
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon walkthrough

Dining car
Talk to Charleena and Frank and Joe Hardy. Go forward to the kitchen and use the phone to talk to the engineer. Look at the stove and see a square and a duck on the stove door. The exit is closed because the train is moving. Look at the pipes and wheel to the right of the door. It is a steam valve. Read the warning to not open it unless the pipes are connected. Open the trunk right of the entryway (on the way to the bar where Charleena is) and see a Salmon ad from Flippy Fin's. Turn right and click on the picture of the eagle. Look close at the shoes on the chair. The shoes are both left feet and have a Sadie Crawford label. Talk to Charleena about everything. Turn right and click on Jake and Camille's portrait left of the entryway. Turn around from the picture and exit to go to the next car. Use the cell phone and call Bess Marvin - click 'dir' and select Bess Marvin. Talk to her about everything. The cell phone has camera to take pictures and menu to view pictures. In junior level game play, hints can be asked of Bess.

Sleeping car
Look close at the mountain goat's left eye. At the right wall is the emergency brake. If you pull the lever of the emergency brake, the game ends. Look close at the table on the other side. Click to open the drawer of the table and see disarranged tiles that are a replica of the tile on top of the table. The object of the puzzle is to arrange the tiles to be similar to the one on top of the table. Right click to rotate tiles. Click to hold a tile and drop it over another tile you want to replace. Take the paper and read it. Go to the other end of the car pass the sleeping rooms. Note the framed poem. Click on the grate close to the floor at other side of the train. You need 4 numbers to unlock the tumblers. Exit to the next car.

Camille's car
Go forward to the end of the car and enter room at right. Talk to John Gray about everything. Look around. Take the #7 slug and read The Little Book of Samplers on the couch. Note the common motifs and their meanings. Turn left. Read the paper behind the trunk on the floor. Look at the horse jumping game on the table across the couch. The object of the puzzle is to successfully get the horse to jump clear of the barricades. Click on the key on the left to wind the game. Press the red button on the right to make the horse jump clear of the barricades. Get the rhythm of click to jump, wait, click to jump, etc. When done, take the Camptown Races music sheet. Note the notes at bottom of music sheet. Go left, turn around, and look close at the plaid box on the chair. Read the certificate for a doll named Teddy Eberhardt. Place the Camptown music sheet on the piano and try to play. Oops, we'll wait until John is not here. Go to the corner and look close at the locked box on the desk. Open the drawer and see the piano notes that identify the keys. Look close at the blue hair ribbon. Look close and click on the ornate grill below the sampler and the different looking bolts. It needs a special tool. Look close at the sampler and take note of numbers associated with symbols-pictures. Note the train cars. The next car has owl and cherries. A red headed Awful Ursula is sewn at the center of the sampler. Exit and go to the next car.

Jake's car 
Enter the room on the right. Talk to Tino about everything. Take the #3 slug from him (ask to see it). Look around. Note that a pick ax is missing from the tools behind Tino. Go left of the desk, turn around and click on the purple gem on right leg of the cougar statue. Look close at the things on top of the table-bookcase at middle of room. Read through the Gemstone book to identify the different gems. Click to look close at the picture of the 2 dolls beside Camille in the picture. Look close at the cigar box with Ag above the ornate colored petals lock. Look above and click close on the periodic table to read that Ag is silver. Go to the table opposite the periodic table. Look close at the stamp on the right. There's a Leaping Lizard game on table. Go to the globe and see another gemstone on the base of the globe stand. Look right of the sofa and read the certificate for Eliza Sandberger, a doll with red ribbon. Exit the room and go to the end of the car. Look at the locked door right of the scale built on the wall. The door has an owl and cherry on it. Look close on the scale and see that the owl and cherry symbols are above red bulbs. The object of the puzzle is to light up the bulbs under the desired picture when slugs are placed on the right and/or left pan. The correct number of slugs is based on the position of the symbol-picture. If the picture is in second position, 2 slugs are needed or if the picture being worked on is on 4th position, 4 slugs are needed. Each symbol-picture has a number connected to it as shown by the sampler. This is the number that should be the result of the subtraction of the slug numbers on the left and right pans. This is shown by the number at the center between the pans. Go to the sampler in Camille's car and see that the owl is 7 and cherries is 10. Place one slug on either pan to light up the first symbol. Since the owl is the first on the row and the number on the sampler is 7 - place the #7 slug on either pan. See that the owl is lit. Now, 2 slugs are needed on the pan to light up the second symbol, the cherries. Since the sampler number for cherries is 10, place the #3 slug to add to the #7. Hear the door open. Nancy will say the square and the duck look familiar. Pull back and go through the now unlocked door.

Look close at the tool chest on the right. Open the drawers. Take the #8 slug from the top drawer. Pull back to close the drawer. Read the paper from the second from the top drawer. Open the third from the top drawer and lift the base to get a plan of the machineries in the room. Steam is needed to power the machineries. Also needed are a spyglass, pick ax, and map. The gems: citrine, amethyst, zircon, peridot, tiger's eye, and tourmaline are also needed. Keep a lookout for those items. Open the bottom drawer and read both sides of the torn paper. It mentions that Naughty Tina doll's face was cracked. Look around at the different machineries. See where the pick ax should go (right of the door). Click on the wheel (right of where the ax should go) and look close at the machine that opened up. The lamp and the spyglass go on the two bowls at the end of the arms. Look at the middle machine with 6 arms. This is where the gems are placed. Examine the flat topped machine on the right. Open the Chinese pagoda stand by the door and see 8 lettered squares. Look close on the left of the ornate locked gold door. This is a memory puzzle. The object of the puzzle is to depress all the tiles by pressing a sequence of tiles. This is a random puzzle. Find one tile that stays pushed in when clicked on. Then look for the second tile that stays pushed in after the first tile is clicked on. Find this by clicking on first pushed in tile and click on other tiles until you get both tiles to remain pushed in. Then click on the first and second tiles again to depress them and look for a third tile that stays pushed in. Do this until all 9 tiles are depressed or pushed in. The door unlocks. Go to the next car, which is the lounge car. Take Jake's letter to Ruth Kensington from Lori and talk to her about everything.

Lounge car
Read Jake's letter in inventory. Turn around and go right to the dance floor. Take the dancing shoes and look close. Call Bess on the cell phone and ask about the maker of the shoes and everything else. Take a picture of the shoes by clicking on 'cam' button, move the square to center on the shoe label and then click. Press the 'send' button and then press 'send' again when Bess' name is selected. Look around the room. See a hutch with glass door and a locked drawer across from the dance floor. Look close and open the trunk left of door. Take the socket wrench. Look at the head of the wrench and see the familiar shape that was on the bolts of the grate in Camille's car. Look close at the Chinese pagoda stand right of door and see letters on the panel. Look for words and then click on each letter to form that word. The letters must be adjacent to each other. Then do the next word and so forth. Based on Jake's letter, look for Calico, Silverado, Central City, Dodge City, Virginia City, and Tombstone. Click on the letters until only 8 letters are left. If a wrong letter is pressed, press it again to deselect it. All that's left is: n v r z t b a a. Exit the lounge car to go to the caboose. Turn right and see the stand which also has a Chinese pagoda decor. The letters from the Chinese pagoda word search puzzle at the lounge car must be the letters to be added here. Enter: n v r z t b a a and get a map. Examine the map. Call Bess and find out the name is Chaussettes Chatoyantes. Go to Jake's car.

Jake's car
Talk to Tino about everything. Look close at the cougar's gem. Look close at the cigar box under the periodic table. Look for Ag on the periodic table and see that it is silver. Remember the paper seen in the second from top drawer of the tool chest at the caboose states: Silver is orange, blue, green, red, purple, yellow. Look close at the colored petals wheel of the cigar box. The colors can be rotated by the turn arrows when the cursor is place on the side of the lock. Pushing the center gold part resets the puzzle. The color under the arrow on top is entered when the arrow is clicked. Rotate the petals to place the silver colors (orange, blue, green, red, purple, yellow) under the arrow: orange under the arrow at top, click arrow, blue under the arrow at top, click arrow, green  under the arrow at top, click arrow, red under the arrow at top, click arrow, purple flower under the arrow at top, click arrow, yellow petal under the arrow at top, click arrow. Take the colored petal wheel. Open the box and read the letter about the lamp from Thomas Willson. The lamp needs carbide. Take the dance step diagram of the Hurley's Whirly Burly. Look close at the grilled cover on the wall right of the entryway. Arrange the pipes so that all the pipes are connected. Take the tiger's eye gem from the base of the globe behind you. Go to the lounge car.

Lounge car
Go to the dance floor. Follow the Hurley's Whirly Burly dance step diagram by clicking on a shoe and then clicking the shoe on a square you want it to go. Click on the dance shoes and then click on the dance floor to start the puzzle. The hutch opens. Pick up the tourmaline gem dropped from the hutch (look down twice, as it fell on the floor). Open the hutch and see the dolls. The object of the puzzle is to arrange the dolls to spell the name of the dance shoe maker. The first letters of the names of the dolls make up Chaussettes Chatoyantes. The dolls can be identified based on the description of where the names are seen and some other characteristic. Open the drawer and take the #1 and #2 slugs. Look at some old pictures pasted on a paper. Go to Jake's car.

Jake's car
The stove in the kitchen has a square and a duck on the door. Based on the sampler, the square's number is 4 and the duck is 1. They are the 3rd and 4th light, so there's a need to use only 3 slugs and then 4. Place 3 + 8 on one pan and 7 on the other. This lights up the square. Place 1, 2 on the pan with 3 and take out 8, leaving 7 alone on the other pan (1 + 2 + 3 on one pan and 7 on the other). This lights up the duck. Go to the dining car.

Dining car
Go to the kitchen in the dining car and on the way, you might see a ghostly figure in one of the windows. Talk to Charleena completely. Talk to the Hardy boys in the dining room about everything and they’ll show you a picture of Buell's shop at Copper Gorge. Go back to the bar but turn around first on the entryway. Click on the button under the dining room table and see how the bookcase moved and how Lori disappeared. Talk to Charleena again. Click on the stove door and read the work pay receipt for James Thurston, the engineer. Talk to the Hardy boys about Lori and Charleena. Look up and click on the chandelier above the dining room table. Take the zircon gem. Talk to Charleena about everything. Talk to the Hardy boys again. Go to Camille’s car.

Camille’s car
When you enter the sleeping car on the way to Camille’s car, take the olivine (peridot) green gem from the left eye of the mountain goat. Go to Camille’s car and look at the picture of Jake and Ruth on the wall by the sampler. Look close at the grill below the sampler. Use the socket wrench on the screws to open the grill. The object of the puzzle is to turn the screws to get the single line on the screws to even up to the line on the grill. Turning one screw might turn itself or up to 3 screws at a time. Check which screws affect what other screws. Then turn the screws to point to the line on the grill until all screws are done. Pulling back resets the puzzle. When the grill is removed, arrange the pipes so that all the pipes are connected. Talk to John about everything. Talk to Tino in Jake's car completely. Head to talk to Lori in the lounge car and someone throws the emergency break. Talk to the Hardy boys and Charleena. Look at the emergency brake in the sleeping car. Talk to John in Camille's car. Call Bess on the cell phone. Talk to Tino in Jake's car completely. Look at the gem book and see that peridot is a form of olivine. Talk to Lori. Talk to John and hear a recording. Ask him about the thermometer. Take a look at the packing material of the thermometers by the trunk on the floor. Go back to Jake's car and look at the same packing material on the floor by the desk. Nancy should say something about the packing material. Talk to Tino. If he doesn't want to talk before you ask about the thermometer, take a walk around (go to every car on the train) and then come back and ask him about the thermometer. He will later admit to the emergency brake fiasco. Talk to the Hardy boys about James Thurston, the engineer. This will trigger the arrival at Copper Gorge.

Buell's Museum and Taffy Shop
Talk to the descendant of the Buell that Jake knows (the person in the costume). Look around and play the games. The object of the Gold Rush game is to get the prospector up the mountain before the yeti. The prospector climbs up when the released balls enter in the yellow holes of the donkey and dynamite. If the balls go through the pink holes of the villain and snake, the prospector goes down. Click on start and pull the lever at right. You can pull it multiple times to fire multiple balls. Take the gold nugget token when you win. The object of the horse race puzzle is to get a horse of your choice to the finishing line. Selecting the winning horse is a game of chance. Select a horse by pressing a number, pull the start level and watch. Play until you win. Take the horseshoe token. Insert the 2 different tokens and take the taffy on a stick. Look around and check the trunk by the employee's door. Talk to the proprietor about the trunk and Charleena's autograph.

Talk to Charleena about everything. Ask John and then Tino about a pen. Tino wants you to best his score on the Leaping Lizard game. The object of the puzzle is to remove balls and to have less than 5 balls remaining. Remove a ball by jumping a ball over that ball to an empty space. Keep the remaining balls as close to each other so that they can be removed later. Empty one group of balls at a time. When you win, take the pen Tino hands you. Talk to Charleena and take the autographed picture. Go back to the museum. Before you can talk to Fatima, the Hardy boys show up in the museum and talk about finding the descendant of James Thurston, the engineer. Frank will work as a short order cook. The others left to look for the mine and they are gone from the train. Go back to the train. Go to the piano in Camille’s car now that John is not there. Play the music sheet taken from the horse jumping puzzle. Review the scales on the drawing at the drawer on the corner table. With the music sheet on the holder, click on the piano keys. When the compartment opens, take the spyglass.

Go to the mining tools behind Tino’s desk in Jake’s car and look close at the Carbide can. Open the can and take some carbide. While at the left of the desk, look close at the cougar and take the amethyst. Talk to John in Camille's car. Talk to Charleena. Go back to town.

Click on the cemetery in the mountain left of the screen. Talk to the creepy voiced caretaker. Look close on the grate in front of the door and see the key. Use the taffy on the stick on the key through the grate to get it. Use the crypt key on the keyhole. Once inside, take the #6 slug from the left side of the steps. Go down. Look close and note the word Copper over the familiar indentation (Nancy will say it looks familiar). Pull back and look up on the color table above. Click on Pb (lead) and note the colors: red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple. Look at the Cu (copper) colors: green, red, purple, yellow, orange and blue. Look close at the tomb and place the colored petals wheel on the indentation. Rotate the petals to place the copper colors (green, red, purple, yellow, orange, and blue) under the arrow. A secret drawer pulls out. Take the citrine gem. Look at the 4 posts at each corner of the room. Hear Nancy talk about rubbing (be sure to examine all 4). Go back to the museum.

Talk to Fatima. Go to Jake’s trunk and place the colored petals wheel on the indentation. Press the center to reset the puzzle. Rotate the petals to place the lead (Pb) colors (red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple) under the arrows. Take Jake's lamp and the #10 slug. Talk to Fatima about the pick ax. She wants you to sort taffy for her. Enter through the Employees Only door beside Jake's trunk. Take some wax paper from the table after permission is granted. Look at the taffy machine on the left. The object of the puzzle is to grab the good taffies and place them in their correct boxes above. Allow the 'rejects' to pass through to the end of the conveyor belt. The taffy to be sorted are green apples, yellow bananas, blue blueberry, purple grape, orange mango, and red strawberry. The rejects are smaller or have spots. Press the start button to begin. Talk to Fatima again when you’re finished. Take the pick ax. Exit the museum and the cell phone rings. Talk to Frank at the burger place. For now, you are playing as Frank. He’s making hamburgers for customers while listening to Jake’s engineer’s son talk. The object of the puzzle is to fill up the order seen on the order ticket hanging on the left. Make the burger by clicking on an ingredient and then click it on the burger. When done click the bell at top of the counter. The wrong ingredients can be thrown in the 'trash' at bottom right. Each time you successfully make a burger, the man will talk about various things relating to the case. When he’s said everything, you’ll be back on the train. Now you’ll be playing as Nancy again. Talk to the Hardy boys. The wheel in the kitchen requires that all the pipes are connected. The pipes in Jake's car and Camille's car are now all connected. The ones in the sleeping car and in the dining car have to be connected. Check the number of the eagle on the sampler and find out that it is 2. Go to the scale in Jake's car. To unlock the eagle picture, 6 slugs are needed that end up with a math answer of 2. Place 10 + 6 on any pan. Place 1 + 8 + 2 + 7 on the other pan. Go to the eagle picture at dining car. Arrange the pipes so that all the pipes are connected. Arrange the blue ones (2 clicks) then the red ones (one click) and lastly arrange the light green pipes individually. Pulling back out of the pipes resets the puzzle. Go to Camille's crypt at the cemetery. Make rubbings of the 4 posts at the corner by clicking the wax paper on the circle and then clicking the pencil on the wax paper. Do this to all 4 posts' circles. Go to the sleeping car and click to open the grate and see the 4 numbered tumbler. Enter the 4 numbers derived from the rubbings taken at Camille's crypt: 7 9 6 3. See another set of pipes. Arrange the red pipes first (3 clicks) and then arrange the light green pipes individually. Go to the wheel by the door in the kitchen. Turn the wheel. If all the pipes are connected, you will hear steam go through the pipes. Go to the caboose.

Go left as soon as you enter the caboose and insert the pick ax in the holder. Click on the pick ax. The handle breaks so duct tape is needed. Talk to Tino about everything and then ask John for duct tape. John says he has some duct tape in a box that he can’t open. The object of the puzzle is to bring all 3 animals from left to the right shore. Start with the animals from the left shore. There are 3 animals: wolf, puma, and peacock. The puma will eat the peacock if left alone with it. Click on the tiles to tell a story that is in correct order. Take the duct tape. Go back to the caboose. If you have not turned the wheel yet, click on the wheel by the left wall to open up the 2 armed machine. Place the lamp on the left holder. Click carbide taken from the can behind Tino on the lamp. Place the spyglass on the right holder. Go to 6 armed machine on the right. Click to open each of the holders of the 6 armed machine. Place the gem following the description stated by Thurston's son. Click the base to close the holder. Rotate the arm of the machinery by clicking on turn arrow when cursor is placed on the side of the holder. Fix the pick axe with the duct tape. Click on pick axe and if steam power is on, all the machineries are done and the map is in place then all the lights turn green. You will now see where Jake’s mine is.

Jake’s Mine
Go forward twice and the train leaves Nancy alone in the canyon. Go forward pass the cannon and see that the mine entrance is blocked. Go back to the cannon. This is a random memory puzzle just like the door puzzle to the lounge car. The object of the puzzle is to depress all the clips by pressing a sequence of clips. Find one clip that stays pushed in when clicked on. Then look for the second clip that stays pushed in after the first clip is clicked on. Find this by clicking on first clip and click on other clips until you get both clips to remain pushed in. Then click on the first and second clips again to depress them and look for a third clip that stays pushed in. Do this until all 6 clips are depressed or pushed in. See the cover of the mirror removed and the boulders blocking the mine is blast off. Enter the mine. See that the colored wheel points to a certain color. Go forward and see colored glowing lizards on the walls. Go right past the yellow lizard and see a small pond with a fish and a wood plank. Make note of the symbol on the plank. Turn around and go back to the mine entrance. Turn around again and go left past the purple lizard. Turn right and go forward between two red lizards. You can rotate your view around in this room. Pan right and go past the green lizards to a campfire area. Check the Roman numerals by the chair and the plank’s symbol. Go to the center (rotating room). Go past the yellow lizard and see a plank by a boulder. Make a note of that symbol. Go into the elevator and go down twice. Go forward past the green lizards and see a cactus. Go back to the elevator and go up once. Go forward to the orange lizard and see another plank above it. Go left, straight two times, and turn around to see another plank. Turn around again (opposite the latest plank you saw) and go left twice past two red lizards, go forward past two more red lizards, and see old tracks by green lizards. Cross the room past the purple lizards and find a symbol on a plank by a yellow lizard. Go forward and see the planks with symbols. Jake left the clue on how to move them using the rocks with numbers depicting the places where the planks are located. Click on the planks with symbols in the order shown by the numbered rocks. Go forward. Look close at Jake's skeleton. Click on what he is holding - Camille's picture. Take what is underneath Camille's picture. Read the letter. Listen to the villain who shows up and the dastardly plan that was hatched. Nancy is trapped. Turn around and ride the rail car.  Place the cursor at the center of the screen. Every split in the rail track is preceded by a skull sign. As soon as the right or left arrow appears, click to make a selection where you want to go. Take the right, right, right, left, and left fork on the rail track. Watch the ending with villain in the mud and the appearance of the Hardy boys. Another case closed by Nancy Drew (with some help from Frank and Joe)!

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