
Monday, July 4, 2011

Stay Tuned for Danger walkthrough

Mattie’s Apartment
Talk to Mattie and ask her everything. Before she leaves, she will give you a copy of her apartment keys and have a pass ready for you at the World Wide Broadcasting Company. Search and look at everything in the apartment. Look in the basket beneath the window and take the TV remote control. Read the letters in Mattie’s desk. Go toward the front door, look at the note next to the phone, and call Ned. Go to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio.

World Wide Broadcasting Studio
Look to the right and read through the magazine on the table. Notice that the letters have been cut out. Talk to Ralph, the security guard, get your pass from him, and sign in. Turn left when you go down the hall. Listen by the door to the producer, William Pappas. Go to Mattie’s dressing room and talk to her about everything. She will invite you to come down to the set. After she leaves, look at everything in the dressing room. In the drawer of a box on the dresser, you will see a torn note. Put the pieces back together and read the note. Go to the set and watch the scene. When everyone leaves, check the stage. Notice the broken clock and the teleprompter. Go over to the workbench and pick up the screwdriver. Go down the hall where Mattie’s dressing room is again and listen to the producer’s conversation again. Go to Rick’s dressing room and talk to him about everything. When he leaves, pick up the 3D glasses from the vanity drawer. Look at everything in the dressing room, especially the threat letters. Notice the typed letters “Y” is dropped. Go to the right down the hall to the prop room and talk with Millie. She will tell you to talk to the director, Lillian Weiss. When you talk with her, she will take your pass away. Go back to Mattie’s apartment.

Mattie’s Apartment
Talk to Mattie about everything. She will arrange for you to meet with her agent, Dwayne Powers. Go to the new address on your map. Ring the “Powers Talent” buzzer two times to talk with him. When he buzzes you in, go inside, turn left, and go down the stairs to his room. Talk to him about everything. Return to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio. Talk to Ralph and he will give you another pass. Sign in, also. Go talk to Lillian and Millie about everything. Millie will give you some riddles to answer. When you’ve answered them correctly, she will leave. Find the chest puzzle, solve it, and get the clock hand. Look at the map behind the chest and notice the poem written around the edges. Pick up the wire cutters under the map. Look at everything else in the prop room. You should find a box full of doorknobs. Take one of them. You should also find an oil can on one of the shelves. Take it, too. Go to Millie’s desk and notice the typewriter drops it’s “Y”. Look at the log book and notice the name in the back corner of the book-Millie WWB1958. Go to Mattie’s dressing room and talk to her about everything again. Go to her apartment and head up the stairs. Select night. Look at the chair next to the phone. Open the package, take the video, go to the living room, use the TV remote control on the TV, and watch the video. Go back up the stairs and select day. Call your friends for help. Return to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio.

World Wide Broadcasting Studio
Talk to Ralph and show him your pass. Go to Rick’s dressing room. As you knock on the door, it will open slightly. Go inside and move towards the vanity. Notice the bomb (it looks like a tape player). To disarm the bomb, use the screwdriver on the four screws of the tape player. Quickly use the wire cutters on the wires just above the timer clock on the bomb. Clip the yellow wire, then red, then orange, then blue. When you’ve done this correctly, you will be talking to the producer, William Pappas, on the phone in Mattie’s apartment. Talk to him about everything. Check the note next to the phone and call George. Look to the left of the phone and see a new letter. In it, you will find the code for the side entry (3-6-8-9). Go up the stairs and change to night. Go to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio. Outside, turn to the left and go to the side entrance. Use the code you just found on the door. Go to Lillian’s office. Use your pass on the door to get in. Look at everything. Notice the book on the bookshelf above the desk. Get Lillian’s personal file disk. Look at the fax sheet on the fax machine. Look in the trash can below the fax machine and notice the poem, which is like the one found in Rick’s dressing room. Look in the top drawer of Lillian’s desk at the rubber cement. Look in the drawer to the left of the chair. Look at the calendar on the wall and the desk calendar. Pick up the pencil by the computer. Use it on the paper on the clipboard. Move to the clipboard underneath the TV and VCR. Look at both of the papers. On the second paper, use your 3D glasses to read it. Use the personal file disk you found in the book on the bookshelf on the CPU of the computer. Log onto the computer using Millie and her password as your login name. The password is WWB1958. Look at everything on the computer, including the trash. When you click on the key icon, make a note of the control room’s code (ACTOR). Click on the printer icon to print the document. Go to the printer in the corner of the desk and look at the document. After you finished searching Lillian’s office, go to the stage. Use your pass on the side of the door to get in. Go to the set and use the clock hand you found in the chest on the clock. Place the hand on the eleven. You will be presented with a key. Go up the spiral steps away from the set and use the code (ACTOR) to open the door. Once inside the control room, use the key from the clock on the High Voltage box, and turn the High Voltage on. Look to the left and get the security video tape off the shelf. Use the cassette in the cassette player on the right. Adjust the levels and try to listen to the tape clearly. Leave the control room and go down to the far side past the stage area where you see some comfortable chairs and coffee cups. You will see a locked panel on the wall. Open it with the key you got from the clock. Move the top lever to the right one time, the middle lever to the right one time, the top lever to the right one time, then the bottom lever all the way over to the right side. Then, push the yellow button. Move to the stage, behind the sofa, and operate the lift. Follow the hallway to another lift. Activate it to go up and find yourself in the locked area of the prop room. Go forward and look in the shirt. Look at the ID for Owen Spayder (318-67-2001). Go back to Lillian’s office and insert the disk into the computer’s CPU. Use Millie and her password to log in. Click on the filing cabinet icon and type in Owen Spayder’s ID number twice. Look at his information. After finishing your search in Lillian’s office, go to Dwayne’s apartment. He won’t be there, so ring Hess Grumbly’s buzzer to get in. Go to Dwayne’s office and use your pass on the door to get in.

Dwayne's Office
Look to the left and get the wallet out of the coat pocket. Look at the calling card and note the numbers (4377-6630). Go to his desk and use those numbers to open his briefcase. Look at everything in the briefcase and take the key inside. Use the key to open the file drawers. Inside the filing cabinet, look at Rick’s, Mattie’s, and Owen’s personal files. Move to the bookshelf and read the Lemarron book. Look underneath the chess board on the small table. In the corner, look at the newspaper. Go back to Dwayne’s desk and look in the bottom right drawer at the clipboard. Look in the top middle drawer at the adhesive. Look at the fortune cookie and read the fortune. Go back to Mattie’s apartment. Use the remote control on the TV and watch the security video. It has the red label. Look at the chair next to the phone. You should see a package for Nancy Drew. Open it and read the threatening note. Call Bess and talk to her about everything. Leave Mattie’s apartment and go to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio in the daytime. Talk to Lillian, Mattie, and Rick about everything. Return to Mattie’s apartment and the phone will be ringing. Answer it. Go up the stairs and change to night. Return to the World Wide Broadcasting Studio. Go in through the side entrance (3689) and enter. Go to the stage. Lillian will meet you there. Talk to her about everything. When Lillian asks who the culprit is, say it is Dwayne Powers. The lights will go off and Dwayne will appear in the control room window above, and a conversation will start. When you regain control of Nancy’s movements, turn immediately to the right and move forward towards the fire alarm. Pull the alarm, then back up two times. Immediately click on the vacuum door release button to the left of the doors that lead out of the studio. Once you have pushed the button to release the studio doors, a small panel opens, revealing the final puzzle of the game. This puzzle changes every time you play. To solve the puzzle, push the buttons along the side. If you pushed the correct button, a white triangle will appear in the center. Push all the buttons until all the triangles are in the center. The door will open and Ralph will catch Dwayne. End of game!

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