
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Creature of Kapu Cave walkthrough

Big Mike's Excursion
Look at the sign left of the door. Enter and talk to Big Mike about everything. He will not give you the keys to the vehicle until you collect shells and make a necklace. Look around and see 2 machines: The Wiki Tiki game and Big Mike's Excursion information. Both machines need credits. Click on the poster left of the orange machine to see the 'Try it and Trade it' system. Turn around and read the newspaper on the chair. At the bottom of the newspaper, read about a security breach at the Hilihili Research Center. Exit the building and go right. See a Shave It setup on the left and a path to the right and front. Go right and then left to see 2 shelters: one for the 'turn fishes to riches' and the other 'make jewelry' setup. See different baits, jewelry beads, and souvenirs for sale. Click on the booklet on the left to see how to make a necklace. Big Mike wants you to make an Aloha necklace. Open the shell box on the right. You do not have enough shells to make a necklace since your box only has 4 of 2 kinds of shells. Study the shells needed on the box or the picture. Go to the beach to collect some more. Turn around, right and left to the beach. Check out the closed beach house on the left with the surfboard. Go forward to the pier and turn left to see the Hardy Boys. The phone rings, Nancy talks to Ned, and then abruptly ends the conversation. Talk to the Hardy boys. After the talk with the Hardy boys, call Ned to apologize and talk about everything else. Look at the pool and pick up 2 shells. Go forward to the dark sand on the beach and take one shell. Go forward to the rock under the leaning coconut tree and take one shell. Turn around, forward and left to rock with starfish to take one shell. Go diagonal right or left before the stairs to go under the pier. Go forward to the water's edge and get one shell by the driftwood. Go back up the dock and see a fishing rod at the end. Go back to the necklace making shelter. Click on the booklet on the left to see how to make a necklace. Big Mike wants you to make an Aloha necklace. Study the picture of the Aloha necklace on the booklet. Open the shell box on the right. Take a shell from the shell box and click it on one of the needles at top of the strings. Follow the pattern on the picture to the left. When correctly done, the necklace is placed in the box. Go back to Big Mike. He keeps the necklace. Before he allows you to take the keys, he warns about Kane Okala and the Hilihili research people. Take the keys. Talk to Big Mike about the pineapple crop problem learned from the newspaper. Exit and go to the yellow Jeep at the road.

Camp Quigley
Click on Camp Quigley on the map. See the bridge destroyed. The Jeep got stuck on the ditch. Listen to message from Joe on the cell phone. See the camp destroyed. Check the solar panel at the base of the tree. Check the tape recorder left of the solar panel. Rewind the tape and then click on the right arrow to listen to Dr. Kim. On March 28th, Dr. Kim is opening her chest while recording. Hear noises of the chest being opened. Check the winch and the cable end of the winch right of the solar panel. Enter the tent and see a mess. Check the radio on the left. Take the yellow note sticking out of the green folder on the right. QK is at frequency of 18.305. Check the radio and click on power button to see that there's no power. Look around and see the work bench with broken test tubes. Turn around and see a green chest left of tent door. Press each button to hear what sound each button makes. Based on the clue from Dr. Kim's tape recorder, press the button to make the sequence: Blee, blah, blih, bluh, bluh, blah, blah, blue. Read 3 pages of QK journal and learn all about Malachi Herbert Craven. Take note of 312 555-9634. Take the hook and the Hilihili security pass level 3. Before exiting the tent, turn right and see a clipboard hidden between the boxes. Go to the winch and attach the hook taken from the chest to the hanging cable left of the machine. The cable might need to be lowered to eye level. Use the buttons on the winch to lower it. Click the attached hook and click it on the handle at the bumper of the jeep. Press the red button of the winch. Go to the solar panel. Open it and see that it is what powers the radio. Some of the photovoltaic cells are missing.

Hilihili Research Facility
Click on the Jeep and then the Hilihili Research Facility on the map. Look close at call stand left of the gate. Swipe the security card on the slot and you’ll get a rude greeting. Talk to Malachi Craven, head of the Facility. He will give photovoltaic cells if you harvest some seeds for him. He is allergic to the plant. He gives a container for the viable seeds. Turn right and go forward until the bottom of the stairs. Go right, forward until the windows and turn right to the plants on a trellis. Read the note at top right. Viable seeds have a rich brown color and a distinctive white splotch. Click on a pod and then open it to look for viable seeds. Collect 12 viable seeds. If there's none, close the pod or pull back.

Go back up the stairs and talk to Dr. Craven. The photovoltaic cells are given. Go down and exit through the door on the left of the stairs. Go back to Camp Quigley.

Camp Quigley
Go to the solar panel at the base of tree. Open the solar panel and see the new photovoltaic cells numbered 1-9 on the right. The aim of the puzzle is to place these cells on the correct empty slots of the solar panel. Each quadrant with missing cells should have cells 1-9. Check which numbers are missing from each quadrant and place it on the slots. The light will turn green when a connection is made. Attach the hook at end of winch cable to the handle of the solar panel. Press the red button of the winch. The solar panel is raised to the tree top. Enter the tent and go to the radio. Review the yellow note in the green folder on the right. Press the power button on top left. Using the left knob enter the numbers. Move to the next red readout using the right knob. Enter frequency of 18.305. Then go to the microphone and pick it up to talk to Dr. Kim. The location of where she is and what she wants are unintelligible. Call the Hardy Boys using the cell phone. Talk to Joe and he will try to find out what/where Green Trigger Rock is.

Big Mike's Excursion
You are now playing as Joe Hardy. Enter the building and talk to Big Mike. He gives you the light brown shell collection box. You have to see Pua when there's anything to trade. Big Mike will take time off if he gets 6 Uluas. He gives a Zippy bait and fish basket to help catch the fishes. Exit the building and turn right. You will feel an earthquake. Go to the beach and on the way talk to Pua, Big Mike's daughter. Collect seashells on the beach at the same places Nancy found shells (rock by starfish, pool, black part of beach, rock under the tree, and under the pier). Then go up to the end of the pier and fish. Click on the fishing rod. Click on the bait jar and the bait will automatically be attached to the hook. Click the up cursor on top of screen. Click on a spot on top of screen to automatically cast the rod. Place the cursor on the fishing rod to get it active and watch the bobbin. When the bobber sinks, immediately click on the rod. Collect as many fishes you can catch (until the bait runs out). This will ensure more Big Island bucks. But be sure to catch at least 6 Uluas (the last fish in the basket). The best spot for the expensive Uluas are at top right area. Go shell collecting before going back to Big Mike. On the way, talk to Pua again.  Talk to Big Mike at the building. Go to Pua and hear Big Mike drive away. Pua will trade the fishes for Big Island bucks. The amount can be seen by placing the cursor on top of the wallet at bottom of screen. Go back to Big Mike’s office. Check the calendar and read the note about 'JK'. Take the key on top of the calendar. Go to the door behind the reception desk. Use the key to unlock the door. Open the 4th from top drawer and see a map. The place Nancy asked for is Three Finger Rock. He gives the coordinates: North at 19 deg, 24 hrs, 42 min and west at 155 degrees, 9 hrs, 1 min. Call Nancy, leave a message, and get clobbered.

Camp Quigley
You are now playing as Nancy again. You receive the message about the coordinates. Place 3 Finger Rock on map - Ride the Jeep and enter (type in, then tab, type...) the coordinates given: N 19, 24', 42" and W 155, 09', 01". Click on the white check mark. Click on 3 Finger Rock on the map. Go forward, cross a hanging bridge, and forward until the dead end. On the way, take note of different colored flags on side of the path and hear whispering sounds. Look up and see Dr. Kim humming, whistling, and hanging up the tree. Talk to her about everything. Go back to the Camp Quigley. Enter the tent, turn around to face the tent door, and turn right. Take the clipboard. Go back to 3 Finger Rock and give the clipboard to Quigley. She wants you to collect all the frass jars and baggies. Study the clipboard in inventory. There are 6 colored traps. Turn the pages to read more. The plants around the traps should be identified. Then sort and record the contents of the frass baggies. The last is to analyze the samples. Walk away from the tree and call the Hardy Boys for help on this one. Frank answers and gets you up to date.

Big Mike's Excursion
You are now playing as Frank Hardy. Enter the building. Pick up the pawn shop invoice on the floor. Talk to Big Mike completely. Go to the monitor left of the desk (the Big Mike’s Excursion information). Click once on the slot to automatically enter a Big Island coin and activate the information monitor. Look close and select Hawaiian plants. Click on the turtle on the right to scroll through all the plants shown. Return to menu, click 'yes' and pull back. Exit the building and call Nancy with the results.

3 Finger Rock
The info given by Frank is at the case journal. When Frank called, you were at the start of the path. Walk the path and watch for those colored flags. Turn to the flag, study and identify the vegetation around the trap using Frank's description. Enter the plant ID on the clipboard using the numbers at the bottom of the page. Then take a colored baggie hanging on left leg of the trap. Click the baggie on the collection funnel of the trap to get the samples. Click to place it in inventory. Do this to all the colored flags on the path until Quigley's tree. There are red (big green leaves), blue (bananas), yellow (half flowers) and purple (sickle shaped leaves) traps. Check the second page of the clipboard and it shows the coordinates to 2 traps at Kapu Cave. Go back to the Jeep and enter N 19, 20', 30" and W 155, 05' 33'. Click the white check mark and go to the cave. Check the green trap by the Jeep and the orange trap close to the cave entrance. Enter and check out Kapu cave. Look around at the statues and the panels (teeth) with animals etchings on the face at the end of the cave. Go back to Camp Quigley to finish your assignment. Go to the microscope bench inside the tent. Look through the scope and see that the lens is broken. Go to the Hilihili Research Facility.

Hilihili Research Facility
Use the button on the call stand to 'press for assistance'. Dr. Craven says that to get a microscope lens, you need to fertilize the plants below. You are given a key to the enclosure. Go right from Dr. Craven, forward, right and down the stairs. Turn right and go forward twice. Turn right and see an enclosure (looks like a monitor) right of the steps. Use the key given by Dr. Craven on the keyhole (it’s yellow). Click to turn the key and see the plants that need to be fertilized. There are 7 colored fertilizer vats on the top. Click to select one and the arrow will move to the right. Press the green button on the right to spread that fertilizer. The aim of the puzzle is to get all the flowers in complete bloom. See that the 5 plants are for better or for worse affected by the fertilizer. Study the effects of each fertilizer alone or in combination with other fertilizer or double application. Go back up to Dr. Craven to get the microscope lens. Go back down to exit and hear him scream about Fiderman. Exit and go back to the camp.

Camp Quigley
Go to the microscope bench and use the lens on the microscope. Check the third page of the clipboard to learn what the seeds, insect parts, and frass look like.

Click a colored baggie on the microscope. Sort the contents by dropping the seeds and insect parts to the left side. This will leave only the frass on the pan. Enter the weight of the frass as seen on the read out on the first page of the clipboard. Count the numbers of seeds, the number of insect parts, and number of frass. Enter the number of seeds on the first page of the clipboard. Use the codes on page 4 of the clipboard to get the detritus predominance. Enter the detritus predominance code on the first page of the clipboard. Do this to all the colored baggies. Enter all the data on the first page of the clipboard. Insert the clipboard on the formula machine right of the test tubes by clicking on the slot and the clipboard will automatically be inserted. Click on the on button on the right. Turn the machine off and take the clipboard. Go to 3 Finger Rock and talk to Quigley twice. The next assignment is to analyze the frass to find out what they have been eating. She also wants you to get in Craven's plant area to get a comparison sample that might be the source of food. Go to the Hilihili Research Facility.

Hilihili Research Facility
Use the call button and talk to Dr. Craven to get inside. After a brief conversation (there will be nothing to say), go down and go forward to the lockers. Go forward to the door at the end and enter. You need a protective suit. Go back up to Dr. Craven and see that he is asleep. He finally took his antihistamine. Check the lab coat's pocket hanging left of his. Go to his desk and see the medicine he took. Click on the PDA on Craven's desk. It will buzz if you click to check info. As soon as you take the PDA, click on settings at top right. Click on the 'mute' square at bottom right. If Craven wakes up, you’ll have to try again. Click on the employees tab at top left and scroll to look for the fired employee - Fiderman. Learn that his employee number is 14-667-93. Click on the lockers tab at middle top of screen. Scroll to look for employee #14-667-93. His locker number is 13 and the locker combination is R4 L2 L7 R9. Go down the stairs and go forward to the lockers. Go to Locker 13. Enter the combination seen from the PDA. Turn the dial arrow R or clockwise to 4, click on green button on top, L or counterclockwise to 2, click on green button on top, L or counterclockwise to 7, click on green button on top, R or clockwise to 9 and click on green button on top. Take the yellow suit. Go to the door at the end of the area. If you go in without a suit, you will be asked to leave. Click the yellow suit in inventory, click on the door and see through the goggles of the yellow outfit.

Go to the back wall of the area and enter through the door. Use the computer. Using your keyboard, type in Fiderman's employee's number (1466793) and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Click on the Shipping tab. Click on Extract Codes to find out which plant is the source of Fer C21. It is HH3333. Exit the computer and alarm is out for an intruder (that’s you!) Immediately, exit the door and turn right to hide behind a plant box. Go back to the plant just outside of the computer room door and see pineapples planted on the HH3333 plat. Click on plant to get a pineapple leaf sample. You are still being searched for, so to get out of the room, hide using the green fog that is sprayed throughout the greenhouse. Turn around from the pineapple plants and go forward to right wall. Go forward to the front wall and see Waverly patrolling the aisle where the exit door is. Follow him a bit and then turn left to the middle plant area aisle. Go forward and see another suited man spraying that green fog. Wait until he goes to the right and walk forward to back wall. Turn right to go to left wall. See that same man spraying. When he turns back to the middle aisle, go forward to the front wall. See Waverly's back. Follow him and midway, exit through the door on the left. Go back to Camp Quigley.

Camp Quigley
Go to the test tube bench in the tent. Read the last page of the clipboard for instructions. Click a frass baggie of any color on the table. See the baggie and the pineapple sample on the table. Click the baggie at bottom right to see the frass in a test tube. Click on Bq19 and click the dropper on the test tube with the frass sample. It turns blue. Click the pineapple sample on the table. See it in a test tube. Click on Bq19 and click the dropper on the test tube with the pineapple sample. Talk to Quigley at 3 Finger Rock. Take the samples from her backpack and go back to the Camp to analyze the samples. At the tent, click the samples on the table close to the Bq19. Click on each sample and add Bq19 to the test tube containing the sample. Talk to Quigley at 3 Finger Rock. Open the backpack to get the ring from Kapu Cave found by Quigley. Go to Kapu Cave. Enter Kapu Cave and go forward to the big face with etched teeth at the end of the cave. Look up to the nose. Use the ring on the nose. It activates the teeth puzzle. Call the Hardy boys to get more information.

Big Mike’s Excursion
You are now playing as Frank Hardy. Talk to Pua. You need 30 Big Island bucks to rent snorkeling equipment. Call Nancy and be playing as her briefly. As her, call Frank and discuss everything. Now back to Frank's snooping here at Big Mike's. Use the cell phone and call the pawnbroker and discuss everything. Call Johnny Kuto and leave a message. Walk toward the beach to get a call from him. Talk to Pua about everything. There is a chamber you need to get to and to get there, you must know the right currents. That information is in a trunk that can be opened by knowing Big Mike’s favorite shave ice. Talk to Big Mike at the building. He wants you to find out what his favorite shaved ice is. Go to the shave ice stand outside. Save game here to save money buying shave ice. Open the ice lid on the right. Click a coin on the ice to get a scoop of ice. Take a fruit syrup bottle on the left and click it on one side of the ice. Take another fruit syrup and click it at the center of the ice. Take a third fruit syrup and click it on the other end of the ice. Give the shaved ice to Big Mike and he will tell you how many flavors are there that he liked. Repeat this with other combinations until you learn which one Big Mike's favorite shave ice flavor. You can go back to your saved game so that you save money, because his favorite flavor is the same every time. Mike calls that combination - Honi 'awa which means sour kiss. Exit the building and go to the patio right of the shave ice stand. Look close at the chest. Enter the shave ice name by using the arrows to scroll through the letters - Honi 'awa. Take the chart and automatically call Nancy.

Kapu Cave
You are now playing as Nancy again. Go to the teeth puzzle. The animals mentioned by Frank are: eel, turtle, shark, manta ray, porcupine fish, octopus, crab and urchin. Turn the teeth to show all the animals mentioned by Frank. The teeth recede. Automatically call Frank to tell him that she's entering the secret path. Enter and the door closes behind you. Go forward, jumping from one section to another and see lava below the path. Click on the statues. One of them will stick his tongue out to get a ledge out to the other side (click it). Go forward. Go forward and hear trickling water. Look left and see dripping water. Continue forward and hear whistling wind. Turn right and see a statue blowing air. Continue forward and hear sizzling fire. Click on the red lid on the left and fire will shoot up. Climb the stairs to the right and hear crumbling rock. Look right to the shelf. Climb the stairs and see a turtle with drawings etched on his back. Planking the turtle are 2 statues that can be bad for your health if you enter the wrong answer. Click on the drawings that correspond to the sequence of the 4 elements passed at the path below. If wrong, the statues blows a poison dart. When done correctly, you fall down to another chamber. Cross the bridge or use the ledge at right to get to the story blocks at the other end of the chamber. Look up at where the eyes are focused on. There's a big, really big boulder up there. The aim of the puzzle is to place the numbered dice at top right on the empty square of the correct story blocks to make the story sequence. A hint is to look at the growth of the palm tree. Place the numbered dice on the correct slot, if correct see the boulder stopped for a while by the activated statue. Note that the eyes now look toward right. Immediately turn right and be out of the way of the stalled boulder. You automatically call Frank.

Big Mike's Excursion
You are now playing as Frank again. You need money to rent the snorkeling suit. You can either make necklaces or fish. Buy Zippy fish bait from the shelter across the necklace area (this bait will catch all kinds of fish, including the expensive ones). Go to the beach either to fish or collect shells and hear the Mike and Pua quarrel. When you finish fishing or making a necklace and have 30 Big Island Bucks, talk to Pua. You can also try to play the Wiki Tiki game but it’s not necessary to complete the game. Rent the snorkeling equipment for 30 Big Island bucks. Take the bag. Go to the beach where there's a dark area on the sand. Face the water and click to dive in. Go forward until a split on forward direction. To the right is a nice shell under a turtle. Go left and see a stand with the eel. Click in sequence on the animals seen in the chart: click on the eel, go through entrance, shark, turtle, octopus, porcupine fish, crab, urchin and manta ray. The current will suck you to the next animal after each correct click. Be sure to click quickly, because if you stall, you’ll be swept the wrong way and have to start over. Go forward and see the runaway boulder that Nancy sidestepped destroy the bridge. Climb the bridge and go around the ledge to the left. See the story block puzzle. Climb up above the story block to where the boulder was. Go forward and see a decorated door. Press the button on the right. Enter and see a big chamber. See statues at each corner of the tiled floor. There's another stair across the chamber. Go down and look around. The side stair is destroyed on one side and the door on the other side is broken by the earthquake. Look close at the crates with canisters that are completely covered by Fritillated flag beetles. The culprits appear. Listen to them and learn about their plan. Nancy sees them from above. The ground breaks up. This is a random puzzle. The object is to jump to another tile until Frank reaches the stairs behind the other jumping culprit and before that culprit reaches the other stairs where the second culprit is standing. Once done, case closed!  Nancy Drew cracks another case!

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