
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ransom of the Seven Ships Cheats


Bat Seeker
Two possible solutions:

Scuba Closet Lock
Numbering from left to right and top to bottom:

Junior Detective:
Solution 1 - Press 5, 15, 25, 10, 5, 22, 21, and 7.
Solution 2 - Press 21, 22, 25, 15, 10, and 7.

Senior Detective:
Solution - Press 20, 14, 8, 9, 4, and 5.

Golf Cart

Junior Detective:    See that the top 2 batteries have 100 ml already, middle left has 45, middle right has 15, bottom left has 25, and bottom right has 15 mls.
1. Open all 4 bottom switches turning the switches to green. Press a white-blue button on dispenser to dispense 15 mls to each of the 4 batteries and get: 60, 30, 40, 30.
2. Close the bottom left (40 ml) battery. Press a blue white-button on dispenser to dispense 20 mls to each of the 3 batteries and get: 80, 50, 40, 50.
3. Repeat - With bottom left (40 ml) battery closed, press a white-blue button to dispense 20 mls to each of the 3 batteries and get: 100, 70, 40, 70.
4. Close middle left (100 ml) battery. Press white-blue button to dispense 30 to each of the 2 right batteries to get: 100, 100, 40, 100.
5. Close middle right and bottom right (100 mls) and open bottom left (40 mls). Press a white-blue button to dispense 60 mls to last of the 3 batteries and get: 100, 100, 100, 100.

Senior Detective:    See that top left has 15 mls, top right has 40, middle left has 60, middle right has 55, bottom left has 55, and bottom right has 75.
1. Open all 6 switches by turning them to point to green. Press a white-blue button to dispense 10 mls to all 6 batteries and get 25, 50, 70, 65, 65 and 85.
2. Close the switches of top right and middle left. Press a white-blue button to dispense 15 mls to top left, middle right, bottom left and bottom right to get: 40, 50, 70, 80, 80, 100.
3. Open top right, middle right and bottom left; all others are closed. Press a white-blue button to dispense 20 ml and get 40, 70, 70, 100, 100, 100.
4. Open top right and middle left; all others are closed. Press white-blue button to dispense 30 mls and get 40, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100.
5. Open top left and close all other.  Press white-blue button to dispense 60 mls and get 100 mls on all.

Shark Cove Maze
Stand beneath the W palm trees and follow these directions:
South 3 times
West 3 times
North 9 times
West 9 times
North 2 times
West 3 times
South 15 times
West 4 times
South 6 times
East 12 times
North 5 times
East 6 times
South 4 times
East 8 times
North 2 times

El Toro’s Deciphered Journal, Part 1
Deciphered page 1:  In the black of night, with hurricane winds wailing and giant waves pounding, I ordered my fleet to change course and make for land. But with this island in sight, the Caridad foundered and disappeared into the sea, while the Castidad was set ablaze when lightning ignited her sails and sank amid the smoke and flames. The remaining five ships managed to reach the island, where we dropped anchor, and waited out the tempest.
Deciphered page 2:  The light of dawn revealed catastrophic damage. Only a third of my men survived. Worse, not one of my ships is salvageable. None shall ever sail again. We are shipwrecked. The only hope we have of ever leaving this accursed place is to be seen by a passing ship. Lest it be a pirate ship, I have undertaken to hide our cargo. As a loyal servant of the King, it is my duty.
Deciphered page 3:  Seven ships set sail, and so seven pieces shall open the seal. I have tasked each surviving ships’ crew with hiding a single item, its location known only to them and to me. Securing the treasure itself shall be my task alone. I write this in English so that no one here with me will know how to find it. In this manner, any attempt to force the location of the treasure from my men will be fruitless.

Caridad Chest Sudoku Lock

Junior Detective:

Senior Detective:

El Toro’s Deciphered Journal, Part 2
1. Befriended one of the families of bats that call this island home. Their gargantuan ears and winged antics provide much needed laughter for my men as the creatures devour the insects attracted to our lantern. The cave which they call home has become a safe haven to us.
2.  Explored the interior of the isle searching for supplies. From its highest point, found a view most worthy. Half a fathom tall, the astrolabe guides the way to a flying dove and a watery grave.
3. Discovered a bounty of seafood at Halfmoon reef. Divers swim down to the secret entombed behind death. Two form a perfect square times three, three create four, four makes five. Then they return to the surface, prize in hand.
4. A challenge issued today by Generosidad’s cabin boy, Manuel, to helmsman, Andres, for ownership of a hammock which washed ashore. Pointing to two three hundred kg rocks, Manuel proposed that whoever lifted one of them first would win. Andres, the stronger by far, quickly accepted. He had not yet budged his rock when Manuel, having used six loops of a fifty foot rope over pulleys, raised his with ease and walked off with the hammock.
5. More losses at the Blue Hole when a group of men dove in and lost their bearings. Danger! Heed this warning: Death awaits all who enter these caves unprepared. Poisonous guardians of the deep strike with no warning. Stay away! Only those who follow the signs will find their way.

Bat Steep Redirected Lights

Junior Detective:

Senior Detective:

Camel Puzzle

Camel Slider Puzzle
Click tiles in position stated: 8, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 5, 8, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 8, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9

Junior Detective:
Turn O sundial to 1.
Turn the first A sundial to 6.
Turn C sundial to 6.
Turn H sundial to 2.
Turn last A sundial to 2.
Turn T sundial to 9.

Senior Detective:
Turn C sundial to 6.
Turn H sundial to 2.
Turn O sundial to 1.
Turn first A sundial to 6.
Turn last A sundial to 2.
Turn T sundial to 9.

Octopus Cave Box

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 3: (alternate)

Blue Hole Pulley
Click on wheels: bottom right, top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, and top right.

Owl Disk Puzzle
Do not turn the donkey but click on stem to move it to center.
Turn the camel once and click on stem to move it to center.
Turn the dove 3 times and click on stem to move it to center.

Half Moon Bay is N23 deg 57', W74 deg 30'.
Dread Island is N24 deg 00', W73 deg 24'.
Danger Reef is N24 deg 09 ', W74 deg 18'.
Kraken Whirlpool is N23 deg 54' W74 deg 12'.
Shipwreck Shoals is N24 deg 06 ' W74 deg 00'.
Gull Rock is N 23 deg 51' W73 deg 48'.
USS Cyclops is N24 deg 09' W73 deg 42'.
Bermuda Triangle is N24 deg 18' W73 deg 27'.

Blue Hole Maze

Danger, warning, death, enter, and poisonous are the symbols seen in front of you going to the dial panel.
Guardians, deep, strike, and warning are the symbols seen in front of you going back to the surface.

Dial Puzzle
Top row:    Bee, Ant, Donkey
Bottom row:    Owl, Panther, Camel
2. Turn the disks so that colors and patterns are adjacent to each other.
(Turn all disks to the below location except the donkey on the far right; do it last)

Hourglass Puzzle
1. Turn Humilidad. Start count at 27 going down.
2. Turn Generosidad at 25.
3. Turn Castidad at 20.
4. Turn Paciencia at 15.
5. Turn Templanza at 11.
6. Turn Caridad at 6.
7. Turn Diligencia at 2.

Bull Picture Buttons

End-Game Stars
You might get a star if you communicate with George often enough.
A star might be obtained if you win all the random prizes from the monkey games.
You might get a star if you see all CouCou’s tricks.
If you eat enough guavas, you might get a star.
If you identified all the bats, you might get a star.
If you collected all other metals besides the necessary ones in the Shark’s Cove, you might get a star.

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