room and set the alarm for 7 pm. See a shadow in the balcony. Open the balcony door. The screen tore. Look around at the balcony. The next day, grade the assignments found in the green box in your room. Exit the room and get a phone call from Bess and George. They met Yumi, Miwako's sister at a bento shop. George is at the expo. Talk to George about the robocat. She will check on the cat commands. Go down to the front desk. Talk to Miwako about the screen and certificate, as well as everything else. Do not ask Miwako about the newspaper article or game over. Use the second chance if you do. Go to room 18 and enter. Talk to Takae. She will teach you about origami, the art of folding paper. See finished origami at the center of the puzzle. The patterns on the sides are origami that are one step before completion to a finished product. Match the pattern on the side to the finished product at center. Check the shape of a pattern for possible wings, legs, and tails to see if they match one at the center. Place the appropriate pattern from the sides under the finished origami. Do not ask Takae about the article. Check the cheston the left desk and open the second drawer. Read about origami and learn the folds. Exit the room. Go to the work shed in the garden and talk to Rentaro. Turn in more puzzles. Exit the ryokan. See signs on the left. Use the dictionary on the signs and see a translation. The top sign points to the train station. Click on the arrow to be at the train station. Look close at the train route on the left wall. Note that the transfer-connection points in the route are marked by circle within a circle that has colors of the routes that intersect. Click-hold-move the map to find Matsue. It is at the bottom of the map and is on the brown line. Note down the connection points from Misawa to Matsue: Misawa - Nagoya - Otsu - Aomori - Kochi - Tochigi - Seto - Niigata - Fuji - Iga - Matsue. Pull back and look at the Information panel at the top of the screen. Click on the destination you want to go to. Follow the destinations to get to Matsue. Once there, pick up the Japanese puzzle box paper on the railing at the stop. Use the back arrow to exit the train station.

See that the expo tickets are sold out. Check the display of the robocat at the left. See that the robocat can have 5 moods. Turn right from the robocat display. Go forward and meet Yumi, Miwako's sister, at the bento shop. Talk to Yumi. Immediately be asked to fill in an order of a bento box. You get a list of what a customer wants in a box and place them in the appropriate square. The order and arrangement are shown by the icons at the right. The legend or what the icons mean is shown at left side. Select by clicking an icon on the left and place it in the appropriate square-box at the center. Yumi leaves to go to the store. This is a random puzzle. Click on the question mark to see the instructions. Identify the icon at the right (like sandwich, egg, or rice in a shape of rabbit, bear, or cat). Do the orders that show an animal with the order (egg, sandwich, or rice) first and those that are shown in a 3x3 grid. Deduce the squares with no clues. When correctly done, Yumi will return. Talk to her completely. She ran out of bento boxes and wants you to get them from her apartment by the Kurume station. She gives her key and her phone number. The phone number is now entered in the cell phone. Continue talking to Yumi, but don't ask her about the newspaper article. When the conversation ends, turn around, go forward, and go left to the train station. Study the route map on the left wall. Look for Kurume. See that it is at the middle of the map on a pink route. Note down the stops or transfers from here to there: Matsue - Iga - Kobe - Miyazaki - Urawa - Kurume. Click on the destination on the display board at top of the screen until you arrive at Kurume.

Yumi's Apartment
Back out of the train station to automatically be at the apartment. Get a phone call from George and Bess. George talked to the creator of the robocat and he was willing to give the commands if a puzzle be done first. George will send the puzzle to the ryokan. Get a message on the cell phone. Click the cell phone, then click Messages. See three separate pictures of Bess, George, and Yumi (#1, #2, and #3). Use the key on the first door at the right - #42. Take the bento boxes on the sink counter at the left. Go forward once and look right Take the DVD below the pink dresses in the closet. Check the sewing kit with dyes. Use the dictionary on the tin cans. Go to the corner of the room and check the frogs above the monitor. Read the letter of Kasumi, Yumi's mother, to a Maryann by the left frog. Look under the right frog and see a plate that has a code lock. Read the shadow puppet book below the monitor. Insert the DVD in the player under the monitor and watch a spooky shape appear. Click on the avatar icon shown in the top right of the monitor and see that it needs a password. Check the bed and read the Unveiling Ghost book by Savannah Woodham. Take the calling card of Savannah. The phone number is automatically entered in the cell phone. Flip through the pages and see that the story about the Ryokan Hiei has been torn out of the book. Call Savannah using the cell phone. Scroll through Contacts and then press the Call selection. Talk to Logan, Savannah's assistant. He hangs up on Nancy. Call Savannah again. Logan hangs up again. Call Bess or George and tell them about the book and the assistant. Bess will flirt with the assistant to get information. Get another message with another picture. Exit the apartment and go back to the Bento shop at Matsue. The train ride is automatic now. Give the bento boxes to Yumi. Yumi gives you a phone charm. Talk to Yumi about everything. Learn about the fashion program that you can use to send avatars to your phone. Do another bento box puzzle. Remember that the orders are on the right side and the ingredients to place in the box are on the left side. After finishing the bento box, Yumi gives the password for the avatar program. Continue talking to her but ask about her mother last. She'll dismiss you. Take the train to Kurume. Get a phone call from George in front of the apartment. Logan is distracted. Also get a text message with a creepy picture. Use the key to enter Yumi's apartment. Look close at the monitor and then click on Avatars at the top right. Check the password given to you by Yumi. Note the shape of the password. Select-click on the similar shape at the bottom right. Move the cursor to the screen and see the shape cursor. For ease in searching, note the colors of the first top 3 lines of colored balls of the password. Look for those colored balls in the puzzle screen. Move the shape over the selected balls and click. Click on a body shape to choose a model. Click start. Select an icon on the left (flesh tone, eyes, hair, dress, skirt, tops, and head gear). See selections on the right for that particular icon. Click on any selection to complete the avatar body. Click done when finished. When finished, click return to gallery. Highlight the avatar. Enter Nancy's phone number on the right: 5235554399. Send. Do an avatar for all those that are in your phone book: Bess, George, Savannah, and Yumi. Send them all to Nancy's phone. You'll get a text message about the fashions. Open the menu of the cell phone. Select Phone. Select a contact using the scroll arrows. Click on Options. Use the side arrow to look through the avatars you sent to this phone. Click Save to select that avatar. Do this for all your contacts. Call Savannah now while Logan is distracted. Talk to Savannah completely. Get her to get the newspaper article translated. Savannah says to leave the article at the front desk and Logan will pick it up. She doesn't have a copy of her book. Get a new text message after the conversation ends (picture #4). Go back to Misawa (the inn).

Miwako will say she has a delivery for you. Pick up the envelope left at the front desk. It is the puzzle that George sent in order to get the robocat commands. Talk to Miwako completely (twice). Go upstairs to your room and see the practiced calligraphy on the wall and an origami by the green box. Check for more papers to grade. Get an envelope from the red/brown folder and click the article from inventory on it. Automatically write Logan's name on it. Logan will call, warning about talking to Savannah about her previous career. Ask him for a copy of Savannah's book and he'll decline. When the phone call ends, go downstairs and give the envelope to Miwako. Go to your room and see the lights flicker and doors open and close on the way. See that the 2 from room 24 (Nancy's room) is gone. Go inside your room and open the envelope from George. It is a master sudoku made up of 5 interlocking sudoku puzzles. Solve the puzzle. After solving the top left puzzle, pull back and solve the next one. Do this until all 5 are done. There should be #1-9 horizontally, vertically, and in a box. No repeated number. Nancy will tell you if it is done correctly. When finished, get a text message from Logan about the newspaper article. Get an envelope from the red/brown journal and click the finished master sudoku on it. Automatically write George Fayne on the envelope. Go to the lobby and hear another angry guest leave, meaning Nancy is the last remaining guest at the inn. Talk to Miwako completely and. Eventually she will dismiss you. Go back to your room and set the alarm for 7 pm. Grade more student papers. Return to the lobby and give Miwako the envelope for George. Talk to her about everything; she'll dismiss you when you talk about her mother. Go to room 18 and talk to Takae. She will tell you about the tea ceremony. You'll have to remember the names of each item and where it belongs. Take a label on the right and place it in front of the proper item. Use the question mark at the bottom right to repeat the identification of the items. When finished, see a shadow walking outside on the balcony. Talk to Takae completely (twice) and exit the room. Exit the ryokan and go left to the train station. Study the route map and trace the route to Kure where the ryokan info paper states is where the pachinko parlor is located. Select the route: Misawa - Nagoya - Otsu - Aomori - Ube - Sakai - Kure. Back out of the train station when you arrive.

Pachinko Parlor
Enter and look around the parlor. See the prize booth at the center. Nancy comments that the comic book looks interesting. It is the second from left top row. You need 1339 balls to win it. Look left while facing the exit. Check the shutterclunker booth. Click on the slot at the bottom right to automatically insert the cell phone. Press the Take Photo pad at left. Look at a fuzzy picture of a redheaded Nancy in the slot below. Turn left from the photo booth and look close at the pachinko machines. Use the pachinko card taken from the basket at the ryokan bath on the slot at the bottom right. That card can be used on any of the 3 active machines and not run out of money. Insert the card at the bottom right slot and get 50 balls. Press-hold the yellow button and then select a line. Release the button to shoot a ball in the play field. The strength of the ball's run in the field depends on the line selection before the button is released. The aim is to get the balls down the holes. There are 5 holes. The hole at the center inside a flower produces a lot more balls and the jackpot. When you get over 1339 balls, go to the prize booth. Open the box at the bottom right. Place the sack of balls in your inventory won from the machines in there. Close the box. See the amount of balls recorded at the top. Press or click the prize selection. Press the comics in the top row (second item). The cover is removed. Take the comics. The remaining balls are automatically placed in the inventory. Read the comics in the inventory and learn about Yurei (unfriendly ghost) and EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Nancy thinks that recording a haunting might be a good idea. Use the cell phone and call Savannah. Logan answers. Talk to Logan and learn that he's interested in Bess. He will try to get the book for Nancy. Call Logan again and learn that he found a book but wants help getting a present for Bess. Nancy decides to use Yumi's avatar program. Take the train to Kurume. Enter Yumi's apartment and open the Avatar program. Make an avatar of what Bess might like as far as outfit goes (any outfit will do). Send the avatar to Savannah's phone number: 4045554478.  Get a text message from Logan saying thanks. Go back to Misawa.

Outside the inn, get a call from George about the robocat commands. Get all the commands and discuss everything. Go to Nancy's room and see wet footprints on the floor. Call Logan again. He will send the book. Go to the work shed at the garden. Talk to Rentaro completely. Talk to Miwako at the front desk. Talk to Rentaro at the work shed again. Go to Nancy's room and see that Nancy's name is now in red. Set the alarm for 1 am. Go to the back of the front desk. Talk to Suki and give her the new commands learned from Bess and George. See her do a lot of tricks. Lastly, use the command Mate. Suki sleeps. Read the 3 travel brochures behind Suki. Take the brown box from under the counter. Review the puzzle box paper taken from the Matsue train station. Based on that, open the box. Check what is inside the box. Take a tile piece and the envelope. Use the dictionary on the close up of the envelope and see that it has the password. Nancy says that she needs to open the envelope without anyone knowing she did. Read the letter from Kasumi to Maryann. Go back to your room and set the alarm for 7 pm. The next day, get a call from George and Bess. They have the book. Go to the cultural room and talk to Takae (twice). Check the left side cabinet of the chest and see that the teapot is in there. Try to take it and Nancy says she can't take it while Takae is there. Exit the room. Go through the lobby toward the bathroom and Miwako will tell you she has a delivery for you. Talk to Miwako completely. Go to your room and read Savannah's book in inventory. read chapter 6 about the ryokan. Learn abotu EVP and where Savannah placed the microphones. Call Savannah and talk to her completely. Go to and enter the bathroom with the red curtain (if it's blue go to your room and set the alarm to 7pm). Go into the hot spring room. Look close at the colored tiles on the shower wall. Automatically the tile taken from the puzzle box is inserted. Fit all the tiles from the left pyramid in the central diamond with a circle at the center. Click on a tile and move it to the diamond at the center. Click again to release the tile. Right click to rotate the tile. When done, the circle moves to get a peephole to another bath room. See Rentaro and Miwako arguing. Go to the front desk and talk to Miwako. Go to the garden.

Ryokan Garden
Now that you read the comics and Savannah's book, talk to Rentaro at the work shed about EVP. Get a recorder. Learn about the new recorder that he is making that can send the recorded message to others cell phone or computers. Rentaro wants a collar for Suki. There's a collar that is a prize at the pachinko parlor. Now it's time to go to the sites that Savannah wrote in her book and use the recorder. After exiting the shed, go left. Go past the cherry tree and then turn around. With your back on the front desk area, click on the cherry tree trunk. Be at the back side of the tree. Click on an empty channel in the recorder. Then click REC to record something. Wait for the recorder to stop and then exit. Face the fire pit (tea area) in the lobby and use the recorder. Get a text message from Yumi (picture #5). Go to the bath and face the mirror. Use the recorder on the mirror. Turn around where the ghost stood when you saw her in the mirror and record. No reaction. Go to the hot spring room and use the recorder. No reaction. Walk to the left wing, then walk to the middle of the hallway (close to Nancy's room, forward two times) and use the recorder. No reaction. Go to the right wing, then walk to the middle of the hallway and use the recorder. No reaction. Go to your room and set the alarm for 1 am. Go to the shed in the garden. Click on the machine on the shelf at the right to automatically place the recorder. Click on a lit channel button to listen to the recording. Then click on the arrow button at the base of the machine. The recording by the cherry tree has an argument between Miwako and Yumi. Yumi throws something in the water. The fire pit and bath mirror have spooky ghost sounds. The rest have no reaction. Exit the shed. Cross the wooden bridge. Turn right at the end of the bridge and immediately turn right to look under the bridge. Go forward and pick up a brown thing in the water - a room 18 key. See a stone slab on the left side under the bridge. There are rocks missing. There are 5 indents with pictures and one stone. Turn around and go forward to the walkway. Go left and check the base of the stone bench on the right. Pick up the stone by the lantern. Continue towards the entryway to the front desk. Turn left and walk towards the large stone lantern. Take the stone from base of the stone lantern. Go towards the old cherry tree and take the stone on the left side of the base of the tree. Continue towards the shed one click and take the stone beside the lantern on the left side. Go back under the bridge and see the stone puzzle on the left. Nancy will comment that she needs to know more about the symbols. Go to the lobby. Read the book on the table to the left of the main door. Learn about the different shapes of stones. Go back under the bridge. Look close at the stone slab on the left under the bridge. Place the stones on the etched slots based on their shape and info from the book. When done right, a secret compartment opens. Take the letter with markings. Read the letter from Kasumi to Maryanne. Go to the cultural room (#18). Use the door key Yumi threw in the pond to open the door.

Cultural Room
Pick up the card on the right side of the room. It is the red security card for the key cabinet behind the front desk. Go to the chest at the left wall. Read the origami book from the middle drawer. Using the book info and markings, select the steps needed to fold the origami. The steps appear on the top right. Click them in the proper order based on the book info and markings. When finished, it looks like a bamboo. Go back to the garden and to the bamboo-water structure at the end of the left side walkway. Nancy comments that it looks like the image on the letter. Look close at the bamboo post on the left. A tool is needed. Go to the shed. Take the screwdriver left of the recorder stand on the right shelf. Use the screwdriver on the bamboo of the water structure. Take the paper that looks like a part of a nonogram puzzle. Go to your room and set the alarm to 1 am.  Go to room 18 and use the key Yumi threw into the pond. Open the left side door of the chest. Take the teapot and key. Use the key on the bottom right drawer. Read another letter by Kasumi to Maryann. Go to the fire pit by the front desk. Hang the teapot on the hook above the smoldering fire. Take the password envelope and click on the right side of the vented steam (not directly on it, slightly past it). See a close up of the envelope. Open the envelope. Read the password - Takakawa. Take the teapot off the fire. The keyboard of the computer is in Japanese script. The password needs to be translated to Japanese script. Go back to room 18 and open the top drawer of the chest. Read the Writing Japanese book. Check the Hiragana page and check the script for Ta, Ka, and Wa. Exit the room. Go behind the counter of the front desk. Enter the password using the keyboard. Press the keys of the 4 syllables of the password - Ta- ka- ka- wa. (Remember to press ka twice). Press the Enter key. See the 2 pages of guests and their rooms. Check which rooms are not let out to guest. Then check which rooms are on the second floor where Savannah stayed. Rooms 25, 30, and 33 are not in the list. Pull back and look close at the metal cabinet on the wall. Read the Krolmeister 3000 info paper on the clipboard to know more about the security system. With the red card taken from the floor of room 18, all 5 cards needed are included. Insert the cards from left to right: blue, red, green, yellow, and purple. Then turn the knob above each card to match the shapes: blue click 4 times, red click 3 times, green click 4 times, yellow click 2 times, purple click 3 times. Make sure it's done in the order the cards were inserted. When it opens, take the only key in there. It opens rooms ending in 8 and 9. Go to your room and set the alarm for 7 pm. Go to the pachinko parlor in Kure. Check the prize booth to see that the collar Rentaro wants requires 2100 balls. Play pachinko until you have enough balls to win the collar.  Place the balls at the prize booth box and select the collar at second from the right end at the bottom row. Go to Matsue and then to the bento shop. Talk to Yumi completely (she'll dismiss you when you bring up her mother). Go back to Misawa. Talk to Miwako at the front desk. Also talk to Takae in room 18. Watch Takae while she is sitting - she falls asleep. Go to your room. Call Savannah to see if she knows more about the room she stayed in. She mentions a picture of a carved wooden bird that opens the secret passage. Go to the garden shed and talk to Rentaro. Give him the collar. He leaves to give it to Suki. Look at the work bench. Take a star keycard. See the arm Rentaro is making for his planned robodog. Talk to Miwako about Suki's collar. The room key obtained last night only opens rooms ending with #8 or #9. Susannah stayed on the second floor. Go to the second floor of the right wing. Use the key on room 39, on the left side at the end of the hallway. Enter, turn left, and see a star lock on the panel close to the right closet (in front of you). Click it and Nancy will say she needs to find something to match the symbol. Use the star key from Rentaro's work station on that star lock and be in room 37. Use the star key on the star lock right in front of you. Be in room 35 and hear a weird sound. Use the star key on the star lock right in front of you to be in room 33. You are now trapped. Immediately look close at the lock of the balcony door. See that it is a crystal pieces lock. This is a timed puzzle. There are 6 wedges in the circle. They are all similar. What you do on one of the wedge - also do it on the other 5. It's like a mirror. Select a color from the right and fill the empty areas with the correct color. There are pieces there already that show what should be placed on those areas.  You cannot save while in the puzzle but you can stop the time by opening the save feature. When done right, the lock turns. Click on the balcony screen to exit. Nancy jumps to the garden. Go back to room 39. Use the master key and enter. Use the star card on the side panels until you get to room 33. Turn right and click on the carved wooden bird painting on the left wall. The closet left of the star door opens. Go down the passageway into the other bath. Look around. This is the room seen through the peephole.  Check the bricked entryway and the pool. Look close at the table with the lantern. Read a faded note by Y to M. See a small altar on the left with Kasumi's portrait.  Look close at the latticed work above the altar. Automatically the paper found inside the bamboo is placed on the wall. You need another set of numbers. Go through the secret door and exit the ryokan.

Go talk to Yumi in Matsue about everything. Go back to the inn and get a text picture from her (#6). Go to Kure and notice that the picture taking booth is out of order. Return to the inn, go to your room, and set the alarm for 7 pm. When you wake up, get a final text picture from Yumi (#7). Nancy will comment that she should print them all. Grade any papers in the green box. Go to the pachinko parlor at Kure. Enter the pachinko parlor. Look close at the shutterclunker booth. Click on the slot at the bottom right to automatically insert the cell phone. Click on Print Photo at the right side. Click on a picture and then click on Print. Take the photo from the bottom slot. Do all the colored pictures from Yumi. Click on one of the developed picture in inventory and see all 7 laid out in squares. Arrange the pictures to form Japanese numbers that are hidden in the pictures.  The purple lines on edges of the pictures are part of Japanese numbers. Go to Matsue and then to bento shop. Talk to Yumi. Help with another bento preparation. It's late so Yumi tells Nancy to stay in her apartment. Automatically go to Kurume. Use the key to enter Yumi's apartment. Check the bottom of the right frog on the shelf above the monitor. See the locked container. Enter the numbers seen in Yumi's pictures. Get the other nonogram numbers. Set the alarm for 7 pm. In the middle of the night, the window rattles. Open the window. Read the message. Automatically be back at the ryokan.

Grade any assignments in the green box. Go to room 33 via room 39. Go down to the secret bath through the closet left of the star door. Click on the lattice and see the complete nonogram puzzle. Based on the numbers, solve the puzzle. When it opens, read Kasumi's letter to her daughters. Take the sword. Back up and meet the yurei. You are now under water. This is a timed puzzle. You'll have to cut ropes to escape. Check the yurei. Look close at the arm and the head. Immediately, take the sword from inventory and cut the ropes based on this. When you escape, exit and go to room 18. Talk to Takae completely.  Talk to her again to find out what really happened to Kasumi. Look for Miwako. She is not around. Check the work shed in the garden. Rentaro is also gone. Take the new recorder that he built that is on the holder. This recorder sends recordings to computers and cell phones. See an e-mail icon at the top right of the recorder. Look at the work table. Take and use the dictionary on the pink note. Take the door-o-matic. Go to room 33 and use the door-o-matic on the room from the hall. Enter the room and see the culprit. When you regain control of your movements, use the door-o-matic on the door open to the hallway. Immediately pick up the new recorder from the floor. Press a channel to start recording. There will be two possible dialogs to choose from; see the ending based on your selection. Case closed!

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