
Monday, July 4, 2011

Secret of the Scarlet Hand walkthrough

Beech Hill Museum
Look at the magazines on the round table in the corner of Joanna’s office. Look at the two Mayan statues on the shelf. Exit the office and look at the two plaques on each side of Joanna’s office door. Especially look at the plaque on the right side. Go to the admission desk and look at the map. Go around the other side of the admission desk and look in the drawer. Take the Temple Key Card. Notice there is a knob missing on the doors to the headphones. Go out towards the double golden doors, but turn to your left and go into the alcove. Pick up the paper airplane. The double doors lead to the metro station. The red dots show where you can go at this time. The Colonial Hotel is where Nancy is staying. Go to the museum lab. To get to the lab, go to the exhibition section and go forward to the temple. Turn right and go into the door that says Employees Only. Turn right and go through the door that says Laboratory.

Nancy’s desk is the one on the left facing the door. Find the list of tasks on the clipboard. Open the drawer on the left and look at Sonny Joon’s notebook. Look at the candy wrapper. Pick up the loose knob. Look along the counter at the Spectro X Analyzer. Look at Henrik’s desk and the HAM radio on the right. Each time you complete a task, cross it off the task list. Task #3: Look at the list of suppliers next to the phone and call Silvio’s Curatorial Bonanza at 555-9963. Talk to Silvio and try ordering more packing supplies. Cross it off your task list. Talk with Henrik. Ask him everything. He will absolve you from task #4. Leave the lab and go to the Mexican Consulate. Task #3: Talk with Alejandro. Give him the loan agreement (paper airplane). When you finish, return to the museum.

Beech Hill Museum
Use the knob you found in your desk on the glass cabinet to get a pair of headphones. Go to the Shipping and Receiving room, which is across the hall from the lab. Look in the box labeled Sonny’s Stuff and get the pottery piece (his box is on the right shelf). Go inside the temple and get the pottery piece from inside a bowl. Go to the lab.

Task #1: Go to the workstation to the left of Henrik. Click on the pottery pieces and all 7 will show up on the right side. Place your cursor over either side of the black turntable until it changes to a curved arrow. This will turn the vase and make it easier to place the pieces. When you finish, cross task #3 and #1 off your task list. Task #5: Go to the Shipping/Receiving room. Turn to the left and click on the black boxes on the wall. Change the narrations to the appropriate ones. Go back to the lab and cross task #5 off your task list. Task #6: Go to the exhibition hall in the “Who Were the Maya?” section and open the glass case on the left by clicking on the key hole. Take the tile. Go to the garden behind the temple and take the tile off the Bicephalic Altar (one of the first statues to the right if you enter on the left side of the temple). Once you have the tiles, go to the “Language” section of the exhibition hall and click on the keyhole to open the case in the back. Arrange the tiles in the correct order. Go back to the lab and cross task #6 off your task list. Go to the garden. Examine all four sides of the monolith (tall, four-sided statue) in the middle of the garden. Eventually, you will hear footsteps. Back up and meet Taylor Sinclair. Talk to him and he will tell you to meet him at his office. The site will be added to your metro map. Go to Joanna’s office and talk to her (if she’s not there, go to the hotel and set the alarm for 10:00 am). Go to Sinclair’s office and ask him everything, especially why he said Beech Hill is in jeopardy. Return to the Mexican Consulate and talk with Alejandro about everything. Go back to the Beech Hill lab and notice that Henrik is not there. As you leave the lab, an alarm will go off and Joanna will tell you the police are on their way. You will find yourself and the crime scene and will see a paper with a scarlet handprint on it where the jade carving of King Pacal used to be. Talk with Joanna in her office and then go back to the crime scene to take the note with the handprint. Go back to the lab. Henrik is not there, but he left a note for you on your desk. Check your voice mail. Call Franklin Rose. Talk with Joanna in her office. She tells you to analyze the handprint. Go back to the lab. Use the Spectro X Analyzer to analyze the handprint. To do this, click on the switch to turn it on. Click on the door to the analyzer receptacle and place the paper with the handprint inside. Click on the screen, and then click on Start. Then click on Compare. Click on the left arrow to line up the graphs. Click on Match, and then click Exit. Walk over to the Periodic Table hanging on the wall. Click on Hg (pink section), and then click on S (yellow section). Tell Joanna about your results. Return to the lab. Look at the vendors next to the phone and call Keep It Real (555-6766). Talk with Mack about everything. Leave the lab and walk into the garden. Go in about five or six steps on either side of the temple and then turn around. Go toward the front of the temple and you will see Henrik fall down the stairs. An ambulance will come to take Henrik to the hospital and you will be back in your hotel room talking on the phone with Bess and George. After your conversation, return to the museum. Talk with Joanna in her office. Go to the lab and listen to your voicemail. Call Nurse Bluefoot (555-4000). Go to the hospital and talk with Henrik. Put the crime scene note with the scarlet hand on the corkboard. Go to Sinclair’s office and talk to him. Take the photo he offers you and return to the hotel. Call Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222) and talk with Sheila. Go to the Mexican Consulate and ask Alejandro everything. Return to the hospital and add the photo from Sinclair to the bulletin board. Talk with Henrik. He will give you a key. Return to the museum’s lab. Read the note from Joanna on the desk beneath the phone. Listen to your voicemail and call Franklin Rose. Use the key Henrik gave you on the top and bottom drawers of his desk. Take his zip disk from the top drawer. From the bottom drawer, read the papers and book, and read and take his notes. Go to Joanna’s office and get the key to the glass cabinets in the exhibition hall from the top drawer of her desk. Open the file cabinet and examine the Provenance Documents. Read all five documents. Go to the hotel. Insert Henrik’s zip disk into the zip drive attached to the laptop. The password is stone, but it won’t work yet. Set the alarm for 10:00 am. Go to the hospital and visit Henrik (he’s asleep). Put his notes on the board. Go to the Mexican Consulate and talk with Alejandro. He tells you to get the Provenance Documents in return for the Nautl word for snake. Go back to Joanna’s office at the museum and get the five documents from her file cabinet you read earlier. Return to the Mexican Consulate and give the documents to Alejandro in exchange for the word Coatl. Go to the hospital and talk with Henrik. Return to the museum and go to the “God” area of the exhibition hall. Use the key from Joanna’s desk drawer on the glass cabinet containing the Mayan calendar pieces. The pieces are very heavy, so quickly close the cabinet after getting the calendar wheels and rush out to the garden and the monolith. Insert the calendar pieces on the side of the monolith that faces the steps leading into the temple. Zoom in on the pieces and rotate both of the inner and outer rings until a stone pulls inward. Return to the lab.

Approach the HAM radio. As you try to use it the radio tube goes out. Go to the section “Who Were the Maya?” in the exhibition hall and use the key from Joanna’s desk drawer to open the cabinet with the HAM radio inside. Turn the radio and take the radio tube. Close the case and return to the lab. Replace the radio tube. Turn the machine on. Enter 2731 and hit the Connect button. Using morse code, enter the word Coatl. Follow each letter with the Send button. When you have entered the word Coatl, enter the word Leche the same way. Turn the machine off and return to the hotel.

Use the laptop and the zip disk. Enter Henrik’s password (stone). Look at everything. Call Henry Daddle (1-605-555-3195) and then his daughter, Penelope (1-605-555-3197). Leave the hotel and visit Sinclair’s office. Click on the painting on the right. When he leaves, take a cookie off his desk and switch it with the jade piece in the painting. Return to the museum. Enter the Shipping/Receiving room and open the box in the receiving area. Match the eyes so that all figures have crossed eyes. Get the jade key piece. Return to the hotel. Call the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center (1-505-555-1222) again and talk to Sheila. Ask her everything. Wait a day and call her again. She says she will send you a package to the museum express. Set the alarm for 8:00 am. Go to the museum.

Beech Hill Museum
Go inside the temple and complete all three levels of activities. On the third level, there will be a trivia question that you must ask Henrik for in the hospital. When all three levels of activities are complete, you can go to King Pacal’s tomb, insert your card, and open the tomb to get the jade carving Henrik hid there. Pick up your glow stick, also. Exit to the garden through the door by the trivia question (use your glow stick to light the way) into the lower temple area. Return to the hotel. Call Franklin Rose and get Joanna back. Set the alarm for 8:00 am. Go the museum lab and call Franklin Rose. Ask him about Prudence Rutherford. He will tell you he’ll call her. Return to the hotel and call her (1-785-555-7279). She tells you she will send you a replica of her stolen jade carving. Set the alarm for 8:00 am. Go the museum, then the Shipping/Receiving room. Look at the receiving area. Pick up the package, then the jade carving from Prudence Rutherford. Talk to Joanna twice in her office. She will give you a code (0677) to a locked box in the Shipping/Receiving room. Exit her office and make your way to the Shipping/Receiving room. Move forward to the box on the top shelf in front of you. Use the code Joanna just gave you and remove the jade piece. Return to the hotel and set the alarm for 10:00 am. Go back to the museum and the Shipping/Receiving room. Pick up the package, then the impression from the Chaco Canyon Cultural Center. Go to the lab. Place the impression under the machine next to the Periodic Table. Click on the machine twice to make a mold. Take the piece. Go to the workstation where you put the Mayan vase together. Put the pieces together the same way to make a key. Go to the garden and move to the monolith. Click on the “keyhole” side of the monolith (the side facing the stairs) and rotate the key to the left three times. Insert the key. Move to the left hole. The key should be displaying the side with the mold facing you. Insert the key. Move to the left again and rotate the key to the left one time. Insert the key. Finally, move to the left a final time and rotate the key to the left two times. Insert the key. The tomb opens. Enter the tomb. Click on the paper on the skeleton. The culprit will appear and lock you in the tomb. If you don’t get out soon, you’ll suffocate! When the tomb door closes on you, use your glow stick. Turn left two times and open the skeleton’s mouth. Get the metal piece from inside the mouth. Turn right once. Insert the metal piece in the hole at the top. Turn right twice. Look down and get the piece for the door and the scroll. Turn left and use the piece for the door on the eye. The tomb will open and you are safe! Another Nancy Drew mystery has been solved!

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