
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Haunted Carousel walkthrough

Hotel Room
Read the Things To Do list on the laptop. Check out your suitcase. Read the brochure. Look at the ironing board in the restroom. Exit the hotel.

Harlan’s Office
Visit Harlan’s office at the entrance to the amusement park. Talk to him and he will give you a Fun Card, a map of the park, and let you see the carousel haunting. Look at the message board on the right side of Harlan and click on the police department number. It will automatically go into Nancy’s cell phone directory. Go to Joy’s office. Outsider her office, Paula calls you. Enter Joy’s office.

Joy’s Office
Look at all the pictures on the wall and the framed newspaper clipping. Talk to Joy. She will give you an access card. After the conversation ends, open the file cabinet drawer and take the shorthand bill of sale. Go to Elliot’s office.

Elliot’s Office
As you enter, you will accidentally knock over a can of paint. Elliot will make you leave and will not talk to you until Joy calls him. Leave and go to Harlan’s office. Talk to him about everything. Return to Joy’s office.
Joy’s Office
Move toward the desk. Talk to Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. Click on the paper by the pencil to leave Joy a note. Examine the pencil. Read the newspaper article in the corner of the room on top of the cardboard box. Go to the roller coaster.

Roller Coaster
Receive a phone call from Paula. Notice the access card box to the roller coaster has a red tag on it. Open the access card box and examine the papers on the inside cover and the left panel. Go to Ingrid’s office.

Ingrid’s Office
Talk to Ingrid about the red tag on the access card box. She will give you a micro resistor and an engineering handbook. Go to Elliot’s office. Outside, you will receive a phone call from a police detective. Enter Elliot’s office. Talk to him about everything and get the soldering gun. Go back to the roller coaster.

Roller Coaster
Open the access card box. Place the micro resistor on the right side of the circuit board (left panel). Use the soldering and spray the wires correctly. Turn on the power. Take the red tag to Harlan and he’ll activate the power. Return to the roller coaster and use your access card to go inside. Get the pencil from the Emergency Stop button. As you turn to leave, look down at the track (you’ll see a hot spot). When you try to leave, the track will fall on your feet and trap you there. If you don’t get out, the roller coaster will run over you! Quickly click on the box in front of you. Inside. Click on the blue wire at the bottom, and then on the top right pin. Click on the green wire and then on the bottom right pin. Finally, click on the red wire and the middle right pin. Turn on the power, then click the green switch button on the far right. The track will be fixed! Go to Harlan’s office and talk to him about the roller coaster accident. Go to Joy’s office and talk to her about her pencil, the roller coaster accident, and Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. Get the first riddle. Ask everyone else about it. Go to the haunted house. Try to get inside, and the access card won’t work. Talk to Ingrid and she will say she’ll fix it. Go to the carousel.

Insert your Fun Card in the shell in front of the ride. As you come around, get the brass ring (Nancy will let you know when you’re almost to it). After the ride, use your access card to open the pipe organ. Open a small door on the left side of the organ. Call Tink and leave him a message by using your phone directory. Go to Elliot’s office. Outside his office, you will receive a phone call from a police detective. When the conversation ends, go inside Elliot’s office and talk to him. Click on the shelf to Elliot’s right, then on the small box. Take the tissue paper. Move toward the workbench. Take the roll of tape. Return to the carousel. Use your access card to go behind the carousel (behind the organ). Go through the trap door on the floor and get the remote control device. Don’t push the red button or you’ll get skewered! As you climb back up, you’ll see a letter on top of the carousel, but you can’t reach it. Call Paula and ask her everything. Return to the haunted house. Use your access card to enter and go forward. Take the keyboard next to the robot. Go to your hotel room and look at your room service menu. Order a Fundae.  Eat the Fundae and take the spoon to Joy. Use the spoon on Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. He will give you a piece of paper. Take it; this is the second riddle. Return to your hotel room. In the bathroom, open the ironing board and turn on the iron. Put the piece of paper down on the ironing board. Use the iron on the paper three times. Turn the iron off or you’ll burn down the hotel! Return to Joy’s office. Talk to her and Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. Go to Harlan’s office.

Harlan’s Office
Harlan won’t be there, so move to the cameras. Look at the magazine next to the cameras and notice the highlighted code (101190). Move to his locker. Open the locker combination as follows: right arrow 1 and push the triangle on top; left arrow 0 and push the triangle on top; right arrow 1 and push the triangle on top; left arrow 1 and push the triangle on top; right arrow 9 and push the triangle on top; left arrow 0 and push the triangle on top. Push the circle in the center to open the locker. Inside the locker, look up and read the appointment book. Nancy will put Luis G.’s number in her cell phone directory. Look at the bottom of the locker. Take the video tape. Go to the cameras and play it. Notice Ingrid’s armed code (0726). Put the video tape back in the locker. Outside Harlan’s office, call Luis G. Go to Ingrid’s office.

Ingrid’s Office
Ingrid has armed the system, so enter the code from Harlan’s video tape. Once inside, look at the note on the table where Ingrid was working. Nancy will put the number for L.H. in her cell phone directory. Turn around and look at Ingrid’s desk. Look inside the bag at the watch and sales receipt. Look at the car magazine on the other side of the desk. Outside, call L.H. by using your cell phone directory. Go to Elliot’s office, but don’t go inside. Receive a phone call from Paula. Go to the carousel.

Open the pipe organ and use the tissue paper and tape from Elliot’s office on it. Call Tink. Get the combination to the cabinet behind the carousel (18-9-39). Inside the small room behind the carousel, open the cabinet. Turn the dial right to 1 and push the triangle button, move the dial left to 8 and push the triangle button, move the dial right to 9 and push the triangle button, move the dial left to 3 and push the triangle button, move the dial right to 9 and push the triangle button, and push the circle in the center. Take the third roll. Go back to the organ and open the cabinet where Tink’s number is. Put the third roll on the wooden dowel. The dowel will break. Go to Elliot’s office and ask if you can use his equipment. After he leaves, turn to the right and look through the box on the table. Put the broken dowel next to the ruler on the table. Look at the measurements. Turn around and go to the lathe (the big machine against the wall). Take the goggles from above it and take a piece of wood to the left of the lathe. To operate it, slide the needle to the right one time, turn the right lever up three notches, and turn on the machine. Repeat these steps until the needle has shaved up to eleven inches. Slide the needle to the right one time, move the lever on the right up one time, and turn on the machine. You’ve made a new dowel! Return to the carousel. Open the organ and insert the newly made dowel and then the third roll. Below the power button is a switch. Flip the switch to Roll. Turn on the power and listen to the music. Turn it off when the tissue paper is done blowing. Now you need the mouth organ, which is the harmonica. Go to the Midway games.

Midway Games
As you enter, Harlan will call you to his office. Go there first and talk to him about everything. Insert your Fun Card into the squid game. Move the wheel left one time, touch the shrimp button, and pull the launch button. Move the wheel right one time, touch the dolphin button, and pull the launch button. Move the wheel right one time, touch the whale button, and pull the launch lever. Take your anchor token. Move to the second machine. Insert your Fun Card and play the game. When you win, take the seahorse token. Move to the third machine. It’s not working, so you have to talk to Ingrid about it. Do that and return to the games. Open the back of the third machine. Read the instructions on reprogramming the machine on the open door. Connect the keyboard to the monitor. Press Enter on your keyboard. Click on the hot spot and type SUPER, then Enter. Then type KM5200 and press Enter. You’ve fixed the machine! Insert your Fun Card and play the machine. When you win, collect the tokens. Purchase the harmonica at the Play-O-Matic machine. Purchase the red stick-like object (it’s a yo-yo) as well. Go to Joy’s office.

Joy’s Office
Talk to Joy and play the eight tunes on the harmonica for Miles. (A, E, D, E, F, E, A, E). Do not play any letters with the sharp (#) by them. When you play the harmonica correctly, look at the bill of sales you got from the file cabinet. Type in Glory in the blank space where the cursor is. Tell Joy you know the name of the horse her mother bought her was Glory. Get the third riddle from Miles. Outside, call Tink and ask him everything. Go to the carousel. Go behind it by using your access card and use your paper yo-yo (the stick-like object from the Midway games) on the letter. When you get the letter, read it. Go to the haunted house. Go inside by using your access card and go through the door on the left next to the robot where you got the keyboard. Go forward and examine Spooky, the dummy on the stage. Notice that he has a red tag and his arm is missing. Go talk to Ingrid about Spooky. She will give you his arm and a pair of pliers. Ask her everything else. Return to the haunted house.

Haunted House
Go back inside the haunted house by using your access card and return to Spooky. Put the arm on him and use the pliers four times to tighten the arm in place. Take the red tag. Turn left from Spooky and go through a door. Inside, there is a radiator. Open the small trap door in the wall behind it. Use the remote control device you got from under the carousel on the mechanical device. You’ll need a key to open it. Go to Harlan’s office and ask for it. He won’t talk to you now. Go to Elliot’s office. He won’t be there. Look at the magazine on the drill press. Notice the post-it note inside the magazine. Nancy will add Sukov’s name to her cell phone directory. Back up from the magazine and look on the floor to the left of where the magazine is. Take the sales receipt for lumber. Outside Elliot’s office, call Sukov. Ask him everything. Then, call the police department and Paula and discuss everything. Return to the hotel and look at your Things To Do list on our laptop. Go to Elliot’s office. Outside, Luis G. will call you. Discuss everything with him, and then with Elliot. Elliot will tell you to ask Joy about the key to the haunted house trap door by the radiator. Go to Joy’s office. Outside, Harlan will call you to his office. Go there and he will give you an envelope. Get the key. Ask him to turn the power back on Spooky, too. Return to the haunted house. Go inside by using your access card and go back to where the radiator is. Open the trap door in the wall and use the remote control device on the mechanical device. Use the key you just got on the keyhole. The radiator swings open, revealing a secret passageway. Go through it. You can’t go all the way in. When you can’t go any further, turn around and go back to Spooky. Click on his stomach. Enter the letters S-P-A-T-Z-I on his stomach. Place the brass ring from the carousel on his arm. A trap door opens. As you go down the stairs, you will fall. Take the jewels that just fell out of Glory, the carousel horse. Look at the letter addressed to Joy. Look right and enter the doors. Look at Nightshade, the carousel horse that was stolen. Then, look at the forgery being made. Look at the e-mail print-out to the right of the computer on the desk. Turn to leave and the thief will meet you there. When you have a choice to talk, select the second message (“You want the jewels? Here!”). When you regain control of your movements, click on the door in front of you, turn around, and go through the next door and up the stairs. You will not be able to control your movements for a little bit. When you can again, take the brass ring off Spooky’s arm. The thief will fall through the trap door. End of game! Nancy Drew solves another mystery!

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