
Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Captive Curse Cheats

Monster Match



Karl's Card Display
Left pan:     Sailor RedBraid, The Donkey King, and Fairy Trigger
Middle pan:     Fenarius Wolf, Professor Sparrow, and Enchanted Mirror
Right pan:    The Robber, Bonaparte, and The Golden Hunter

Renate's Bag Puzzle

 Junior (solution 1)

 Junior (solution 2)


Well Hexagon Puzzle

Glass Box Puzzle

Place tiles in order shown:
1. Aquamarine
2. Turn purple
3. Dark green
4. Red
5. Light green
6. Yellow
7. Blue
8. Orange
9. Turn lavender

Place tiles in order show:
1. Large orange
2. Aquamarine
3. Small orange
4. Large green
5. Large blue
6. Small blue
7. Turn small pink
8. Small green
9. Purple
10. Yellow
11. Turn large pink

Lukas's Code


Zap Up Numbers
Junior - 10, 8, 2, 7 and 6.
Senior - 9 and 15

Gate Release Slider Puzzle
Junior Part 1: Move bars 1 2 3 4 5

Junior Part 2:
1. Move 5 up.
2. Move green 9 to right one space.
3. Move 1 down completely.
4. Move 2 to the left completely.
5. Move 5 up.
6. Move 6 to the left.
7. Move 5 down.
8. Move 3 down.
9. Move 4 to the left.
10. Move 3, 7 and 8 up
11. Move green 9 to the right.

Junior Part 3:
1. Move 6 up.
2. Move 9 right.
3. Move 1 down.
4. Move 2 left.
5. Move 5 up.
6. Move 7 left.
7. Move 6 down
8. Move 3 down.
9. Move 4 left.
10. Move 8 up.
11. Move 9 right.

Senior Part 1:
1. Move 10 right one space.
2. Move 3 down.
3. Move 6 left.
4. Move 2 down.
5. Move 1 right one space.
6. Move 3 up.
7. Move 6 left.
8. Move 4 down.
9. Move 5 left.
10. Move 2, 7, 8, 9 up.
11. Move 10 right.

Senior Part 2:
1. Move 1 right.
2. Move 2 down.
3. Move 3 left.
4. Move 5 up.
5. Move 7 right.
6. Move 9 up.
7. Move 8 right one space.
8. Move 2 down.
9. Move 7 left.
10. Move 5 down.
11. Move 6 left.
12. Move 5 up.
13. Move 10 and 11 up.
14. Move 8 right.

Senior Part 3:
1. Move 3 right.
2. Move 5 up.
3. Move 6 left.
4. Move 9 up.
5. Move 10 down.
6. Move 8 right.
7. Move 1 down.
8. Move 9 down.
9. Move 6 right.
10. Move 2 and 5 down.
11. Move 3, 4, 6 and 7 left.
12. Move 11 up.
13. Move 8 right.

Dungeon Lock
From left to right, press buttons: 3, 4, 2, 1, wait, 2, 2 again, and immediately 3.

Dungeon Brick Wall
Necklace - postcard - EN.
2. Boulder - page 11 - ME
3. Well - page 17 - TK
4. Shield - page 19 - OM
5. Trap door - page 25 - N

Dungeon Escape Wall


 Junior (finished)


 Senior (finished)

Easter egg: Go forward to the shield in the secret passage (looking for proof of monster). Go forward until the metal box on the wall that needs 2 keys. Use the antique key first on the left keyhole and the gift shop drawer key on the right keyhole. Click on the panel to open. See a beautiful yellow egg. Take the yellow Under cover/over easy egg. Cluck cluck cluck!

If you collect enough coins, you might get an award.
If you test Karl's game often enough, you might get an award and lots of money.
If you bought every souvenir in the shop, you might get an award.
If you get a full deck of Raid cards from playing and winning Monster, you might get an award.
If you use the well bucket often enough, you might get an award.
If you give Renate enough food, you might get an award.
If you go to the woods often enough, you might get an award.
If you check the different scenes on the CCTVs often enough, you might get an award.
If you press the alarm button often enough, you might get an award.

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