
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Curse of Blackmoor Manor cheats

Box in Nancy’s Room
Lion side – Closed ¼ on right, red
Dragon – Full moon, red
Lynx – All closed
Rabbit – ½ closed, green
Fish – Closed ¼ on left, blue

Zodiac Puzzle

Stairs Levers Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzle

Desktop Computer Password
I purgamentum Exit I or purgamentum

Jane’s Door Puzzle
1. Moon, sun, hands: up, right, down to join with angle
2. Atlas (man with ball): left, down
3. Father Time (man): left, up, right
4. Glasses: left, down
5. Jester, angel: left, up, right to join with Father Time
6. Glasses, Atlas: up
7. Moon: down, left, down (in place)
8. Atlas: down (in place)
9. Geometer: up
10. Knight: up, left, up
11. Geometer, sun: down
12. Hand: right, down, left
13. Father Time: right
14. Sun: up
15. Geometer: up, left
16. Sun: down (in place)
17. Father Time: down
18. Jester, angel: right, down to Father Time
19. Jester: left
20. Father Time: up, left
21. Angel: down
22. Glass, knight, hand, geometer, jester, Father Time: connect to top of angel
23. Glasses, knight: left (in place)
24. Hand: down
25. Geometer: right, down
26. Hands: left (in place)
27. Angel: up, left
28. Geometer: down
29. Angel: right
30. Jester, Father Time: down to top of angel
31. Angel: left (in place)
32. Geometer: up, left (in place)
33. Jester: down (in place)
34. Father Time: down (in place)

Dragon Secret Passage (Claws)
Right  Up
Down  Left
Down  Right

Petroglyph Puzzle
Barber – Leech*
Picture – Book**
Baby – Bonnet
Hour – Glass*
Ant – Hill**

Seedling Puzzle

Thirteen Ghosts Puzzle
1. Exit the library to the great hall and turn right click on the ghost on the wall.
2. Turn around, go through the door, and go to the hallway. Turn left and go close to the cricket trophy. Turn around and click on the ghost on the left wall.
3. Go forward to the kitchen door, turn around, and click on the ghost to the left of the kitchen door.
4. Turn around and go to the other end of the hallway (where the picture is). Turn around and click on the ghost on the right wall.
5. Exit through the nearest door on the left to go to the great hall. Turn around and click on the ghost to the left of the door.
6. Turn around and click on the ghost on the floor by the middle column
7. Turn left and enter conservatory. Go down the stairs and click on the ghost on the urn stand.
8. Go back up and click on the ghost to the right of the door. Exit the conservatory.
9. Go to the stairs and click on the ghost on the left newel of the stairs. Climb up the stairs.
10. Turn right and go to the east hall by the locked door with a crest and click on the ghost on the right wall.
11. Turn around and go back to the hall by Mrs. Drake’s room. Click on the ghost on the left wall across from Mrs. Drake's room.
12. Go forward to Nancy's room and turn around and click on the ghost by Nancy's door on the right.
13. Climb up the stairs that make noises and click on the ghost above the levers.

Betty’s Card Puzzle
1. Melponeme (sad drama mask)
2. Erato (parrot)
3. Terpischore (harp)
4. Euterpe (flutes)
5. Thalia (happy drama mask)

Column Knight Shields

 Full moon
 Knight head
 Lightning bolt
 Mercury wand

Gargoyle Secret Passage
Turn right twice
Turn left once
Turn right once
Turn left twice
Turn right once

Rune Door Puzzle

Triangle Door Puzzle
Press the 8 triangles button to 3 triangles button
8 to 5
3 to 8
5 to 3
5 to 8
3 to 5
8 to 3
3 to 5
5 to 8
3 to 5
8 to 3

Frog & Princess Game

Alchemy Lab Door Mixtures
1. Aqua Fortis: Click on vitriol and nitre. Click on the pot and see the button light up at the top right.
2. Aqua Regia: Click three times on spirit of salt and once on vitriol and once on nitre. Click on the pot and see the button light up at the top right.
3. Mercury: Click on cinnabar and the fire symbol (upright triangle). Click on the pot.
4. Distilled vinegar: Click on vinegar and distillation. Click on the pot.
5. Liquor Hepatis: Click on sulfur, quicklime, sal ammoniac, and distillation. Click on the pot.

Key Mold


  1. Should show Easter eggs like if u keep clicking the teeth in Jane's room.

    1. Ah, thanks for the information! Will add it to the list. :)
