
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Secret of the Old Clock cheats

Town Map

Driving Information
  • The lower left shows the gas gauge and lower right shows the state of the tire.
  • Be careful about potholes, the muddy area and always fill the tank when it is halfway. In case of flat tire always have it fixed as soon as possible.
  • Click ahead of the car to steer it in the correct direction. The farther the cursor is from the car, the faster the car goes. To park the car, press the space bar.
  • Consult the map and look for the places you need to go. If it is not on the map - save game, drive around and look for the place you need to go. Then go back to a saved game and replay from there. So there won't be unnecessary driving and use gas.
  • Nancy will remind you to fill the tank when the gas gauge is half full. Drive to Zippy's gas station and buy either 25 or 50 cents worth of gas.
  • It is best to avoid getting a flat tire because it cost money to repair the tire.
  • Click on the jack to raise the car. Click on the lug wrench. Use the lug wrench on the tire to remove the lugs. Click on the tire to remove the flat tire. Click on spare tire to place it on the wheel. Click on bolts to place them on the wheel. Click again to tighten the lugs. If you don't tighten the lugs and drive off - game over.
  • Take the flat tire to Zippy's gas station to have it fixed as soon as possible.
  • If you don't have enough money to pay for tire repair, Zippy will ask you to place nuts and bolts in the correct drawer. You are allowed only certain number of mistakes (2 for junior).
Bird Clock Puzzle
Junior Detective

Move 1 to the left. Move 2 and 3 to the left. Move 4 down.
Move 1 to the right. Move 5 to the left and down.
Move bird to the slot on the right.

Senior Detective

Move 1 & 2 to the left. Move 3 down. Move 4 left. Move 5 up.
Move 3 & 2 up. Move 6 left. Move 7 up. Move 2 down & right.
Move 3 & 5 down. Move 8 left. Move 9 & 7 up. Move 10 down.
Move bird to the slot on the right.

Bard Bounce Game

Junior Detective
Move yellow left. Move green left & down. Move yellow down.
Move blue left, down & right.
Move red down, right & up.

Senior Detective
Move blue left. Move yellow left, up and right.
Move blue up. Move green up, left and down.
Move blue down. Move yellow left. Move blue up & right. Move yellow right.
Move red up & right. Move green right. Move red down & left. Move green left.

Topham’s Intelligence Test
1. All wet.
2. Doll up.
3. Double cross.
4. Dry up.
5. Big Cheese.

Miniature Golf Tips
Hole 3 - There's a hole-cave at the wall beside the tee box that you can aim the ball on and the ball will come out of the cave by the hole on the other side.
Hole 4 - Aim to drop the ball at the middle hole and see the ball take a plane and train trip.

Clock Gears
Hint - Each gear has 2 lines on the edge. Align those lines to the adjacent pegs to see where the gears go. Be sure the hole of the gears is sitting on the peg.

Domino Puzzle
From top to bottom: Place 7-9 tile beside the 7, 9-4, 4-8, 8-1, 1-3, 3-6, 6-2, 2-5.

Carriage House Mirrors

Creepy’s Corner Puzzle


Junior Detective

Senior Detective


Shakespeare Cues and Dialog

Cue - Shall we their find pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be.
He answers with - Leave by road when the owner is in, because then there will be thieves about.

Cue - If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here while these visions did appear.
She answers with - The authorities are alert for bad water, so do not go this way.
Flute - 7.025 MHz. Enter by turning the knobs to 0.02 on the middle and 0.005 on the right.
Cue - Shall we their find pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be.
He answers with - Leave by road when the owner is in, because then there will be thieves about.
Thisby - 7.050 MHz. Enter by turning the knobs to 0.05 on the middle and 0.000 on the right.
Cue - If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here while these visions did appear.
She answers with - The authorities are alert for bad water, so do not go this way.

Cue - Thou speak'st aright; I am that merry wanderer of the night...
He answers with - A barking dog would do well to hold his tongue in a dangerous neighborhood.

Carriage House Clock
Number the columns 1-4, if each sequence is done correctly the next operator’s name will pop up

Press the bottom square on the second column, the bottom square of the first column, and the middle square of the last column.

Press the middle square of the first column, the top square of the last column, and the bottom square of the last column.

Press the top square on the second column, the top square of the first column, and the top square of the third column.

Press the bottom square of the third column from the left, middle square of the third column from the left and middle square of the second column from the left.

Board Game
4 8 10 6 1 7 2 9 3

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