
Monday, December 26, 2011

Alibi in Ashes Cheats

Crates in Town Hall (Fire)


Evidence Locker Key
Junior:    Numbering the buttons from top right clockwise: click on 3, 5, and 1.
Senior:    Numbering the buttons from top going clockwise: click on 1, 2, 5, and 6.

Middle Drawer in Police Station File Cabinet
Press in tabs (left to right): top left, bottom, top right, bottom left, and right.

Computer Password
Junior - Top row going down: press 3, 2, 4, and 1.
Senior - Top row going down: press 3, 5, 4, 1, and 2.

File Cabinet Lock Pick

Click the picks in this order: Red - Yellow - Blue - Green - Green - Green - Blue - Red - Yellow - Red - Blue.

Fingerprint Analysis

Suspect Board

Audio Channels

Channel 1 level = ~ 35.
Channel 2 level = ~75.
Channel 3 level = ~96 to 100.
Channel 4 level = ~50.
Channel 5 level = ~100.
Me frequency = ~93
Bess frequency = -87 to -99
Cars frequency = ~27.
Birds frequency = -73 to 83.
Bugs frequency = -100.







Tunnel Maze
This chart goes left to right. Go to the door with the shown icon and then go through that door to the next room.

Turn left to                       Forward to                          Forward to


Right to                             Forward to                          Forward to


Forward to                         Forward to                          Forward to


Right to                             Right to                                    Left to


Forward to                        Right to                                 Forward to


End-Game Prizes
If you do an emergency call, you might get an award.
If you get all characters involved in the game, you might get an award.
If you drive and stop at enough labeled locations in the map, you might win an award.
If you eat enough goodies from the box you might win an award.
If you listened carefully to the questioning on the suspect interviews disk, you might win an award.
If you play the number puzzle enough times, you might win an award.
If you find all possible accelerants seen in the game, you might get an award.
If you order all ice cream flavors, you might get an award.
If you successfully finish enough swapping puzzles, you might win an award.
If you talk to Toni about the Town Hall litigation, you might get an award.

Easter Eggs
After winning the Number Punch game, click on prime numbers from 2 to 41. Get an Easter egg.
If you open and close the makeup case in Brenda's van 3 times, see an Easter Egg.

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