
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Danger by Design walkthrough

Meet Heather McKay, Minette's senior assistant. Heather gives you a Metro pass and explains your duties at the office. Answering the phone is your responsibility. There is a list of things to do on your computer. There is a Zippy calling card and the case files in your inventory. Go and talk to Minette in her workroom (not through the blue door) about everything. Do not touch the dress form that will be used for the First Lady's dress. Minette wants you to brew her special tea. Look at and follow the instructions. Take note of the specific requirements. Nancy will ask Minette questions. Make the correct tea based on her responses. When yo’re done, look around the room. Check the red paint covered large gears on one wall. Read the magazine on the coffee table. Exit the room and then get called back. Minette wants 4 more new things based on the 4 items at the center podium. Take the basket and be given 195 Euros to buy things at #7 stop Pont Neuf and go to Square Du Vert Galant Park. Look at the 4 items on the podium. Go to your work desk and click on the computer. Check the To Do list and look at the e-mail and see the security info about the First Lady. Check the left top drawer and see Sonny Joon's doodling, as well as Koko Kringles. Look at the last page to see Skard 2 - DV8 leaflet. It states to adjust the plotter using the V vertical, H height and I ink settings. The leaflet showed 5 possible setting adjustments. Click the 'start' panel of the plotter right of the desk. See the different settings for V, H, and I. The lowest bar on each of the machine settings is the base of the bars on the DV8 leaflet. Do the first bar pattern first and see if that fixes it. Arrange the bars so that H had 2 bars, V has 1, and I has 1. Click on print. See the plotter produce a good print. The phone rings. Answer the phone and talk to Lynn Manrique about everything. Talk to Heather completely. Go to the blue door and try to exit. See a mail inserted under the door. It is one of several threatening mails Minette has received. It is placed in the Dodo box. Exit the office. Go to Rue du Bac.

Rue du Bac
Talk to Dieter. Now, you will learn how to print photos. Go right to the fish tank and read the binder of Dark Rm. Misc. Read the manual. Turn around and enter the dark room. Look right at the set up and note where all the items are situated. It might help to make a mark on the monitor as to where the red switch, the red developing pan, the white stop bath pan and the blue fixer pan are located. The films are on the tray at the center bottom. Also, it might help to use your own watch with a second hand to time the processes. Take one of the 4 films and insert it on the top part of the enlarger on the left. Turn off the light using the switch on top right. It is now dark. Flip the red switch of the enlarger at bottom left. Have the enlarger light on for 2-9 seconds. Flip the switch to turn off the enlarger light. Place the paper to the middle of the monitor to drop it on the developing pan for 7-12 seconds. Take the paper from the developing bath and place it on the stop bath which is a little lower and right (midway from center and edge of your monitor) from the developer. Stop the process for no more that 5 seconds. Take the paper and place it on the fixer pan at middle edge of your monitor for 8-15 seconds. If correctly done, see the developed picture and it will be automatically hung to dry above the table. Pick up the next film. Do this procedure to the other 3 films until you have 4 developed pictures. Exit the room and look to the right of the darkroom. Dieter will lend his camera. Talk to Dieter again and learn about Jean Michel and Heather's crush. Exit the room and go to Hotel de Ville. Talk to Jean Michel about everything and give him the envelope. Order anything on the menu or select Crème de Glace. It is ice cream with a sprig of mint on top. Continue to talk to Jean Michel. Go to Place Monge. Talk to JJ about everything and take the envelope. Look around and read the newspaper on the dinner table about fresh mint shortage. Check the Utne magazine by the phone and learn about Zu and the flooding in the catacombs. Exit and go to Port Neuf.

Port Neuf
Look around the park: the Cross of Lorraine in memory of French fighters, the fish water fountain on the right path, the windmill statue, and the mouth statue. There are 3 vendors here: Malika, the lady on the left, Marchand at the middle and Monique by the river. The merchants allow price haggling. Select a lower price than stated but usually not the lowest or they will not budge from the original price. Talk to Malika close to the Cross of Lorraine. Buy the green rings for 4 Euros. Talk to Marchand. Buy the blue film canister for 21 Euros. To earn money (15 Euros), accept to paint reproductions from Marchand. Click on a paint and click on the area that has the same color on the picture. If you make a mistake, you have other chances to paint. Start with the Mona Lisa (pay attention to the whites of her eyes) and later a flower in a vase. Go to the tent close to the river. Buy the lava lamp for 15 Euros and the orange cone for 1 Euro. The items bought are automatically placed in the basket. Go back to Abbesses.

The phone rings, so answer it. It is Prudence Rutherford (Secret of Scarlet Hand fame). Tell her that it will be shipped by end of the week. Go to the drafts table left of Heather. Read Minette's notes to Sonny. Click to open the book and then read the notes that Prudence included for each ensemble. Pay attention to her instructions: what is for the head, color scheme, and other accessories. Then click the model picture to remove the film. Clothing will show up on the page. Click an item and click on the model to wear it. If correctly done, go to the next ensemble and do the same. Talk to Heather about everything and give her the envelope from JJ. Try to talk to Minette. She is too preoccupied with online games. Use the computer and click on Jane's Game Portal at the top right. It wants a login name and password. Check Sonny's doodling at top left drawer and see on the third page a monitor drawing with the name and password. Login is Carol and password is rude. Check the question mark of the Model Match game to learn how to play. Place 3 pictures of a model in a row either horizontally or vertically. Added points taken if there are 4 or more in a row. Click on the 'mix it up'  if a new selection of pictures are needed. Open high scores and see that you need to beat 1000 points. Carol has 450 points. This is a timed puzzle. When you win, Nancy will say 'All Right'. Click the 'back' button to go to the menu and then hear Minette scream that she did it. Minette will call for you to her office. Automatically show her the items bought at the flea market. Exit the office and hear Minette demand JJ for a fitting. Go to Place Monge.

Place Monge
Talk to JJ. You can play Hangman or not. Finally, she will go to Minette's if you bake the cookies. But there are no mint and no brown sugar. Go to Port Neuf, go to Marchand, and buy the food substitution book. Go to Hotel DeVille and talk to Jean Michel. Ask to order food and then select Crème de Glace. Click on the ticket to the left to pay. Take the mint. Talk to Jean Michel completely. Go back to JJ's place. Read the food substitution book and see that you need 1/2 c of white sugar and 1 tsp of molasses in place of 1/2 c of brown sugar. Go to the pantry cabinet right of the stove and take molasses. See Electrical engineering books. Place the molasses at the center part of the island behind the measuring spoons. Place the mint on the chopping board on the left and it will be automatically chopped. Add the ingredients as stated by the recipe. Use an additional 1/2 c of white sugar and 1 tsp of molasses in place of 1/2 c of brown sugar.

When done, click the cookie sheet at top left and the cookie dough will be automatically be placed there. The cookies will be baked and taken out automatically. The cookies' sides should curl up. Get a call from JJ and she will ask you to describe the cookies. When JJ is satisfied, she will proceed to the shop. Go back to the shop.

Answer the phone and hear a man with a German accent ask for Minette. Insist on her being unavailable and he will hang up on you. See the Do Not Disturb sign on Minette’s door. Since no one is around, open the Dodo box. The aim is to get the Dodo bird to the highlighted squares and safely to the bottom right without being cornered by the 3 predators: eagle, wolf, and man. The small white dots are separations that prevent movement to the next square. The bottom left blue dots-arrows are used to move the Dodo bird. The center button resets the puzzle. Press the button and the box opens. Read the different mails and Nancy will note that the purple one is different than the others. Close the box. Look at Heather's fashion portfolio on her desk. Check the pink paper hanging on your desk shelf. Heather wants a stuffed parrot. Go outside and realize that it’s nighttime. This starts day 2. If it does not, go to Place Monge and go through the double doors to begin day 2. In JJ’s kitchen, read the newspaper article about the catacombs being flooded. Go to Port Neuf. Go to Marchand and see Dieter on the bench. He runs away when Nancy calls out to him. Pick up the small clock and the newspaper clipping about Noisette Tornade. Read the obituary of Noisette. Go back to Marchand and buy the parrot for 5 Euros. Go back to the office and hear Minette scream. She wants you to catch the cockroaches. Take the cover of the chocolate box. Look around for cockroaches and immediately click the hand cursor on one when you see it. There are 9 cockroaches. Check the area by the large gears, by the red sofa, and under the dress form platform. A cockroach runs around on the computer table. Look at the paper on the computer table. One of the cockroaches runs around the area between the dress form platform and the computer table. When clicked on, Nancy will follow it behind the boxes and see a letter from the researcher to Minette. Read the letter and see Lynn's phone number. Once all 9 cockroaches are caught, go to the door and talk to Minette. Exit the room. Go to the phone and call the Zippy calling card number (you won’t get an answer). Then dial Lynn's number (it’s in the directory – 1-559-555-6838). Talk to her about everything. Go to Port Neuf. Take the cockroaches-chocolate box out of the inventory and click anywhere in the park. Go to Rue du  Bac.

Rue du Bac
Talk to Dieter through the closed door of the dark room. Talk to him a second time and he will ask that you help take stock pictures. Take the list on the table. It is in French, so you’ll need to translate it. Go to the fish tank and pan right to see a hole on the wall. Look at the small clock in inventory and note that 3 is encircled. Insert the small clock on the hole. See nine small clocks. The aim of the puzzle is to have 3 encircled on all 9 clocks. Turn the clock to highlight 3. When correctly done, see the panel opens to a secret passage. Go forward and see a spider. Take a picture of the spider using the camera borrowed from Dieter. To do this, take the camera from inventory and click it on the spider. Press the top button and then center the spider inside the frame. Click and the picture is taken. Pull back from the camera page showing the last picture taken. You can delete pictures taken. Go forward until a metal door with etched nut is seen on the wall. Click to open the door and see a number lock. Enter 1945. The door opens. Take the red book with the same nut and an N on the cover. Read the book. See a picture of M380 with a code under the picture. Click on the picture and Nancy will make a comment that it is similar to the paint covered gears in Minette's workroom. Take the graph paper. Turn the page. Read the letter seen. Take note of the tips:
1. Set the 3 dials in correct position before decoding or encoding a message. Then type in the message.
2. Never use the enter or return key.
3. Ignore punctuation and spaces.
4. A circle with a slash is zero.
The letter also mentions the use of Metro system's line or stop numbers for a code. The date shift ciphers usage is also mentioned. Take note of 3 red asterisks on the letter and the same red pen is used on the M380 writing on the book. Go back to Port Neuf. Go to Marchand. Buy the code book for 8 Euros. Read the book and take special note of the date shift cipher and dot cipher. Ask him about the decoder. He will trade it for a bottle of Mouton Fouette 1968. Go to Monique and buy the French-English Dictionary for the 23 Euros. Use the dictionary to find out what pictures Dieter wants: stapler, spider, candle, skull, cross, and teapot. You already have a picture of the spider in the secret passage. Take a picture of the Cross of Lorraine close to the exit of the park. Go back to Abbesses.

Use the phone and call Zu. Before he will help you, Zu wants an autograph of JJ that states Zu my love Jing. The autograph is to be placed in the skull at the catacombs of Magdeleine Cemetery. Call Hugo Butterly and discuss everything. Talk to Heather and give her the parrot. Talk to her about everything else. Take a picture of the stapler on your desk. Talk to Minette in her work room. If you ask her about Dieter, she’ll dismiss you. Don’t talk to her again. Take a picture of the teapot. It's your choice to tell on Heather or not. If you do tell on Heather, later in the game, Heather will call you about it. Go to Hotel de Ville.

Hotel de Ville
Talk to Jean Michel. A trade is done. You have to make parfait. Study what are the different ice creams or fruits on the counter. Look at the picture of the parfait in the booklet. By its color and looks, identify each layer and then add those ingredients to the parfait glass. Click on an ingredient and then click it on the layer that its should go on the parfait glass. The topping is not necessary; it is automatically added. You can discard a wrongly prepared parfait by clicking it on the trash. Ring the bell when done. If wrong, you have to make one more.

When all are done correctly, Jean Michel shows you the picture of Minette and the gears. Go to Place Monge. Talk to JJ about Zu and the autograph. She won’t give you one, so you’ll have to trick her by playing Hangman. Play it with her and select the letters: Z U M Y L O V E J I N G. Nancy will tear off the written autograph part of the paper. Take the metro to Denfert Rochereau. Go forward and see the skull. Take a picture of the candle and the skull. Place the autograph on one of the eye socket. Go back to Place Monge and call Zu. Discuss everything with him. Go to Rue du Bac.

Rue du Bac
Talk to Dieter completely. He gives you a postcard owned by his great uncle. The other side of the postcard has columns and rows of colored eyes. Read the dot cipher coding in page 11 - 12 of the code book. Also check the date shift cipher. Look at the postcard with eyes in inventory, then place the graph paper from the book taken from the secret passage over the eyes. See that the eyes fit under certain letters or numbers. Remember what the researcher, Lynn Manrique said - that Noisette's last words were red, left... green. From left to right, click on all red eyes looking left and all green eyes. Words are formed at the bottom - Sous Lorraine 4154. Go to Port Neuf.

Port Neuf
Look close at the cross. Nancy will say 'bet those numbers are movable'. Click on 4, 1, 5, 4. See the picture of the mouths, the windmill, and the fish; the 3 statues here at the park. Take note of the characteristics of the mouths, the color of the windmill and the eye of the fish. Go to the mouth statue left of Marchand. Turn the handle on the right to arrange the mouths to be similar to that seen on the secret compartment of the cross.  The yellow is slightly open; the blue is open, and the red is wide open. Turn the handle on the right 10 times to get: top - EEEEE, middle – Ahhhh, and bottom - OOOOO. Go to the windmill statue. Turn the handle on the right to get the purple petal to be on top. Turn around and hear a squirrel move the handle. Click left of the windmill statue and Nancy will make a comment about placing a stake, then a string and then something to make a noise. Go to Malika by the cross and buy the string for 3 Euros and the stake for 10 Euros. Also, buy the Ichi-Do book for 6 Euros. Read and learn the Chi-cry, the verbal salute that precedes the moves. It will definitely help later in the game. Go to Monique and buy the flashlight for 3 Euros. Go to Marchand and buy the pie tin for 1 Euro and the wetsuit for 31 Euros. Go back to the windmill statue and place the stake on the left side. Attach the string and then the pie tin. Turn the handle 6 times to get the purple petal to be on top. Go to the fish water fountain beside the cross. Press the red button of the water fountain. See the fish's eye light up and the grate opens. Go down the ladder. Go forward until a hazelnut chest. Open the chest and take the key. Exit and it will be nighttime again. It is now day 3. Read the paper about the extra police in the catacombs. Go to Denfert Rochereau.

Denfert Rochereau
Go forward to the skull. Open the skull and press the red button. A passage opens on the right. Enter the passage and see the tunnels. If you hear the tunnel police, go back to any side alcove. Wait until you don't hear them anymore. Go forward and see the sewer. Do not cross this plank. Turn right and use the next plank to cross to the other side. Turn left and enter the first alcove. Go forward and see the water. Enter the water and automatically wear the wetsuit. The bottom bar shows how much time Nancy has left before she needs to rise to an air pocket to breathe. Go forward to the #2 area. Dive down. Go forward twice, turn right, go diagonal right, enter the tunnel, forward, turn right, and see a fan and a bottle. Take the bottle. Now return to the jump point place by going the reverse direction. Turn around, go forward, turn left, go forward twice, diagonal right, forward to the tunnel, and forward twice. Breathe! Turn around and go forward to the #2 area. Dive down. Go forward 5 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward 4 times, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, and go forward. Climb the ladder and forward to the hazelnut marked door. Open it to see the words written there. Enter the numbers 3 7 2 4 on the lock. Take the propeller-like key. Go down the ladder and go back to the landing at the catacombs. Dive down, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, go forward 4 times, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, go forward, turn left, go forward twice, turn right, go forward, turn left, and go forward 5 times. Go forward to the landing and take the clothes on the floor. There will be a rat there, so wait for it to leave, and then take the clothes. Notice the Ichido book is gone. Go forward, right to the plank (watch out for the police), cross the plank, and go forward until daylight. Go back to Port Neuf and go to Marchand. Trade the wine bottle for the decoder. Go back to Abbesses.

Go to Minette's door and see a bomb that is attached to her door. It will set off when the door is opened. Minette is back there and is getting antsy about what Nancy is doing. Open the bomb door and see connectors that have color and shapes. The paper on the door shows the correct sequences to be done: similar shapes or similar colors. Different colors and different shapes sequences are wrong. Arrange the connectors to connect by similar shapes or color. This is a timed puzzle. Click on a connector and then click it on the one you want to replace or the place you want to put it on. When it’s disarmed, look close at the decoder in your inventory. Open the bottom cover and see 3 dials. Turn the dials to the numbers seen on the big gears in Minette's picture shown by Jean Michel - IX V III on the 3 dials. Click to go up to a close up of the paper. Then type in the code taken from the M380 book using your computer's keyboard. Remember the hints from the letter, no spaces or return key and that circle with a slash is zero. Type XTI0SMKPQQLNOREZA7LXTI0SMKPQQLNOR3AS7LXTI0SMK3A. Be careful of the zeros 0 and the O difference. Don't worry if no letters appear on the paper yet. Some letters appear only after 2-3 keys are pressed. The decoded words are: Rouge Blanc Rouge Bleu Rouge. Check page 4 of the dictionary and see that it translated to: red, white, red, blue, red. Enter the workshop and look at the central post in the room. Check right of the blue barrel. Place the propeller key on the central post. See 5 black bars. Change the colors of the bar using the colors decoded from the M380 code (top to bottom): red, white, red, blue, red. The windmill turns. Go down the trap door and forward until the door. Use the key taken from the hazelnut chest under the fish fountain at the park. Enter and see what Noisette has taken during the war. Go forward to the stand and take the letter under the glass cover. Read what Noisette wrote. Put down the glass cover of the stand and the trap bars are triggered. Open the door and see words inscribed on the plate with lines underneath. Enter 2 1 5 7 on the door. Go forward and hear the conspirators. Go up the trap door and take the First lady's dress. Caught! Listen to the shouts that precede the punches. A certain shout identifies the location of the punches. All of the moves are in the Ichi-Do book. Your health bar is at the top of the bottom of the screen, and the culprit’s is on the top. As long as you have more health than your opponent, you win. Identify the moves and block them to win. End of game! Nancy Drew cracks another case!

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